Webinar: Introduction to the IPTC
31 January 2019, 11.00 GMT

Presenter: Brendan Quinn, Managing Director, IPTC
This webinar has ended. You can watch a recording any time on demand – see details below.
Have you heard of the International Press Telecommunications Council, but have never been quite sure what it does? Perhaps you’ve used NewsML-G2, MediaTopics, the IPTC Photo Metadata Standard or one of our other standards, but you don’t know much about the organisation behind them. Or maybe you’ve never heard of us but you have an interest in media technology and standardisation, and would like to know more.
If you’re interested in learning more about the following, this webinar is for you:
- Where have we come from: History of the IPTC, what we have done in the past
- Who are we: what sorts of organisations join IPTC, and what do they get out of it?
- What do we do: our events, our standards, our software, and how we work together to solve problems
- Where are we going: our plans for the future, and how you can help!
The webinar has ended. The recording is available to both members and non-members. Simply register your details with zoom.us and you will be able to view the webinar at any time.
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