1. Introduction

This document is designed to familiarise developers, architects and video makers with the IPTC Video Metadata Hub, a specification of key metadata fields and a mapping of those fields between commonly-used video formats. It provides a short guideline on the use and meaning of each "field" or "property" in the IPTC Video Metadata Hub.

1.1. What IPTC Video Metadata Hub is For

IPTC’s Video Metadata Hub is a universal metadata schema for video developed with the key goal of storing and exchanging metadata in a safe and reliable way.

It is not a new video metadata standard, in the sense that it does not define any new fields that are not already defined in other formats.

Instead, it defines a common set of video metadata fields, giving precise semantics — so we will know exactly what we mean by "Contributor" or "Creator" — and shows how each of those common fields can be used in existing video standards such as MovieLabs MDDF, DPP’s implementation of the AS-11 profile of MXF, EBUCore, PBCore, IPTC Photo Metadata Standard, Apple Quicktime, MPEG7, and camera-specific formats such as Panasonic P2 and Sony XDCAM.

These properties can be used for describing the visible and audible content, rights and licensing information, administrative details and technical characteristics of a video in a system-independent way.

It’s like Dublin Core, but for video metadata.

Overview of IPTC Video Metadata Hub

1.2. What problem are we solving?

Metadata is stored in different ways in existing video formats. For video editors it is very difficult to move video metadata between systems and the semantics are not always clear.

For example, location information can be described in various existing video metadata formats as:

  • location with role=0 in QuickTime

  • Creation/location in MPEG7

  • located in NewsML-G2

  • locationCreated in schema.org

  • Shoot/Location in SMPTE P2

IPTC Video Metadata Hub describes two fields, Location Shot and Location Shown, with very clearly defined semantics, and the fields are mapped to fields of existing video formats, so metadata can be moved between systems from different vendors.

1.3. Using Video Metadata Hub with your video content

The way in which Video Metadata Hub fields are associated with your video content will vary depending on the workflows and technical video structures used in your organisation.

Typically users will choose one of three mechanisms for expressing Video Metadata Hub properties for their content:

Sidecar files

Some organisations will choose to associate metadata in so-called "sidecar files", in a format such as JSON, NewsML-G2 or as an XML component in an IMF package. We have created a JSON Schema for IPTC Video Metadata Hub which makes this easy to do.

Embedded metadata

Other organisations will embed metadata into the video file, using a structure such as an XMP metadata packet in a UUID box in an ISO Base Media File Format (ISOBMFF) or Quicktime file.

External database

A third option is to simply use Video Metadata Hub properties in a database schema describing metadata in a Digital Asset Management system.

2. About the IPTC Video Metadata User Guide

2.1. IPTC Video Metadata Hub version used by this User Guide

This document is based on IPTC Video Metadata Hub version 1.5 which was approved in October 2023. The specification for Video Metadata Hub is separated into two parts: IPTC Video Metadata Hub properties and IPTC Video Metadata Hub mappings showing how to apply these core properties in many existing video standards.

Examples, information and the specification document can be obtained from https://iptc.org/std/videometadatahub/

2.2. What’s new in version 1.4 of Video Metadata Hub?

Version 1.4 introduces several new properties and several changes to add accessibility properties and to align it more closely with the IPTC Photo Metadata Standard:

New properties:
  • Content Warning: signals to viewers such as drug references, nudity or violence, and health warnings such as flashing lights.

  • Digital Source Type: whether the content was created by a digital camera, scanned from film, or created using or with the assistance of a computer.

  • Review Rating: a third-party review such as a film’s rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

  • Workflow Rating: equivalent to the XMP rating field, a numeric scale generally used by creators to tag shots/takes/videos that are of higher quality.

  • Alt Text (Accessibility): Short text describing the video to those who cannot view it.

  • Extended Description (Accessibility): Longer description more fully describing the purpose and meaning of the video, elaborating on the information given in the Alt Text (Accessibility) property.

  • Timed Text Link: refers to an external file used for text with timing information using a standard such as WebVTT or W3C Timed Text, usually used for subtitles, closed captions or audio description

Changed properties:
  • Date Created: modified description to align it with Photo Metadata.

  • Rating: modified description to make it more specifically about audience content classifications such as MPA ratings

  • Data Displayed on Screen: changed description.

  • Keywords: Pluralised label to match the equivalent in Photo Metadata.

  • Title: changed data type to allow multiple languages

  • Transcript: changed data type to allow multiple languages

  • Copyright Year: changed description to add "year of origin of the video"

  • Embedded Encoded Rights Expression: property label changed from "Rights and Licensing Terms (1)" to clarify and align with Photo Metadata

  • Linked Encoded Rights Expression: property label changed from "Rights and Licensing Terms (2)" to clarify and align with Photo Metadata

  • Copyright Owner: label change label from "Rights Owner" to align with Photo Metadata

  • Source (Supply Chain): Change label and XMP property to align it with Photo Metadata

New property structures:
  • Qualified Link with Language: used by Times Text Link, specifies an external file along with its role (eg "audio description") and human language (eg "Spanish")

Changed property structures:
  • "Embedded Encoded Rights Expression Structure" changed label from "Embedded Rights Expression Structure" to align with Photo Metadata

  • "Linked Encoded Rights Expression Structure" changed label from "Linked Rights Expression Structure" to align with Photo Metadata

  • Data type of "Role" in the "Entity with Role" structure was changed from URI to Text to align with Photo Metadata

Copyright © 2024 IPTC, International Press Telecommunications Council. Rights Reserved.

The IPTC Video Metadata User Guide document is published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license - see the full license agreement at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.

By obtaining, using and/or copying this document, you (the licensee) agree that you have read, understood, and will comply with the terms and conditions of the license.

Materials used in this guide are either in the public domain or are available with the permission of their respective copyright holders. All materials of this IPTC standard covered by copyright shall be licensable at no charge.

2.4. Acknowledgements

This document is the result of a team effort by members of the Video Metadata Working Group of the International Press Telecommunications Council (IPTC), with input and assistance from other contributors.

The User Guide up to this version was edited by (in alphabetical order):

Linda Burman (Individual IPTC member), Derek Coller (Getty Images), Pam Fisher (Individual Member and lead of the IPTC Video Metadata Working Group), Mark Milstein (Microstocksolutions) Brendan Quinn (IPTC), David Riecks (www.controlledvocabulary.com/PLUS), Michael Steidl (Honorary IPTC member), Alison Sullivan (Individual Member).

2.5. How to contact IPTC

Join the public IPTC Video Metadata group: https://groups.io/g/iptc-videometadata/

Submit a message on our website: https://iptc.org/about-iptc/contact-us/

Follow IPTC on Twitter: @IPTC

2.6. About IPTC

The IPTC, based in London, brings together the world’s leading news agencies, publishers and industry vendors. It develops and promotes efficient technical standards to improve the management and exchange of information between content providers, intermediaries and consumers. The standards enable easy, cost-effective and rapid innovation and include the Photo Metadata standard, the Video Metadata Hub, the news exchange formats NewsML-G2, ninjs, SportsML-G2 and NITF, rNews for marking up online news, the rights expression language RightsML, and NewsCodes taxonomies for categorising news.

IPTC is a not-for-profit membership organisation registered in England - find more about membership.

Business address:

IPTC International Press Telecommunications Council
25 Southampton Buildings
London WC2A 1AL
United Kingdom

3. Use Cases for Video Metadata Hub

The Video Metadata Hub aims to provide a comprehensive set of properties, however specific applications may not require each of these.

