Origin Verified News Publishers List format

The Verified News Publishers List is a JSON file containing the following data:

  • version: version of the list schema (current version: “0.1”)
  • name: the name of the list
  • download_url: the URL where the list can be downloaded/updated from
  • description: the description of the list
  • website: a URL to a page to get more information about the list
  • logo_icon: an optional base64-encoded string representing the list’s small logo icon, prefixed with data:[<mime type>];base64, (loadable in a HTML <img> tag)
  • last_updated: the last update timestamp in UTC, represented in the ISO 8601 date-time format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ)
  • entities: an array of trusted entities (signers or anchors) objects with the following data:
    • display_name: a display name (i.e. a simple name to show in validators)
    • contact: a URL to a page with some contact information for the entity
    • isCA: true for CA and root certificates, false for end-entity certificates
    • jwks: a JSON Web Key set, as defined in RFC 7517, containing the list of current and expired (for anchors) certificates (to allow validation of old signatures). Each JWK in the set MUST contain the kty property (as required by RFC 7517) and either a x5c (containing a PEM-encoded certificate) or x5t#S256(encoding a SHA-256 thumbprint). The certificates MUST adhere to the C2PA certificate profile.