Become a Member

Why Join IPTC?

IPTC membership is an opportunity to be a part of a prestigious and prominent organisation – the only organisation to address industry concerns around the standardisation of the exchange and distribution of news content.
To achieve our goals, IPTC needs the skills and ideas of a worldwide membership to ensure that essential issues are identified and solved in a timely manner, to further develop and promote efficient technical standards.

  • is an organisation concerned with news providers and solving their customers’ news exchange problems.
  • fosters exposure to business ideas used around the world to distribute news.
  • encourages personal relationships among peers from around the world.
  • provides a world news lobby voice for issues around the distribution of news and media content.
  • allows members to request research and development in areas of specific interest to their business activities.

The IPTC holds major meetings/events for our members at least twice a year, in addition to events that are open to the public such as the IPTC Photo Metadata Conference. At these meetings, the IPTC Standards Committee, the IPTC Media Provenance Committee and the Committees’ Working Parties develop their ideas that are subsequently endorsed by members at the Annual General Meeting. Working Parties and Groups hold conference calls throughout the year to focus on specific topic areas and standards. 

For more information on membership and how IPTC working groups are structured, see:

Membership FAQ IPTC Work Structure Chart About IPTC

Become a Member

Please Complete a membership enquiry form providing the following information:

  • Level of Membership of interest:
    • Voting Member: for companies with full voting rights. 5070 EUR annual membership fee.
    • Associate Member: for companies with limited voting rights. 1690 EUR annual membership fee.
    • Startup Member: details and fees as agreed with the IPTC Board. If you think you fit this category, please apply and we can discuss the appropriate fee.
    • Individual Member: for individuals only, not for companies; limited participation and voting rights. 215 EUR annual membership fee.
  • Company name
  • Your name and job title
  • Business postal address
  • Web address of your company

IPTC will send you an application form and company documents for you to complete and sign. Upon return to IPTC, the Board of Directors must endorse the application. A decision is made usually within one week. After Board approval, IPTC will contact you, and welcome your company as a new member and you as its delegate.

Apply for IPTC Membership