To make Video Metadata Hub easier to understand, a set of six initial use cases has been outlined, each typically requiring only a subset of VMH properties:

Enterprise Advertising Production

Non-broadcast corporate marketing video assets

Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums (GLAM)

Moving image material held by cultural institutions, for preservation, exhibition or reference

Stock Footage

Individual film/video footage clips from production or archive, made available for licensing or repurposing

Long-form Production

Finished programming ready for broadcast playout or OTT delivery. (Note that the example video for long-form production will be added to this guide in the future)

Broadcast Media Management

Broadcast asset management for repository and archive. (Note that the example video for Broadcast Media Management will be added to this guide in the future)

News Agency

Individual video news item distributed or published by a news agency

For each of these use cases, we provide an example video below, showing the Video Metadata Hub fields that would apply to that use case in particular.

3.1. Enterprise Advertising Production example

Thanks to Allison Sullivan of MGM Resorts for providing the example footage:

Thumbnail for Enterprise Advertising Production example footage

3.1.1. Administrative fields

Property name Example value

Date Created


Date Modified


Date Released


Metadata Authority

MGM Resorts International Operations Inc.

Video Identifier


Video Version


3.1.2. Fields describing audio/visual content

Property name Example value


Video; Fountains of Bellagio; Attractions; Entertainment & Attractions; Fountains; Drone; Drone Footage; Night; Exterior; Aerial; Architecture; Drone Footage - Night; Aerial View; Aircraft Point of View; Building - Exterior

Location Shot

Bellagio, Las Vegas

Location Shown

Bellagio, Las Vegas

Object Shown

Fountains of Bellagio

Shown Event

Aerial, exterior, night



Visual Colour


3.1.3. Rights fields

Property name Example value


Mark Ott

Copyright Notice

MGM Resorts International Operations Inc.

Copyright Year



Mark Ott

Credit Line

Mark Ott, 808 Post


MGM Resorts International Operations Inc.

3.2. Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums example

Thumbnail for GLAM example footage

3.2.1. Administrative fields

Property name Example value

Circa Date Created


Date Modified


External Metadata URL

Metadata Authority

Wellcome Library

Ready for Release


Video Identifier


3.2.2. Fields describing audio/visual content

Property name Example value

CV Term About the Content

Public health


A television advertisement asking people to register for a Donor Card in order to donate organs after death.

Dopesheet Link


Public information


A television advertisement asking people to register for a Donor Card in order to donate organs after death.


Organ procurement, Public health, Medical sciences, Organ transplantation, Health education, Health policy, Health services

Language Version


Snapshot Link


Donor card gift (commercial).

3.2.3. Rights fields

Property name Example value


This video was made from material preserved by the BFI National Archive.

Copyright Notice

Crown copyright, managed by BFI; CC-BY-NC


This video was made from material preserved by the BFI National Archive.

Credit Line

Wellcome Library

3.3. Stock Footage example

Thanks to Mark Milstein of Microstocksolutions for providing the example footage:

Thumbnail for Stock Footage example footage

3.3.1. Administrative fields

Property name Example value

Circa Date Created


Date Created


Date Released


External Metadata URL

Feed Identifier

Mark Milstein

Metadata Edit Date


Metadata Editor

IPTC VM Working Group

Metadata Authority

Mark Milstein

Publication Event

IPTC VM Working Group Authentication Process

Recording Device

{ "manufacturer": "Panasonic", "modelName": "HC-X1"}

Registry Entry


Style Period

Drone footage

Temporal Coverage

{ "tempCoverageFrom": "2020", "tempCoverageTo": "2020" }

Parent Video Identifier


3.3.2. Fields describing audio/visual content

Property name Example value


An aerial view of the Budapest Container Port


container port, Budapest, Hungary, railroad, trucking, transportation, logistics, aerial view

Location Shot


Location Shown


Object Shown

Container port

Shot Type

Aerial, long shot


An aerial view of the Budapest Container Port

3.3.3. Rights fields

Property name Example value

Copyright Notice

Copyright VRMETA

Copyright Year



Mark Millstein

Credit Line




3.4. News Agency example

Thumbnail for News Agency example footage

3.4.1. Administrative fields

Property name Example value

Date Created


Date Released


Digital Source Type

Feed Identifier

NASA Video

Metadata Authority


Recording Device


3.4.2. Fields describing audio/visual content

Property name Example value

Alt Text (Accessibility)

President Kennedy speaks to Congress on May 25, 1961.

CV Term About the Content



In an address to Congress on "Urgent National Needs" on May 25, 1961, President John F. Kennedy called for America to send astronauts to the moon and return him safely to Earth before the end of the decade.

Extended Description (Accessibility)

In an address to Congress on "Urgent National Needs" on May 25, 1961, President John F. Kennedy called for America to send astronauts to the moon and return him safely to Earth before the end of the decade.

Featured Organisation

NASA, US Government




A President Issues NASA’s First Historic Challenge


president,kennedy,NASA,Moon,Space,Space Race,Congress

Language Version


Location Shot

Washington DC

Location Shown

Washington DC

Person Heard

President John F Kennedy

Person Shown

President John F Kennedy

3.4.3. Rights fields

Property name Example value



Copyright Year




4. Properties and Mappings for video metadata

The Video Metadata Hub’s set of metadata properties includes:

  • 26 properties describing what can be seen and heard in the video

  • 15 properties providing rights-related information

  • 30 properties for administrative purposes

  • 26 properties covering technical characteristics

  • 26 property structures which are used for the properties listed above.

Each property is defined by:

  • its name

  • a definition of its semantics

  • a basic data type

  • a definition how often it may occur in the metadata about a piece of video (its "cardinality")

The properties are defined in detail in the Property Reference Table below.

Each property can be used to describe a clip within a video or the video as a whole.

Below the property table we describe how these properties can be mapped to many existing video structures using our mapping table.

4.1. Core Properties for Video Metadata Hub

Recognising that the alphabetical list of properties can be hard to work with, the IPTC Video Metadata Working Group has identified a "core" set of properties that are recommended to be used in the majority of cases.

There is nothing special about these properties; they have the same status as all other Video Metadata Hub properties. We simply highlight them here for ease of use and recommend that editing tools implement these properties as a minimum set.

Property name Description Format


Title of the video, should be a shorthand reference

Text + language tag (0..1)


Short description of the content of the video

Text + language tag (0..1)


Textual description of the content of the video

Text + language tag (0..1)


What the video is about expressed by a free choice of descriptive phrases or keywords

Text + language tag (0..unbounded)

Location Shown

Place(s) shown by the video

Location structure (0..unbounded)

Alt Text (Accessibility)

A brief textual description of the purpose and meaning of a video that can be accessed by assistive technology or displayed when the video is disabled in the browser. It should not exceed 250 characters.

Text + language tag (0..1)

Video Identifier

Globally unambiguous identifier of the video regardless of renditions, formats, encodings etc. This identifier should be shared across all renditions.

Text (0..1)

Date Created

Designates the date and optionally the time the content of the video was created (rather than the date of the creation of the digital representation)

Date (0..1)


Party or parties (person or organisation) which created the video, refinement by the role attribute.

Entity with role structure (0..unbounded)

Copyright Notice

Any textual notice necessary by legal needs or common use to indicate the current owner of the copyright of this media resource

Text + language tag (0..1)

Copyright Owner

Data identifying the individual or organisation owning the rights for this media resource which could be the video as a whole or a clip in a video. The optional role attribute may indicate which facet of rights is covered by this entity.

Entity with role (0..unbounded)

Copyright Year

Year of origin of the video, usually appearing in the copyright notice as a numeric value

Number/integer (0..1)

Credit Line

Credit to person(s) and/or organisation(s) required by the supplier of the video (clip) to be used when published.

Text (0..1)


Party or parties (person or organisation) which contributed to the video, refinement by the role attribute.

Entity with role structure (0..unbounded)

Language Version

Language version of the video

Language tag (0..1)

Workflow Rating

An aesthetic rating given to the video by its creator or editor, for example to mark the best take of a series

 Rating structure (0..unbounded)

Digital Source Type

The type of the source of this digital video, including whether the video was captured, digitised or generated.

