Theme: Knowledge Graphs and the Semantic Web for Media

Through IPTC technologies, the media industry has been sharing news content for decades using standard formats such as XML and JSON. But what’s next?
We are actively investigating new data structures and formats such as knowledge graphs and semantic web formats like RDF (expressed as JSON-LD and Turtle, among others), GraphQL, and other representations.
Support for Knowledge Graphs and Semantic Web in IPTC Standards
Back in the early 2010s, rNews was IPTC’s first foray into semantic web technology, creating an RDF-based data model for news content. IPTC worked together with the team at to adopt it into as NewsArticle, CreativeWork, MediaObject, ImageObject and their related entities and properties.
RightsML, based on the W3C’s ODRL rights format, uses RDF as the foundation of its data model.
We have created a demonstrator of how ninjs, IPTC’s JSON format for news content, can be used with a GraphQL query engine to extract parts of news content.
IPTC’s NewsCodes, controlled vocabularies for the media industry can be accessed in SKOS via RDF formats RDF/XML, JSON-LD and Turtle. Information on the machine-readable formats are available in the server guidelines.
In the 2020s, we are creating a new standard based on our popular XML-based SportsML markup for sports scores, schedules, standings, rosters and statistics. This new standard, called the IPTC Sport Schema, is implemented as an RDF/OWL Ontology, including SHACL Shape for validation, test data and sample queries in the SPARQL query format, and a live queryable demonstrator database based on SPARQL.
IPTC Sport Schema is currently in draft. If you are interested in reviewing it, please let us know.
Recent content on Knowledge Graphs and Semantic Web for Media
- October 2022: Presentations on knowledge graphs and semantic web topics at the IPTC Autumn Meeting 2022 (Full video available to IPTC Members via the Members-Only page)
- HAND – a new approach to identity for media & entertainment: Will Kreth, CEO, Human And Digital (HAND) – Invited speaker
- Discussion: Standard for “news backplane in JSON”: Robert Schmnidt-Nia, DATAGROUP Consullting
- Entities and Topics at TT: Johan Lindgren, TT Sweden
- IPTC Sports Content Working Group update: Paul Kelly, Individual Member – IPTC NewsML-G2 Working Group lead
- Gender analysis as a service: Fredrik Lindberg and colleagues, iMatrics
- May 2022: Presentations on knowledge graphs and semantic web topics at the 2022 IPTC Spring Meeting (Full video available to IPTC Members via the Members-Only page):
- Sports Content Working Group report: Paul Kelly, individual member – IPTC Sports Content Working Group lead
- Kairntech: content classification with AFP: Vincent Nibart, Kairntech
- October 2021: Presentations on knowledge graphs and semantic web at the 2021 IPTC Autumn Meeting (Full video available to IPTC Members via the Members-Only page):
- Sports Content Working Group report: Paul Kelly, individual member – IPTC Sports Content Working Group lead
- May 2021: Presentations on knowledge graphs and semantic web at the 2021 IPTC Spring Meeting (Full video available to IPTC Members via the Members-Only page):
- BBC’s Content Origin Graph: Stuart Jennings, BBC
- Entity extraction system using Wikidata: Pia Virtanen, YLE Finland
- Knowledge Graphs at Bloomberg: Ridho Reinanda, Bloomberg
- The APA Knowledge Graph approach: Manfred Mitterholzer, APA
- Knowledge graphs and semantic models in media: Silver Oliver, Data Language
- Sports Content WG update including Sports RDF model: Paul Kelly, Individual Member