Chasing the SmartPhoto
The image business in a changing environment
New technologies, use of new devices and Artificial Intelligence will be game changers in the next few years. Are the photos we produce up to the challenge, and what developments will be needed to ensure the photo business stays vibrant and plugged in?
Thursday, 31 May 2018
Berlin (Germany)
The conference discussed trends in the industry and addressed the following topics:
- Displaying images on the Web and preserving their rights
- Tracking unlicensed use of photos
- Adapting image display to fit smaller, smarter devices
- SmartPhotos and smart search engines: the latest from search engine vendors
Read what was discussed on that day.
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Morning Session of the Conference
What can be done to protect images against infringements
These topics …
- How a license for an image can be obtained via the shown image
- How DAM systems can show variants or the same image – with or without watermarks
- What photo businesses can expect from the blockchain hype
- What photo businesses can get from image tracking services
… were discussed by these speakers:
- Protecting image copyright online – views from the image library business
Isabel Doran, BAPLA Chair, Loupe Images Picture Library Manager – - How the Copyright Hub can help creators and their agencies protect copyright and increase sales
Caroline Boyd, CEO, UK Copyright Hub – - Implementing copyright protection and streamlining licensing
Abbie Enock, CEO, Capture Ltd – - IMATAG’s vision about blockchain and photo licensing
Mathieu Desoubeaux, CEO, – - Image tracking and rights enforcement with blockchain as a global solution
Marcus Schmitt, CEO, Copytrack –
Stefan Bär, CTO, Copytrack - Success Factors in Fighting Copyright Infringements
Dennis Wetzing, CEO, PIXRAY - Protecting large photo collections. Practical approaches from an agency perspective
Stefan Ploghaus, Owner & Managing Director, Mauritius-Images
Martin Skultety, Managing Director, Stockfood
How to design a web site for Smart Photos
- Mastering Responsive Design for Smart Photos
Karl Csoknyay, Head of Software Engineering, Keystone –
In between afternoon presentations of the CEPIC Congress
- Powering Content Velocity with Adobe
Join Scott Braut, Head of Content at Adobe - Understanding Google Image Search and How To Optimize For It
A workshop run by Google talked about the primary methods to help do better in Image Search.
Afternoon Session of the IPTC Conference:
SmartPhotos and Smart Search Engines
The speakers talked about how their search engine deals with photos: how they are collected, how they are processed and presented, including rights expressions. Finally a panel discussion was held, open to the floor.
- Innovation in Google Images: an overview of recent developments
Luca Forlin, Director, Product Partnerships EMEA, Google - QWANT’s values and images
Stanislas Assier, Project Manager, QWANT – - This session was moderated by
Stuart Myles, IPTC Chair and Director of Information Management at AP
Previous Conferences
The IPTC Photo Metadata Conference has been held for 11 years – find out what was presented and discussed at previous meetings.
About the Speakers
Stanislas Assier
Stanislas ASSIER is a project manager. He has over 20 years of experience within the IT industry. He leaded critical and strategic projects such as dematerialisation of cash money ordering for Banque de France and its affiliates or top executive performance management for a ReInsurance Firm. He also created 2 companies which aims to distribute and implement software for large companies, he also have experience working for large companies such as BT. Today he is in charge of R&D projects for QWANT.
Stefan Bär
More than 15 years of professional experience as an IT expert & manager of software development. Stefan studied IT-systems engineering at Hasso Plattner-Institute (HPI) and Information Technology at University of Potsdam. In 2009, Stefan founded PIXRAY GmbH (competitor) based on his research and master thesis in the area of image recognition. He is responsible for research & technology development, IT infrastructure and services.
Caroline Boyd
Coming from a background in research, Caroline ran a bespoke software company for 15 years, specialising in music, publishing and education. Since joining the Copyright Hub she has seen it move from theory to practice and has worked with many companies on ways to make copyright work better on the Internet.
Karl Csoknyay
At the KEYSTONE picture agency Karl is responsible for software development. He built the DAM, CRM and Image Portal and created an integrated solution for most of the business processes he is enhancing and improving. He was appointed as IPTC delegate of KEYSTONE in 2007 and is a member of the Photo Metadata Working Group at IPTC to contribute to IPTC Photo Metadata Standard.
Karl started his IT career in 1980 by developing one of the first medical practice management software pieces in Switzerland. In 1993 he achieved a master degree in Software Engineering and in 1996 in Information Management. Switching to the upcoming internet technologies he finished his first web projects in 1997. Then he started working for KEYSTONE as external project lead and software engineer.