Concept structure (0..1)

Data Mining

Data mining prohibition or permission, optionally with constraints.


Media Type

IANA Media Type of the video.

Text (0..1)

File Format

Format of the file containing the video data.

Entity structure (0..1)

File Duration

Duration of the overall video (from the first to the last frame)

Video Time structure (0..1)

5. Property Reference Table

This section provides a reference of property labels and names in alphabetical order for quick location of specific fields and their guidelines.

Each property has a data type such as Text or Date. Where the property requires a more complex structure such as Location Structure, it is hyperlinked to the below section which defines the properties that make up each property structure.

5.1. Administrative fields

5.1.1. Circa Date Created

Property name

Circa Date Created


Approximate date or range of dates associated with the creation and production of a video.


Primarily for archival use if exact dates are not available.

Type and cardinality

Text (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:CircaDateCreated (Text)

JSON ID and data type

circaDateCreated (string//)

5.1.2. Content Warning

Property name

Content Warning


Information to warn potential viewers about nudity, violence etc in the video


Use of the CV https://cv.iptc.org/newscodes/contentwarning/ is recommended.

Type and cardinality

Concept Structure (0..unbounded)

Change history

New 1.4

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:ContentWarning (Bag of CV Term structure)

JSON ID and data type

contentWarning (CvTerm//array)

5.1.3. Date Created

Property name

Date Created


Designates the date and optionally the time the content of the video was created (rather than the date of the creation of the digital representation)


If exact dates are not available use Circa Date Created.

Type and cardinality

Date (0..1)

Change history

Changed 1.4

XMP ID and data type

photoshop:DateCreated (Date)

JSON ID and data type

dateCreated (string/date-time/)

5.1.4. Date Modified

Property name

Date Modified


Date and optionally time when the video was modified last time

Type and cardinality

Date (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

xmp:ModifyDate (Date)

JSON ID and data type

dateModified (string/date-time/)

5.1.5. Date Released

Property name

Date Released


Date and optionally time of the public release of the video

Type and cardinality

Date (0..1) (Year only, Year-Month only, Year-Month-Day optional with time)

Change history

Changed 1.3

XMP ID and data type

xmpDM:releaseDate (Date)

JSON ID and data type

dateReleased (string/date-time/)

5.1.6. Digital Source Type

Property name

Digital Source Type


The type of the source of this digital video, including whether the video was captured, digitised or generated.


Use of the CV https://cv.iptc.org/newscodes/digitalsourcetype/ is recommended.

Type and cardinality

Concept Structure (0..1)

Change history

New 1.4

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:DigitalSourceType (CV Term structure)

JSON ID and data type

digitalSourceType (CvTerm)

5.1.7. Episode

Property name



Episode in a specific season of a TV or video series this video is a member of.

Type and cardinality

Episode/Season Structure (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:Episode (Episode structure)

JSON ID and data type

episode (EpisodeSeason)

5.1.8. External Metadata URL

Property name

External Metadata URL


Link(s) to an external web resource for retrieval of further metadata about this video

Type and cardinality

URL (0..unbounded)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:ExternalMetadataLink (Bag of URL)

JSON ID and data type

externalMetadataLinks (string/uri/array)

5.1.9. Feed Identifier

Property name

Feed Identifier


Identifier of the feed/source this video was delivered by

Type and cardinality

Text (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:FeedIdentifier (Text)

JSON ID and data type

feedIdentifier (string//)

5.1.10. Metadata Edit Date

Property name

Metadata Edit Date


Date of the last edit of the metadata of this video.

Type and cardinality


Change history

New 1.3

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:metadataLastEdited (Date)

JSON ID and data type

metadataLastEdited (string/date-time/)

5.1.11. Metadata Editor

Property name

Metadata Editor


Party doing the last edit of the metadata of this video.

Type and cardinality

Entity Structure (0..1)

Change history

New 1.3

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:metadataLastEditor (Entity structure)

JSON ID and data type

metadataLastEditor (Entity//)

5.1.12. Metadata Authority

Property name

Metadata Authority


Party responsible for the accuracy of the metadata values.

Type and cardinality

Entity Structure (0..1)

Change history

New 1.3

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:metadataAuthority (Entity structure)

JSON ID and data type

metadataAuthority (Entity//)

5.1.13. Planning Reference

Property name

Planning Reference


Reference to a data item used for planning the shooting of this video

Type and cardinality

Entity with role Structure (0..unbounded)

Change history

New 1.2

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:PlanningRef (Bag Enitity with Role structure)

JSON ID and data type

planningRefs (EntityWRole//array)

5.1.14. Publication Event

Property name

Publication Event


Date and optionally the time of publishing this video with name and identifier for the event of this publication.

Type and cardinality

Publication Event Structure (0..unbounded)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:PublicationEvent (Bag Publication Event structure)

JSON ID and data type

publicationEvents (PublicationEvent//array)

5.1.15. Rating

Property name



How the video is classified by a public authority such as MPA

Type and cardinality

Rating Structure (0..unbounded)

Change history

Changed 1.4

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:Rating (Bag Rating structure)

JSON ID and data type

ratings (Rating//array)

5.1.16. Ready for Release

Property name

Ready for Release


An indicator if this video is ready for being released to the public. This depends on rules by the party responsible for the publication.

Type and cardinality

Boolean (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:ReleaseReady (Boolean)

JSON ID and data type

releaseReady (boolean//)

5.1.17. Recording Device

Property name

Recording Device


Device used for recording this video

Type and cardinality

Device Structure (0..1)

Change history

New 1.2

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:RecDevice (Device structure)

JSON ID and data type

recordingDevice (Device)

5.1.18. Registry Entry

Property name

Registry Entry


Identifier of the video issued by an identified registry.


What is considered a registry can be interpreted in a wide sense as the controlled management of assets with asset-specific identifiers

Type and cardinality

Registry Entry Structure (0..unbounded)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:RegistryId (Bag Registry Entry (structure))

JSON ID and data type

registryEntries (RegistryEntry//array)

5.1.19. Review Rating

Property name

Review Rating


An aesthetic rating given to the video by an external reviewer such as a news outlet

Type and cardinality

Rating Structure (0..unbounded)

Change history

New 1.4

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:ReviewRating (Bag Rating structure)

JSON ID and data type

reviewRatings (Rating//array)

5.1.20. Season

Property name



Season of a TV or video series this video is a member of.

Type and cardinality

Episode/Season Structure (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:Season (Season structure)

JSON ID and data type

season (EpisodeSeason)

5.1.21. Series

Property name



TV or video series this video is a member of.

Type and cardinality

Series Structure (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:Series (Series structure)

JSON ID and data type

series (Series)

5.1.22. Storyline Identifier

Property name

Storyline Identifier


Identifier(s) of a story evolving over time with which this video is associated

Type and cardinality

Text (0..unbounded)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:StorylineIdentifier (Bag of Text)

JSON ID and data type

storylineIdentifiers (string//array)

5.1.23. Style Period

Property name

Style Period


The style, historical or artistic period, movement, group, or school whose characteristics are represented by the video


The Style Period may be different from the Temporal Coverage

Type and cardinality

Text (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:StylePeriod (Text)

JSON ID and data type

stylePeriod (string//)

5.1.24. Temporal Coverage

Property name

Temporal Coverage


Period of time covered by the video


The period of Temporal Coverage may be different from the Style Period.

Type and cardinality

Temporal Coverage Structure (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:TemporalCoverage (Temporal Coverage Structure)

JSON ID and data type

temporalCoverage (TemporalCoverage)

5.1.25. Parent Video Identifier

Property name

Parent Video Identifier


Globally unambiguous identifier of the video from which this video was derived.


This video could be a variant in the technical video format, a variant in edit, a variant in language of the referenced video.

