
The IPTC News Codes Working Group has just released a new batch of changes to the IPTC NewsCodes family of controlled vocabularies.
Note that we skipped the Q2 update this year because there weren’t many changes, and also because there were already so many changes in Q1 of this year.
Media Topic changes
Here’s a summary of changes to Media Topic vocabulary:
- 2 new concepts: sustainability, profit sharing
- 3 retired concepts: justice, restructuring and recapitalisation, soft commodity
- 7 modified names (labels): restructuring and recapitalisation, soft commodity, study of law, sport shooting, sport organisation, recreational hiking and climbing, mountaineering, disabilities (German and Norwegian translations)
- 2 modified definitions: mountaineering, sport organisation
Change to Media Topic tree browser
We have made a small change to the Media Topic tree browser tool: we now display a small “i” icon next to the label name for terms that have notes defined.
The terms that have notes are usually retired terms, and the note gives the user information regarding which terms should be used instead of the retired term. But in other cases notes are used to help explain changes or clarify usage.
Changes to other vocabularies
Other vocabularies have also been updated:
- Content Production Party Role sees two new terms, contentEditor and metadataEditor, that can be used to show changes made by humans or systems (such as AI engines)
- Format had a small change to indicate that it is not just for NewsML 1 documents.
- User Action Type had a small bug fix, changed references to Twitter / X and retired Google Plus as a term. More changes will be coming soon covering other social media platforms and ways to track user interactions with media content.
- The rendition CV has been updated to make it more generic – renditions can apply to any type of media, not just images and video.
- The digitalsourcetype CV had already been updated in July to handle inpainting and outpainting but we mention it again here as a reminder.
Thanks to the representatives from IPTC members AFP, NTB, Bonnier News, ABC Australia, Bloomberg, New York Times and Associated Press for their contributions to the changes this quarter via the NewsCodes Working Group.
We are still working on our regular review of Media Topics – currently we are in the middle of a review of the Economy branch. The review is not yet complete but we hope for it to be ready for the Q4 or Q1 update.