The IPTC News Architecture Working Group is happy to announce that the NewsML-G2 Guidelines and NewsML-G2 Specification documents have been updated to align with version 2.33 of NewsML-G2, which was approved in October 2023.

The changes include:

Specification changes:

  • Adding the newest additions authoritystatus and digitalsourcetype added in NewsML-G2 versions 2.32 and 2.33
  • Clarification on how @uri, @qcode and @literal attributes should be treated throughout
  • Clarification on how roles should be added to infosource element when an entity plays more than one role
  • Clarifying and improving cross-references and links throughout the document

Guidelines changes:

We always welcome feedback on our specification and guideline documents: please use the Contact Us form to ask for clarifications or suggest changes.