Type and cardinality

Text/URI (0..1)

Change history

New 1.3

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:parentId (Text)

JSON ID and data type

parentId (string//)

5.1.26. Video Identifier

Property name

Video Identifier


Globally unambiguous identifier of the video regardless of renditions, formats, encodings etc. This identifier should be shared across all renditions.


IPTC advises to follow the guidelines by either EIDR or ISAN (http://www.eidr.org or http://www.isan.org)

Type and cardinality

Text (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

dc:identifier (Text)

JSON ID and data type

identifier (string//)

5.1.27. Video Rendition

Property name

Video Rendition


Unambiguous identifier of the video specific to a rendition.


Definitions of specific renditions are not provided by IPTC. Definitions of renditions may be based on format or encoding etc and can be set by producers of videos and/or system vendors.

Type and cardinality

Text (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

xmpMM:RenditionClass (Text)

JSON ID and data type

rendition (string//)

5.1.28. Video Version

Property name

Video Version


Version of the video identified by the Video Identifier

Type and cardinality

Text (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

xmpMM:VersionID (Text)

JSON ID and data type

videoVersion (string//)

5.1.29. Workflow Rating

Property name

Workflow Rating


An aesthetic rating given to the video by its creator or editor, for example to mark the best take of a series

Type and cardinality

Rating Structure (0..unbounded)

Change history

New 1.4

XMP ID and data type

xmp:Rating (Closed Choice Real)

JSON ID and data type

workflowRating (number//)

5.1.30. Workflow Tag

Property name

Workflow Tag


Indicator for the role of this video in a production workflow.


Could be used to indicate footage, edited video, program masters, etc. Values are typically codes defined by a production company.

Type and cardinality

Concept Structure (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:WorkflowTag (CV Term structure)

JSON ID and data type

workflowTag (CvTerm)

5.2. Fields describing audio/visual content

5.2.1. Alt Text (Accessibility)

Property name

Alt Text (Accessibility)


A brief textual description of the purpose and meaning of a video that can be accessed by assistive technology or displayed when the video is disabled in the browser. It should not exceed 250 characters.


This property should not be confused with the IPTC property Headline, which is a brief synopsis or summary of the contents of the video. This property is required for conformance with the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).

Type and cardinality

Text + language tag (0..1)

Change history

New 1.4

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpCore:AltTextAccessibility (Lang Alt)

JSON ID and data type

altTextAccessibility (AltLang)

5.2.2. CV Term About the Content

Property name

CV Term About the Content


What the video is about expressed by term(s) selected from taxonomies or controlled vocabularies

Type and cardinality

Concept Structure (0..unbounded)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:AboutCvTerm (Bag CV Term structure)

JSON ID and data type

aboutCvTerms (CvTerm//array )

5.2.3. Data Displayed on Screen

Property name

Data Displayed on Screen


Text or other data shown in some region of the video.

Type and cardinality

Text with Region Delimiter Structure (0..unbounded)

Change history

Changed 1.4

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:DataOnScreen (Bag Text with Region Delimiter structure)

JSON ID and data type

dataOnScreen (TextWRegionDelimiter//array)

5.2.4. Description

Property name



Textual description of the content of the video

Type and cardinality

Text + language tag (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

dc:description (Lang Alt)

JSON ID and data type

description (AltLang)

5.2.5. Dopesheet

Property name



Shotlist with descriptions

Type and cardinality

Text + language tag (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:Dopesheet (Lang Alt)

JSON ID and data type

dopesheet (AltLang)

Property name

Dopesheet Link


Link(s) to an external web resource providing a shotlist with descriptions

Type and cardinality

Qualified Link Structure (0..unbounded)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:DopesheetLink (Bag Qualified Link)

JSON ID and data type

dopesheetLinks (QualifiedLink//array)

5.2.7. Extended Description (Accessibility)

Property name

Extended Description (Accessibility)


A more detailed textual description of the purpose and meaning of a video that elaborates on the information provided by the Alt Text (Accessibility) property. This property does not have a character limitation and is not required if the Alt Text (Accessibility) field sufficiently describes the video.


This property should not be confused with the IPTC property Description, which is the who, what, when, where, why, how of a video. This property can be combined with Alt Text (Accessibility) if and when a brief description is not sufficient to convey the purpose and meaning of a video. It should not repeat the information in the Alt Text (Accessibility) property. It is required for conformance with the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).

Type and cardinality

Text + language tag (0..1)

Change history

New 1.4

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpCore:ExtDescrAccessibility (Lang Alt)

JSON ID and data type

extDescrAccessibility (AltLang)

Property name

Featured Organisation


Organisation(s) featured by the content of the video

Type and cardinality

Entity Structure (0..unbounded)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:OrganisationInImageName Iptc4xmpExt:OrganisationInImageCode (Bag Text Bag Text)

JSON ID and data type

featuredOrganisations (Entity//array)

5.2.9. Genre

Property name



Artistic, style, journalistic, product or other genre(s) of the video.

Type and cardinality

CV-Term Structure (0..unbounded)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:Genre (Bag CV Term structure)

JSON ID and data type

genres (CvTerm//array )

5.2.10. Headline

Property name

*Headline *


Short description of the content of the video

Type and cardinality

Text + language tag (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:Headline (Lang Alt)

JSON ID and data type

headline (AltLang)

5.2.11. Keywords

Property name



What the video is about expressed by a free choice of descriptive phrases or keywords

Type and cardinality

Text + language tag (0..unbounded)

Change history

Changed 1.4

XMP ID and data type

dc:subject (Bag Lang Alt)

JSON ID and data type

keywords (AltLang//array)

5.2.12. Language Version

Property name

Language Version


Language version of the video

Type and cardinality

Language tag (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

dc:language (Text Closed Choice)

JSON ID and data type

language (string//)

5.2.13. Location Shot

Property name

Location Shot


Place from where the video was shot, in particular where the camera was located


May be used multiple times for edited videos with clips shot at different locations.

Type and cardinality

Location Structure (0..unbounded)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:LocationCreated (Bag Location structure)

JSON ID and data type

locationsCreated (Location//array)

5.2.14. Location Shown

Property name

Location Shown


Place(s) shown by the video

Type and cardinality

Location Structure (0..unbounded)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:LocationShown (Bag Location structure)

JSON ID and data type

locationsShown (Location//array)

5.2.15. Object Shown

Property name

Object Shown


Object(s) shown by the video

Type and cardinality

Entity Structure (0..unbounded)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:ArtworkOrObject (Bag Artwork/Object structure)

JSON ID and data type

objectsShown (Entity//array)

5.2.16. Person Heard

Property name

Person Heard


Person(s) who can be heard only in the video

Type and cardinality

Entity Structure (0..unbounded)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:PersonHeard (Bag Entity structure)

JSON ID and data type

personsHeard (Entity//array)

5.2.17. Person Shown

Property name

Person Shown


Person(s) shown by the video

Type and cardinality

Entity Structure or Person Details Structure (0..unbounded)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:PersonInImageWDetails (Bag PersonWDetails structure)

JSON ID and data type

personsShown (PersonWDetails//array)

5.2.18. Product Shown

Property name

Product Shown


Product(s) identified by a GTIN code shown by the video

Type and cardinality

Product with GTIN Structure (0..unbounded)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:ProductInImage (Bag Product structure)

JSON ID and data type

productsShown (ProductWGtin//array)

5.2.19. Shot Type

Property name

Shot Type


Visual type(s) of the video

Type and cardinality

Concept Structure (0..unbounded)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:VideoShotType (Bag Entity structure)

JSON ID and data type

videoShotTypes (Entity//array)

5.2.20. Shown Event

Property name

Shown Event


Event(s) shown by the video

Type and cardinality

Entity Structure (0..unbounded)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:EventExt (Bag Entity structure)

JSON ID and data type

shownEvents (Entity//array)

Property name

Snapshot Link


A still image representing the video.

