Theme: Future Technologies for Media

An important part of our work here at IPTC is looking at technologies that may be coming around the corner. We always welcome discussions about new and emerging technologies at IPTC member meetings. Some of those technologies, such as AI, have gone on to become almost mainstream. Some, like NFTs, seem to be fading away. And others, like Blockchain generally, seem to be always “just a few years away”.
Recent content on Future Technologies for Media
- October 2022: Presentations on future technology topics at the IPTC Autumn Meeting 2022 (Full video available to IPTC Members via the Members-Only page)
- Media opportunities in the Metaverse: Toby Allen, startup founder and advisor – previously on the Microsoft HoloLens team
- DRIVE project: a data sharing space for German and Austria: Meinolf Ellers, dpa
- A European data space for media: Audren Layeux, Carsa
- May 2022: Presentations on future technology topics at the 2022 IPTC Spring Meeting (Full video available to IPTC Members via the Members-Only page):
- Robot journalism with United Robots: Henning Johannesson, Chief Product Officer, United Robots
- Bria: AI-generated image and video: Yair Adato, Co-Founder and CTO,
- Exploring NFTs: Margaret Warren, ImageSnippets – Startup Member
- Latest advances in Synthetic Media: Henrik de Gyor, consultant – Invited speaker
- Text and Data Mining Reservation protocol: Laurent Le Meur, EDRLab
- October 2021: Presentations on future technologies at the 2021 IPTC Autumn Meeting (Full video available to IPTC Members via the Members-Only page):
- Videre AI – Next-generation video understanding for news content: Keesiu Wong, Design AI / Videre
- Artificial Images and Video based on metadata: Mark Milstein, Microstocksolutions
- Web Monetization and Interledger: Alex Lakatos, Interledger
- Coil: Web Monetization in the real world: Uchi Uchibeke, Coil
- May 2021: Presentations on future technologies at the 2021 IPTC Spring Meeting (Full video available to IPTC Members via the Members-Only page):
- CAT — Can we make content aggregation work for publishers? – Robin Berjon, The New York Times
- TAFI – NYT’s home-grown Facebook ad targeting system – Colin Russel, The New York Times