Our friends at CEPIC are running a webinar in conjunction with Google on the Licensable badge in search results. The webinar is TODAY, February 21st, so there are still a few hours left to join.

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Google webinar: Image SEO and Licensable Badge
In this webinar, John Mueller, Google’s Search Advocate, will cover Image SEO Best Practices and Google’s Licensable Badge. For the Licensable Badge, John will give an overview of the product and implementation guidelines. There will also be time for a Q&A session.
One of the methods for enabling your licensing metadata to be surfaced in Google Search results is to embed the correct IPTC Photo Metadata directly into image files. The other is to use markup in the page hosting the image. We explain more in the Quick Guide to IPTC Photo Metadata on Google Images, but you can also learn about it by attending this webinar.
Tuesday 21st February 2023, at 4 PM – 5PM Central European Time
Topics covered include:
• Image SEO best practices
• Licensable badge in Google image search results
• Q&A
This is a free webinar open to all those interested, not just CEPIC or IPTC members.