Type and cardinality

Linked Image Structure (0..unbounded)

Change history

New 1.1

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:SnapshotLink (Bag Linked Image)

JSON ID and data type

snapshotLinks (LinkedImage//array)

Property name

Timed Text Link


Link(s) to an external web resource providing a timed text track, used to provide captioning/subtitling or audio description of the video

Type and cardinality

Qualified Link with Language Structure (0..unbounded)

Change history

New 1.4

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:TimedTextLink (Bag Qualified Link with Language)

JSON ID and data type

timedTextLinks (QualifiedLinkWithLanguage//array)

5.2.23. Title

Property name



Title of the video, should be a shorthand reference

Type and cardinality

Text + language tag (0..1)

Change history

Changed 1.4

XMP ID and data type

dc:title (Lang Alt)

JSON ID and data type

title (AltLang )

5.2.24. Transcript

Property name



Transcription of the video

Type and cardinality

Text + language tag (0..1)

Change history

Changed 1.4

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:Transcript (Lang Alt)

JSON ID and data type

transcript (AltLang)

Property name

Transcript Link


Link(s) to an external web resource providing a transcription of the video

Type and cardinality

Qualified Link Structure (0..unbounded)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:TranscriptLink (Bag Qualified Link)

JSON ID and data type

transcriptLinks (QualifiedLink//array)

5.2.26. Visual Colour

Property name

Visual Colour


The visual colouring of the video.


Technical details of the colours are covered by …

Type and cardinality

Text (0..1) Enumeration: - black and white/monochrome - colour

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:VisualColour (Closed Choice - bw-monochrome - colour)

JSON ID and data type

visualColour (string//enum)

5.3. Rights fields

5.3.1. Contributor

Property name



Party or parties (person or organisation) which contributed to the video, refinement by the role attribute.


A distinction between contributor and creator should follow rights laws, contracts or common business rules. Vocabulary of roles of persons contributiong to a video should be based on the use by a video or movie producer assocation.

Type and cardinality

Entity with role Structure (0..unbounded)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:Contributor (Bag Entity with Role structure)

JSON ID and data type

contributors (EntityWRole//array)

Property name

*Copyright Notice *


Any textual notice necessary by legal needs or common use to indicate the current owner of the copyright of this media resource

Type and cardinality

Text + language tag (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

dc:rights (Lang Alt)

JSON ID and data type

copyrightNotice (AltLang)

Property name

Copyright Year


Year of origin of the video, usually appearing in the copyright notice as a numeric value

Type and cardinality

Number/integer (0..1)

Change history

Changed 1.4

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:CopyrightYear (number)

JSON ID and data type

copyrightYear (number//)

5.3.4. Creator

Property name



Party or parties (person or organisation) which created the video, refinement by the role attribute.


A distinction between creator and contributor should follow rights laws, contracts or common business rules. Vocabulary of roles of persons creating a video should be based on the use by a video or movie producer assocation.

Type and cardinality

Entity with role Structure (0..unbounded)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:Creator (Bag Entity with Role structure)

JSON ID and data type

creators (EntityWRole//array)

5.3.5. Credit Line

Property name

Credit Line


Credit to person(s) and/or organisation(s) required by the supplier of the video (clip) to be used when published.

Type and cardinality

Text (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

photoshop:Credit (Text)

JSON ID and data type

creditLine (string//)

5.3.6. Data Mining

Property name

Data Mining


Data mining prohibition or permission, optionally with constraints.


This is a structured PLUS version 2.0 property. The value must be one of the URIs listed in the Controlled Vocabulary section of the PLUS specification for the Data Mining property.

NOTE: Regional laws applying to an asset may prohibit, constrain, or allow data mining for certain purposes (such as search indexing or research), and may overrule the value selected for this property. Similarly, the absence of a prohibition does not indicate that the asset owner grants permission for data mining or any other use of an asset. The prohibition “Prohibited except for search engine indexing” only permits data mining by search engines available to the public to identify the URL for an asset and its associated data (for the purpose of assisting the public in navigating to the URL for the asset), and prohibits all other uses, such as AI/ML training. The PLUS Other Constraints property is human readable. The IPTC properties Embedded Encoded Rights Expression and Linked Encoded Rights Expression are machine readable.

Type and cardinality


Change history

New 1.5

XMP ID and data type

plus:DataMining (see PLUS spec)

JSON ID and data type

dataMining (string/uri/)

5.3.7. Other Constraints

Property name

Other Constraints


Additional constraints on the use of the asset.


Constraints may limit the scope of usage allowed

Type and cardinality

Text + language tag (0..1)

Change history

New 1.5

XMP ID and data type

plus:OtherConstraints (see PLUS spec)

JSON ID and data type

dataMiningConstraint ? (string//)

5.3.8. Licensor

Property name

*Licensor *


Company or person to be contacted for licensing

Type and cardinality

Entity Structure (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

plus:Licensor (see PLUS spec)

JSON ID and data type

licensor (Entity)

5.3.9. Model Release Document

Property name

Model Release Document


Identifier(s) of a Model Release document.

Type and cardinality

Text (0..unbounded)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

plus:ModelReleaseID (see PLUS spec)

JSON ID and data type

modelReleaseDocuments (string//array)

5.3.10. Model Release Status

Property name

Model Release Status


Summarises the availability and scope of model releases authorizing usage of the likenesses of persons appearing in the video

Type and cardinality


Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

plus:ModelReleaseStatus (see PLUS spec)

JSON ID and data type

modelReleaseStatus (CvTerm)

5.3.11. Property Release Document

Property name

Property Release Document


Identifier(s) of a Property Release document.

Type and cardinality

Text (0..unbounded)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

plus:PropertyReleaseID (see PLUS spec)

JSON ID and data type

propertyReleaseDocuments (string//array)

5.3.12. Property Release Status

Property name

Property Release Status


Summarises the availability and scope of property releases authorising usage of the properties appearing in the photograph.

Type and cardinality


Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

plus:PropertyReleaseStatus (see PLUS spec)

JSON ID and data type

propertyReleaseStatus (CvTerm)

5.3.13. Embedded Encoded Rights Expression

Property name

Embedded Encoded Rights Expression


Structure covering the assertion of rights, the granting of licenses and both in human and a machine readable ways (including restrictions, embargoes, duties …​)


Embedded rights expression can cover only machine readable expression.

Type and cardinality

Embedded Encoded Rights Expression Structure (0..unbounded)

Change history

Changed 1.4

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:EmbdEncRightsExpr (Bag Embedded Encoded Rights Expression structure)

JSON ID and data type

embdEncRightsExpr (EmbdEncRightsExpr//array)

5.3.14. Linked Encoded Rights Expression

Property name

Linked Encoded Rights Expression


Structure covering the assertion of rights, the granting of licenses and both in human and a machine readable ways (including restrictions, embargoes, duties …​)


Embedded rights expression can cover only machine readable expression.

Type and cardinality

Linked Encoded Rights Expression Structure (0..unbounded)

Change history

Changed 1.4

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:LinkedEncRightsExpr (Bag Linked Encoded Rights Expression structure)

JSON ID and data type

linkedEncRightsExpr (LinkedEncRightsExpr//array)

Property name

*Copyright Owner *


Data identifying the individual or organisation owning the rights for this media resource which could be the video as a whole or a clip in a video. The optional role attribute may indicate which facet of rights is covered by this entity.

Type and cardinality

Entity with role (0..unbounded)

Change history

Changed 1.4

XMP ID and data type

plus:CopyrightOwner (see PLUS spec)

JSON ID and data type

copyrightOwners (EntityWRole//array)

5.3.16. Supplier

Property name

*Supplier *


Supplier of this copy of the media resource

Type and cardinality

Entity Structure (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

plus:ImageSupplier (see PLUS spec)

JSON ID and data type

supplier (Entity)

5.3.17. Source (Supply Chain)

Property name

Source (Supply Chain)


Person or party who has a role in the content supply chain.

