Who’s Using NewsML-G2
Content Providers
(find System Vendors below)
If you are a news provider and want you and your NewsML-G2-based products to be registered please send an email with your company name, web URL and a short description as to how you use NewsML-G2. Thank you!
Agence France-Presse (AFP) – France – www.afp.com Agence France-Presse with its editorial and distribution system Iris is enabling its clients to benefit from a native multimedia production by progressively adopting the NewsML-G2 format. |
Arab States Broadcasting Union (ASBU) – www.asbu.net The ASBU Cloud service allows member broadcasters from Middle East and North African countries to share news and other content between themselves and with other broadcaster groups such as the EBU and ABU. It uses NewsML-G2 as the base data format. See our blog post for more information. |
Associated Press (AP) – USA – www.ap.org |
Austria Presse Agentur (APA) – Austria – www.apa.at APA delivers its basic service, the APA Basisdienst, using NewsML-G2. This includes the use of controlled vocabularies (CVs) for many metadata fields, e.g. the IPTC Media Topics to categorise content, and CVs for organisations, locations, products. In addition APA uses NewsML-G2 with sport tables in the SportsML-G2 format. The next area of NewsML-G2 use will be multimedia feeds. |
Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH (dpa) – Germany – www.dpa.de dpa upgraded its editorial infrastructure and adopted NewsML-G2 as its new delivery format for all media types. It is also used as dpa’s internal data and processing model. dpa has chosen NewsML-G2 as the single standard for all media types to (a) simplify internal processing, (b) standardise metadata across media types, (c) enable automated production and (d) pass all these features downstream to customers. |
The DPP (previously Digital Production Partnership) – UK – www.thedpp.com DPP’s “Metadata Exchange for News” is an industry initiative aimed at making the news production process easier. The DPP team looked around for existing standards on which to base their work, and when they found IPTC’s NewsML-G2, they realised that it exactly matched their requirements. NewsML-G2’s generic PlanningItem and NewsItem structure meant that it could easily be used to manage news production workflows with no customisation required. See our blog post for more information. |
European Broadcasting Union EBU – www.ebu.ch The EBU is using NewsML-G2 to convey all the metadata for video content in the Eurovision network. NewsML-G2 is accessible from the EBU iPop server – which is well known to the industry and in particular Media Asset Management vendors developing newsroom solutions. |
Fourth Estate – www.fourthestate.org Fourth Estate is using NewsML-G2 with our new editorial and content distribution systems. Fourth Estate member news organisations can push or pull news content in a variety of syndication types including XML and JSON. |
KNA – www.kna.de KNA is a German news agency for objective, factual, journalistically-independent reporting about religious and social topics and delivers all its text service feeds by NewsML-G2. As next step the picture feed will be made available in this format too. |
Norsk Telegrambyrå AS (NTB) – www.ntb.no NTB is the news agency of Norway and delivers its SportsML sports data inside NewsML-G2 News Items. |
Reuters, a Thomson Reuters company – thomsonreuters.com/products_services/media/ Reuters, the world’s largest international news agency, is a leading provider of real-time, high-impact, multimedia news and information services to newspapers, television and cable networks, radio stations and websites around the globe. Reuters News Agency is natively generating NewsML-G2 for all video products. Additionally, all existing text, picture, graphic and multimedia packages are being transformed to NewsML-G2. The suite of NewsML-G2 feeds is available from Reuters Connect via a number of delivery options including ftp push, client pull, hosted and web services. NewsML-G2 content is delivered to over 1300 broadcasters, newspapers and online publishers, reaching over 1 billion users globally. |
TT Nyhetsbyrån (TT) – tt.se TT is the news agency of Sweden. With the switch to a new editorial system (Newspilot) in 2015 TT also moved to a new distribution system. From this system customers can both pull or have news items pushed in either NewsML-G2 (XML) or ninjs (JSON) format. |
Your Story – www.yourstory.com Your Story, the free news and press release portal, are able to take press releases in NewsML-G2 format from all distributors via FTP push. Successful partnerships with PRNewswire, Business Wire and Hugin are currently active. |
System Vendors
If you are a system vendor and want you and your NewsML-G2 enabled products to be registered please send an email with your company name, web URL and a short description as to how you have implemented NewsML-G2. Thank you!
Annova Systems Gmbh – www.annova.de Annova is building editorial systems based on NewsML-G2 |
Desk-Net GmbH – https://desk-net.com/info Desk-Net is a newsroom software that supports editorial departments, content marketers and comms departments worldwide in planning content, managing assignments and coordinating staff. EventsML-G2 feeds can be imported straight into the newsroom content planning components of Desk-Net. With a click of a button such events are turned into stories with assignments to internal or external staff. Updates made to those events at the source origin are reflected immediately in Desk-Net. These feeds can be imported into this newsroom software from both wire agencies and other sources. |
Fingerpost Ltd – www.fingerpost.co.uk NewsML-G2 is supported by the standard Fip Base Module in use at 150 news agencies and newspapers around the world feeding a variety of editorial and cms systems. Live clients from October 2008 |
mecom Medien-Communikations-Gesellschaft mbH – www.mecom.de mecom is the leading Germany based company to transmit the services of news agencies like text, images, graphics, audio, etc. to their clients. With the services of mecom as example newspapers and radio stations avoid to install different receiving technologies for each news agency. mecom receives different formats of the news and converts them exactly to the formats, the customer needs. mecom handles more than 1 terabytes of data daily with 653 output templates for approximately 150 services in around 100 workflows with 12 transmission protocols. Therefore mecom proceeds NewsML-G2 as an input format from news agencies and as an output-format for the 5.052 receiver at customer sites. |
Solid State Logic – www.solidstatelogic.com SSL’s Gravity Asset Management Products incorporate NewsML and NewsML-G2 data sets compatibility to allow for the automatic population of textual metadata to the Gravity database. This feature allows our customers to immediately begin work on production elements while large media files are still being ingested into the system. Gravity also allows users to export Gravity Metadata in NewsML and NewsML-G2 formats thus enabling users to extend the use of Gravity based media to other their party systems. |
Sourcefabric z.ú. – www.sourcefabric.org Sourcefabric is Europe’s largest developer of open-source solutions for news media. Superdesk, our digital newsroom software platform, is built entirely on IPTC’s News Architecture specifications in general and the NewsML-G2 standard in particular. In Superdesk, every content item is a News Item that can be used and re-used in individual articles and content packages as well as article templates. This supports the editorial imperative to COPE (create once, publish everywhere) in a digital-first environment. Learn more at our website |
Transtel Communications Ltd – www.transtel.com Our news editorial system will receive ANY news feed from any news agency. We have recently added support for reception of NewsML-G2 feeds. |