Image on with embedded C2PA Content Credentials, signed with a certificate on the Origin Verified News Publishers List. Clicking on the “learn about this image” link takes the user to the Content Authenticity Initiative’s Verify tool showing the certificate information.

A few months in, things are going very well for the IPTC’s new Media Provenance Committee.

The IPTC Committee was initiated to continue the work started by Project Origin to bring the benefits of C2PA provenance technology to the news media industry. The Committee is chaired by Bruce MacCormack of CBC / Radio Canada.

The Committee has initiated three Working Groups who will be looking at specific issues:

  • The Provenance Governance Working Group, led by Charlie Halford of the BBC.
  • The Provenance Best Practices and Implementation Working Group, led by Helge O. Svela of Media City Bergen.
  • The Provenance Advocacy and Education Working Group, led by Judy Parnall of the BBC.

We have also started the process of onboarding participants for the next phase of the Origin Verified News Publishers List, and have had several organisations already apply.

The first publishers on the list, BBC and CBC/Radio Canada, have already published some C2PA-signed content:

We are planning several events in the future to promote our work and encourage more in the media industry to get involved. Look out for news about IPTC Media Provenance work at the IBC Conference in Amsterdam in September and at other events.

If your organisation would like to be added to the list in the next phase or in the future, please get in touch!

Screenshot of Brendan Quinn's article in the latest EBU tech-i magazine
Brendan Quinn’s article in the latest EBU tech-i magazine

The IPTC’s Managing Director, Brendan Quinn, has written an article for the latest edition of the European Broadcasting Union’s technical magazine, EBU tech-i.
In the article, Brendan promotes the IPTC’s work in Media Provenance, including the founding of the IPTC Media Provenance Committee.

Brendan’s article can be found on page 17 of the PDF or print copy or the magazine.

The issue also contains a piece by Judy Parnall of the BBC, current Chair of the Committee, also covering C2PA and our joint work on media provenance.

The issue also contains interesting insights from European broadcasters on AI in media production, innovating to meet the challenges of covering the Paris 2024 Olympics, the creation of an Enterprise Architecture working group within the EBU membership, cybersecurity for media outlets, the future of broadcast radio in a world connected cars, and more.