Type and cardinality

Text (0..1)

Change history

Changed 1.4

XMP ID and data type

photoshop:Source (Text)

JSON ID and data type

supplyChainSources (Entity//array)

5.4. Technical fields

5.4.1. Audio Bitrate

Property name

Audio Bitrate


Bit rate of the audio data depending on the Video Bit Rate Type: if fixed the fixed rate, if variable the maximum rate. The unit is bits per second.

Type and cardinality

Number (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:audioBitRate (Integer)

JSON ID and data type

audioBitRate (number//)

5.4.2. Audio Bitrate Type

Property name

Audio Bitrate Type


Indicates if the bitrate of the audio data is fixed or variable

Type and cardinality

Text (0..1) Enumeration - fixed - variable

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:audioBitRateMode (Closed Choice Text - fixed - variable)

JSON ID and data type

audioBitRateType (string//enum)

5.4.3. Audio Bits per Sample

Property name

Audio Bits per Sample


Number of bits used for an audio sample

Type and cardinality

Number (0..1)

Change history

New 1.2

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:audioBitsPerSample (Integer)

JSON ID and data type

audioBitsPerSample (number//)

5.4.4. Audio Channel Layout

Property name

Audio Channel Layout


Term indicating the channel layout

Type and cardinality

Text (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

xmpDM:audioChannelType (Closed Choice Text)

JSON ID and data type

audioChannelLayout (string//)

5.4.5. Audio Channels

Property name

Audio Channels


Number of used audio channels

Type and cardinality

Number (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:audioChannelCount (Closed Choice or Integer)

JSON ID and data type

audioChannelCount (number//)

5.4.6. Audio Coding

Property name

Audio Coding


Machine readable code and a human readable term for the used audio coding

Type and cardinality

Entity Structure (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

xmpDM:audioCompressor (Text)

JSON ID and data type

audioCoding (Entity)

5.4.7. Audio Sample Rate

Property name

Audio Sample Rate


Rate used for sampling the audio

Type and cardinality

Number (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

xmpDM:audioSampleRate (Rational)

JSON ID and data type

audioSampleRate (number//)

5.4.8. Display Aspect Ratio

Property name

Display Aspect Ratio


Ratio of width and height of the displayed image. (Width and height do not require to be in pixels.)


e.g. 2.39:1

Type and cardinality

Text (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:videoDisplayAspectRatio (Rational)

JSON ID and data type

videoDisplayAspectRatio (string//)

5.4.9. Editorial Duration

Property name

Editorial Duration


Duration of the video content proposed for editorial use


Multiple occurrences should be used for the same value in different time formats

Type and cardinality

Video Time Structure (0..unbounded)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

xmpDM:markers[xmpDM:type= "ivqu:editorialDuration"] /xmpDM:startTime + /xmpDM:duration (Marker)

JSON ID and data type

editorialDurations (VideoTime//array )

5.4.10. Editorial Duration End

Property name

Editorial Duration End


The point in time and frames the content proposed for editorial use ends


Multiple occurrences should be used for the same value in different time formats

Type and cardinality

Video Time Structure (0..unbounded)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

xmpDM:markers[xmpDM:type= "ivqu:editorialDurationEnd"] /xmpDM:startTime (Marker)

JSON ID and data type

editorialDurationEnds (VideoTime//array )

5.4.11. Editorial Duration Start

Property name

Editorial Duration Start


The point in time and frames the content proposed for editorial use starts


Multiple occurrences should be used for the same value in different time formats

Type and cardinality

Video Time Structure (0..unbounded)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

xmpDM:markers[xmpDM:type= "ivqu:editorialDurationStart"] /xmpDM:startTime (Marker)

JSON ID and data type

editorialDurationStarts (VideoTime//array )

5.4.12. File Bitrate

Property name

File Bitrate


The total bit rate of the all media streams in this file.

Type and cardinality

Number (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

xmpDM:fileDataRate (Rational)

JSON ID and data type

fileBitrate (number//)

5.4.13. File Duration

Property name

File Duration


Duration of the overall video (from the first to the last frame)


Multiple occurrences should be used for the same value in different time formats

Type and cardinality

Video Time Structure (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

xmpDM:duration (Time)

JSON ID and data type

fileDuration (VideoTime)

5.4.14. File Format

Property name

File Format


Format of the file containing the video data.

Type and cardinality

Entity Structure (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:ContainerFormat (Entity structure)

JSON ID and data type

fileFormat (Entity)

5.4.15. Frame Size

Property name

Frame Size


Size of the video frame in pixels

Type and cardinality

Frame Size Structure (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

xmpDM:videoFrameSize (Dimensions)

JSON ID and data type

frameSize (FrameSize)

5.4.16. Media Type

Property name

Media Type


IANA Media Type of the video.


e.g. "video/quicktime"

Type and cardinality

Text (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

dc:format (MIMEType)

JSON ID and data type

mediaType (string//)

5.4.17. Orientation

Property name



Orientation of the visual content of the video as defined by TIFF.

Type and cardinality

Number (0..1) (TIFF 6.0 orientation - with a user guideline ("no flips"))

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

tiff:orientation (Closed Choice of Integer)

JSON ID and data type

orientation (number//)

5.4.18. Signal Aspect Ratio

Property name

Signal Aspect Ratio


Ratio of width and height in pixels of a frame


e.g. 16:9

Type and cardinality

Text (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

xmpDM:videoPixelAspectRatio (Rational)

JSON ID and data type

signalAspectRatio (string//)

5.4.19. Signal Format

Property name

Signal Format


Combined term including the size of the frame, interlaced/progressive, framerate


e.g. "1080p"

Type and cardinality

Text (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

xmpDM:videoFieldOrder (Text)

JSON ID and data type

signalFormat (string//)

5.4.20. Stream-ready

Property name



Indicates if this video can be used for streaming by the rule of having the key technical data of the video at the start rather than end of the file and that the wrapper and essense format are suitable for streaming

Type and cardinality

Text (0..1) Enumeration: - true - false - unknown

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:StreamReady (Closed Choice of Text - true - false - unknown)

JSON ID and data type

streamReady (string//enum)

5.4.21. Video Bitrate

Property name

Video Bitrate


Bit rate of the video data depending on the Video Bit Rate Type: if fixed the fixed rate, if variable the maximum rate. The unit is bits per second.

Type and cardinality

Number (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:videoBitRate (Integer)

JSON ID and data type

videoBitrate (number//)

5.4.22. Video Bitrate Type

Property name

Video Bitrate Type


Indicates if the bitrate of the video data is fixed or variable

Type and cardinality

Text (0..1) Enumeration - fixed - variable

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:videoBitRateMode (Closed Choice Text - fixed - variable)

JSON ID and data type

videoBitrateType (string//enum)

5.4.23. Video Coding

Property name

Video Coding


Machine readable code and a human readable term for the used video coding

Type and cardinality

Entity Structure (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

xmpDM:videoCompressor (Text)

JSON ID and data type

videoCoding (Entity)

5.4.24. Video Frame Rate

Property name

Video Frame Rate


Used frame rate

Type and cardinality

Number (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

xmpDM:videoFrameRate (Real)

JSON ID and data type

videoFrameRate (number//)

5.4.25. Video Profile

Property name

Video Profile


Name of the used video profile as defined by the maker of the encoding standard.


e.g. "High 4:2:2"

Type and cardinality

Text (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:videoEncodingProfile (Text)

JSON ID and data type

videoEncodingProfile (string//)

5.4.26. Video Streams Count

Property name

Video Streams Count


Count of video streams in a video file.

