IPTC 50th Anniversary Symposium
News at a Crossroads – Navigating a Changing Landscape
28th October 2015 in London (UK)
… was a great event. Thanks to all speakers, moderators and sponsors.
Other sources covered this event:
- CEPIC blog
- News by KUNA
- Adrian Michaels comments on Apple and Facebook as new news sources and mentions this event
About the event
IPTC is the global standards body of the news media – we provide the technical foundation for the news ecosystem – and we are celebrating our 50th anniversary in 2015. The “News at a Crossroads” Symposium was the culminating event of our celebrations.
Changes in technology, the popularity of social media, the prevalence of video, and other advances greatly affect how news is created, marketed and distributed. At this event, IPTC-invited experts shared predictions and outlooks about the most influential factors on the gathering, delivery and marketing of news today.
Categories of change were examined separately with presentations and a discussion, open to the floor, and in a fourth session brought together to examine the crossroads and see how their findings might benefit each other.
Full documentation of the event
Legend: = presentation as PDF,
= video on YouTube, all videos are available in a YouTube playlist.
Opening by Stuart Myles, IPTC Chairman –
6 min
50 Years of IPTC by Stéphane Guérillot, IPTC director –
13 min
Create News: journalism, crowd sourcing, social media, (big) data as source
Alison Gow, Editor, Digital Innovation, Trinity Mirror Regionals (UK)–
8 min
Simon Haydon, International Sports Editor, The Associated Press (USA)–
8 min
Poul Madsen, Executive Chief Editor, Ekstra Bladet (Denmark)–
8 min
Rachel Shabi, multimedia free-lance journalist and author (UK)9 min
Andreas Gebhard, Director, Editorial Strategy and Product Management, Getty Images Inc (USA)
Panel discussion –44 min
.- Market & Sell News: new markets and new products
Jérôme Doncieux, Co-CEO, Relaxnews (France)–
9 min
Adrian Michaels, Director, FirstWord Media (UK)12 min
Robin Pembrooke, General Manager News Products, Digital News BBC (UK)16 min – transcript
John Evans, Managing Director, Transtel Communications Ltd (UK)
Panel discussion –31 min
. - Produce & Present News: gathering & aggregating content, distributing & presenting it
Bill Kasdorf, Vice President and Principal Consultant, Apex Content Solutions (USA)–
23 min
Evan Sandhaus, Director Search, Archives, Semantics, New York Times (USA)18 min
Kim Svendsen, Director, Stibo Accelerator (Denmark)16 min
. - Joint Session of the Three Work Areas: “Navigating the Crossroads for Best News Industry Results”
with speakers from the previous sessions –19 min
Stuart Myles, Director of Information Management at The Associated Press (USA) and Chairman of the Board of the IPTC
After the symposium attendees and speakers were invited to a gala dinner.