Mathieu Desoubeaux
I started as an engineer learning about content identification technologies 10 years ago at the INRIA (a French research institute of computer science). I did a Ph.D. in computer science within the Orange group where I worked on video watermarking. In parallel, I developed a personal passion for photography which led me to co-found IMATAG.
Isabel Doran
Isabelle Doran is the current chair of BAPLA, and Picture Library Manager at Loupe Images. She is also a board director of the British Copyright Council and the Alliance for IP. Throughout her 25-year career she has been both a supplier and client – previously working in the design sector, as well as at several picture libraries, including as a photography graduate at Tony Stone before it became Getty Images, and Magnum Photos. She completed a Masters in Museum Management in 2006, broadening her knowledge of the creative and cultural sector, before running Loupe Images for 12 years. Isabelle lobbies on copyright enforcement issues on behalf of BAPLA.
Abbie Enock
Founder of Capture and CEO, Abbie was originally a career newspaper journalist before moving into photography and becoming an international photojournalist. She then went on to amalgamate her own content – and others – into a photo and features agency. Needing a system to manage the growing amount of content and its associated IP, Abbie learned to code and wrote a business ecosystem that was launched in 2000. The company has now grown to a team of 30, embracing both creative and technical skills, and provides solutions to global brands in the cultural, sports, publishing and professional image industry sectors. The Capture platform continues to be developed – the latest addition being the beautiful contemporary Capture WEBSITE 3.0 front end.
Luca Forlin

Luca leads international business development efforts around some of Google’s platforms: Google News, Assistant, Search, AMP. At Google since 2010, Luca has spent most of his professional career working on the Internet as entrepreneur, launching ventures across EMEA in both the retail and content space.
Stuart Myles
Stuart Myles is the Director of Information Management at The Associated Press. He directs metadata strategy throughout AP’s global news operations, oversees the AP’s bespoke taxonomy and categorization, and the use of XML and JSON to structure the news which AP creates and distributes. Recent projects include designing AP’s news and elections APIs and architecting AP’s Digital News Archive for over 300 million items dating back to 1985. He is Chairman of the Board of the IPTC, where he has co-authored standards for the news industry, including rNews for publishing metadata in HTML and RightsML for news permissions and restrictions.
Stefan Ploghaus
Upon studying business administration, in 1993 Stefan Ploghaus (born 30 October 1963 in Gießen, Germany, married, one daughter) started his career at Leica Camera AG.
From 1997, he was working for dpa Bilderdienste and dpa-AFX GmbH. In 2002, he was appointed MD of AFX News Ltd., London. Following a substantial turn-around to profitability AFX was sold to Thomson Financial, where Stefan Ploghaus remained MD of News Business.
From 2007, he was working for dpa Group, EquityStory Group and Deutsche Börse Group. In March 2008, he joined DGAP mbH as Managing Director. In 2015, he bought mauritius images GmbH.
Marcus Schmitt
Marcus has more than 25 years of cross-industry experience in building, scaling and managing small and medium enterprises in Europe, Asia and the US. With his private investment company Front Equity, he was founder and investor of many ventures. Based on his experience, Marcus founded COPYTRACK, a fully automated platform for photographers, image agencies, publishers and e-commerce providers, and recently launched the Global Copyright Register. Photographers as well as picture agencies from all over the world enjoy the free to use and service and fair payout system which takes purely success-based commissions. In addition to image tracking, post-licensing and legal enforcement, in 140 countries, the Global Copyright Register will start mid 2018 and create global transparency and fairness for the image rights market.
Martin Skultety
Martin Skultety is the Managing Director of StockFood, Germany’s only market leader within the global picture industry. Martin studied in Germany/Argentina before joining the Press Department at the Munich Airport Authorities. In 1993 he became Assistant Managing Director of KPA. In 1995 Martin joined StockFood where his initial focus was on establishing a global distribution network. He created partnerships with over 200 companies in 55 countries. In recent years StockFood strongly diversified and became one of Europe’s largest photo agencies. The company has been acquired by Hubert Burda Media in 2016. Martin is a Member of the Executive Committee of CEPIC.
Dennis Wetzig
Dennis is the CEO of PIXRAY, one of the leading providers of visual content discovery on the web. Before PIXRAY he was involved in various other tech companies ranging from internet search to mobile messaging and payment services. At heart he is a true nerd who still loves to code when time allows.