Type and cardinality

Number (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:videoStreamsCount (Integer)

JSON ID and data type

videoStreamsCount (number//)

5.5. Time marker

5.5.1. Markers

Property name



A marker describes a location in an audio or video sequence. It is used to identify for which part of the video (a clip of the video as a whole) a set of IPTC Video Metadata properties is used.

Type and cardinality

XMP specific type

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

xmpDM:markers (Marker)

JSON ID and data type


6. Property Structures

This section describes the structures used in the above properties. Some properties are single-valued and have a simple datatype suich as "string". Others have a more complex structure with nested values. These types are sometimes shared between more than one property. They are documented below.

6.1. Concept Structure

6.1.1. Identifier

Property name



Globally unique identifier of the concept

Type and cardinality

Text/URI (0..unbounded)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

xmp:Identifier (Bag Text)

JSON ID and data type

identifiers (string/uri/array)

6.1.2. Name

Property name



Full name of the concept

Type and cardinality

Text + language tag (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:Name (Lang Alt)

JSON ID and data type

name (AltLang )

6.2. Concept with role Structure

6.2.1. Identifier

Property name



Globally unique identifier of the concept

Type and cardinality

Text/URI (0..unbounded)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

xmp:Identifier (Bag Text)

JSON ID and data type

identifiers (string/uri/array)

6.2.2. Name

Property name



Full name of the concept

Type and cardinality

Text + language tag (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:Name (Lang Alt)

JSON ID and data type

name (AltLang )

6.2.3. Role

Property name



Identifier of the role the concept has in the context of the metadata property

Type and cardinality

URI (0..unbounded)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:Role (Bag URI)

JSON ID and data type

role (string/uri/array)

6.3. CV-Term Structure

Used in: Genre

6.3.1. CV-Term CV ID

Property name



Globally unique identifier of the Controlled Vocabulary the term is from.

Type and cardinality

Text/URI (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:CvId (URI)

JSON ID and data type

cvId (string/uri/)

6.3.2. CV-Term ID

Property name

CV-Term ID


Globally unique identifier of the term from a Controlled Vocabulary.

Type and cardinality

Text/URI (1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:CvTermId (URI)

JSON ID and data type

cvTermId (string/uri/-MANDATORY)

6.3.3. CV-Term name

Property name

CV-Term name


Natural language name of the term from a Controlled Vocabulary.

Type and cardinality

Text + language tag (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:CvTermName (LangAlt)

JSON ID and data type

cvTermName (AltLang)

6.3.4. Refined 'aboutness' of the CV-Term

Property name

Refined 'aboutness' of the CV-Term


Refinement of the 'about' relationship of the term with the content.


E.g. an identifier for "shown emotion" could be used to indicate that the CV-Term covers this facet.

Type and cardinality

Text/URI (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:CvTermRefinedAbout (URI)

JSON ID and data type

cvTermRefinedAbout (string/uri/)

6.4. Device Structure

Used in: Recording Device

6.4.1. Manufacturer

Property name



Name of the manufacturer of the device

Type and cardinality

Text (0..1)

Change history

New 1.2

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:Manufacturer (Text)

JSON ID and data type

manufacturer (string//)

6.4.2. Model Name

Property name

Model Name


Name of the device model

Type and cardinality

Text (0..1)

Change history

New 1.2

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:ModelName (Text)

JSON ID and data type

modelName (string//)

6.4.3. Serial Number

Property name

Serial Number


Serial number, assigned by manufacturer

Type and cardinality

Text (0..1)

Change history

New 1.2

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:SerialNumber (Text)

JSON ID and data type

serialNumber (string//)

6.4.4. Attached Lens Description

Property name

Attached Lens Description


Short description of the lens used with the device at the time of the recording

Type and cardinality

Text (0..1)

Change history

New 1.2

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:AttLensDescription (Text)

JSON ID and data type

attLensDescription (string//)

6.4.5. Owner´s Device ID

Property name

Owner´s Device ID


Identifier assigned by the owner of the device

Type and cardinality

Text (0..1)

Change history

New 1.2

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:OwnersDeviceId (Text)

JSON ID and data type

ownerDeviceId (string//)

6.5. Embedded Encoded Rights Expression Structure

6.5.1. Rights Expression Language ID

Property name

Rights Expression Language ID


Identifier of the rights expression language used by the rights expression.

Type and cardinality

Text/URI (1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:RightsExprLangId (URI)

JSON ID and data type

rightsExprLangId (string/uri/-MANDATORY)

6.5.2. Encoding type

Property name

Encoding type


Encoding type of the rights expression, identified by an IANA Media Type.

Type and cardinality

Text (1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:RightsExprEncType (MIMEtype)

JSON ID and data type

rightsExprEncType (string//-MANDATORY)

6.5.3. Encoded Rights Expression

Property name

Encoded Rights Expression


Embedded serialized rights expression using a rights expression language which is encoded as a string.

Type and cardinality

Text (1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:EncRightsExpr (Text)

JSON ID and data type

encRightsExpr (string//-MANDATORY)

6.6. Entity Structure

6.6.1. Identifier

Property name



Globally unique identifier of the entity

Type and cardinality

Text/URI (0..unbounded)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

xmp:Identifier (Bag Text)

JSON ID and data type

identifiers (string/uri/array)

6.6.2. Name

Property name



Full name of the entity

Type and cardinality

Text + language tag (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:Name (Lang Alt)

JSON ID and data type

name (AltLang )

6.7. Entity with role Structure

6.7.1. Identifier

Property name



Globally unique identifier of the entity

Type and cardinality

Text/URI (0..unbounded)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

xmp:Identifier (Bag Text)

JSON ID and data type

identifiers (string/uri/array)

6.7.2. Name

Property name



Full name of the entity

Type and cardinality

Text + language tag (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:Name (Lang Alt)

JSON ID and data type

name (AltLang )

6.7.3. Role

Property name



Identifier of the role the entity has in the context of the metadata property

Type and cardinality

Text (0..unbounded)

Change history

Changed 1.4

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:Role (Bag Text)

JSON ID and data type

role (string//array)

6.8. Episode/Season Structure

Used in: Episode, Season

6.8.1. Name

Property name



Name of the episode or season of a series

Type and cardinality

Text + language tag (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:Name (Text)

JSON ID and data type

name (AltLang)

6.8.2. Number

Property name



Number of the episode or season of a series

Type and cardinality

Integer (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:Number (Text)

JSON ID and data type

number (number//)

6.8.3. Identifier

Property name



Identifier of the episode or season of a series

Type and cardinality

URI (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:Identifier (URI)

JSON ID and data type

identifier (string/uri/)

6.9. Frame Size Structure

Used in: Frame Size

6.9.1. Width

Property name



Width of the video frame in pixels

Type and cardinality

Number (1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

stDim:w (integer)

JSON ID and data type

widthPixels (number//)

6.9.2. Height

Property name



Height of the video frame in pixels

Type and cardinality

Number (1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

stDim:h (integer)

JSON ID and data type

heightPixels (number//)

6.9.3. Measure Unit

Property name

Measure Unit


Units of width and height values, fixed value "pixels"

Type and cardinality


Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

stDim:unit (Text)

JSON ID and data type

unitPixels (string//)

6.10. Linked Encoded Rights Expression Structure

6.10.1. Rights Expression Language ID

Property name

Rights Expression Language ID


Identifier of the rights expression language used by the rights expression.

Type and cardinality

Text/URI (1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:RightsExprLangId (URI)

JSON ID and data type

rightsExprLangId (string/uri/-MANDATORY)

6.10.2. Encoding type

Property name

Encoding type


Encoding type of the rights expression, identified by an IANA Media Type.

Type and cardinality

Text (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:RightsExprEncType (MIMEtype)

JSON ID and data type

rightsExprEncType (string//-MANDATORY)

Property name

Link to Encoded Rights Expression


Link to a rights expression using a rights expression language.

Type and cardinality

URL (1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:LinkedRightsExpr (Text/URL)

JSON ID and data type

linkedRightsExpr (string/uri/-MANDATORY)

6.11. Linked Image Structure

Used in: Snapshot Link

Property name

Image Link


Link URL locating the image resource

Type and cardinality

URL (1)

Change history

New 1.1

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:Link (URL)

JSON ID and data type

link (string/uri/)

6.11.2. Image Qualifier

Property name

Image Qualifier


Qualifier of the relationship of the image with the video

Type and cardinality

URI (0..unbounded)

Change history

New 1.1

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:LinkQualifier (Bag URI)

JSON ID and data type

linkQualifiers (string/uri/array)

6.11.3. Image Role

Property name

Image Role


Role of this image in the context of the video

Type and cardinality

Text (0..1)

Change history

New 1.1

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:ImageRole (Text)

JSON ID and data type

role (string//)

6.11.4. Media Type

Property name

Media Type


IANA Media (MIME) Type

Type and cardinality

Text (0..1)

Change history

New 1.1

XMP ID and data type

dc:format ()

JSON ID and data type

mediaType (string//)

6.11.5. Image Width

Property name

Image Width


Width of the image, in pixels

Type and cardinality

Integer (0..1)

Change history

New 1.1

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:WidthPixels (integer)

JSON ID and data type

widthPixels (number//)

6.11.6. Image Height

Property name

Image Height


Height of the image, in pixels

Type and cardinality

Integer (0..1)

Change history

New 1.1

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:HeightPixels (integer)

JSON ID and data type

heightPixels (number//)

6.11.7. Used Video Frame

Property name

Used Video Frame


Frame of the video used for this still image.

Type and cardinality

Video Time Structure (0..1)

Change history

New 1.1

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:UsedVideoFrame (Video Time)

JSON ID and data type

usedVideoFrame (VideoTime)

6.12. Location Structure

6.12.1. Identifier

Property name



Globally unique identifier of the location

Type and cardinality

Text/URI (0..unbounded)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

xmp:Identifier (Bag Text)

JSON ID and data type

identifiers (string/uri/array)

6.12.2. Name

Property name



Full name of the location

Type and cardinality

Text + language tag (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:LocationName (Lang Alt)

JSON ID and data type

name (AltLang)

6.12.3. Sublocation name

Property name

Sublocation name


Name of a sub location the Location is located in

Type and cardinality

Text + language tag (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:Sublocation (Text)

JSON ID and data type

sublocation (AltLang )

6.12.4. City name

Property name

City name


Name of the city the Location is located in

Type and cardinality

Text + language tag (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:City (Text)

JSON ID and data type

city (AltLang )

6.12.5. State/Province name

Property name

State/Province name


Name of the state or province the Location is located in

Type and cardinality

Text + language tag (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:ProvinceState (Text)

JSON ID and data type

provinceState (AltLang )

6.12.6. Country name

Property name

Country name


Name of the country the Location is located in

Type and cardinality

Text + language tag (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:CountryName (Text)

JSON ID and data type

countryName (AltLang )

6.12.7. Country ISO code

Property name

Country ISO code


ISO code of the country the Location is located in

Type and cardinality

Text + language tag (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:CountryCode (Text)

JSON ID and data type

countryCode (string//)

6.12.8. World region name

Property name

World region name


Name of the world region the Location is located in

Type and cardinality

Text + language tag (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:WorldRegion (Text)

JSON ID and data type

worldRegion (AltLang )

6.12.9. GPS-Longitude

Property name



Longitude of a WGS84 based position of this Location

Type and cardinality

Number/decimal (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

exif:GPSLongitude (Exif GPSCoordinate)

JSON ID and data type

gpsLongitude (number//)

6.12.10. GPS-Latitude

Property name



Latitude of a WGS84 based position of this Location

Type and cardinality

Number/decimal (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

exif:GPSLatitude (Exif GPSCoordinate)

JSON ID and data type

gpsLatitude (number//)

6.12.11. GPS-Altitude

Property name



Altitude in meters of a WGS84 based position of this Location

Type and cardinality

Number/decimal (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

exif:GPSAltitude (Exif Rational)

JSON ID and data type

gpsAltitude (number//)

6.13. Person Details Structure

6.13.1. Identifier

Property name



Globally unique identifier of the person

Type and cardinality

Text/URI (0..unbounded)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:PersonId (Bag URI)

JSON ID and data type

identifiers (string/uri/array)

6.13.2. Name

Property name



Name of the person

Type and cardinality

Text + language tag (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:PersonName (Lang Alt)

JSON ID and data type

name (AltLang)

6.13.3. Description

Property name



A textual description of the person

Type and cardinality

Text + language tag (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:PersonDescription (Lang Alt)

JSON ID and data type

description (AltLang)

6.13.4. Characteristics

Property name



A property or trait of the person

Type and cardinality

Concept Structure (0..unbounded)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:PersonCharacteristic (Bag CV-Term structure)

JSON ID and data type

characteristics (CvTerm//array)

6.14. Product with GTIN Structure

Used in: Product Shown

6.14.1. GTIN

Property name



A 14 digit GTIN (Global Trade Item Number) of the product (GTIN-8 to GTIN-14 codes are used).

Type and cardinality

Text (1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:ProductGTIN (Text)

JSON ID and data type

gtin (string//-MANDATORY)

6.14.2. Name

Property name



Name of the product.

Type and cardinality

Text + language tag (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:ProductName (Lang Alt)

JSON ID and data type

name (AltLang)

6.14.3. Description

Property name



A textual description of the product.

Type and cardinality

Text + language tag (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:ProductDescription (Lang Alt)

JSON ID and data type

description (AltLang)

6.15. Publication Event Structure

6.15.1. Publication Date

Property name

Publication Date


Date and optionally the time of publishing the video

Type and cardinality

Date (1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:Date (Date)

JSON ID and data type

date (string/date-time/-MANDATORY)

6.15.2. Publication Event Name

Property name

Publication Event Name


Name of the event for publishing this video.


The name may include the broadcasting company, the country, if this is a (regional) first publication etc

Type and cardinality

Text + language tag (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:Name (Text)

JSON ID and data type

name (AltLang)

6.15.3. Publication Event Identifier

Property name

Publication Event Identifier


Identifier of the event for publishing this video

Type and cardinality

URI (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:Identifier (URI)

JSON ID and data type

identifier (string/uri/)

Property name



URL of the link

Type and cardinality

URL (1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:Link (URL)

JSON ID and data type

link (string/uri/)

6.16.2. Qualifier

Property name



Term qualifying the use of the link

Type and cardinality

URI (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:LinkQualifier (URI)

JSON ID and data type

linkQualifier (string/uri/)

Used in: Timed Text Link

Property name



URL of the link

Type and cardinality

URL (1)

Change history

New 1.4

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:Link (URL)

JSON ID and data type

link (string/uri/)

6.17.2. Qualifier

Property name



Term qualifying the use of the link

Type and cardinality

URI (0..1)

Change history

New 1.4

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:LinkQualifier (URI)

JSON ID and data type

linkQualifier (string/uri/)

6.17.3. Language

Property name



Language of the content at the link location

Type and cardinality

Text (0..1)

Change history

New 1.4

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:LinkLanguage (Text)

JSON ID and data type

linkLanguage (string//)

6.18. Rating Structure

6.18.1. Rating Value

Property name

Rating Value


Rating value as issued by the rating source

Type and cardinality

Text (1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:RatingValue (Text)

JSON ID and data type

ratingValue (string//-MANDATORY)

Property name

Rating Source Link


Link to the site and optionally the page of the party which has issued the rating value, linked resource should explain the rating rules.

Type and cardinality

URL (1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:RatingSourceLink (Text (URI))

JSON ID and data type

ratingSourceLink (string/uri/-MANDATORY)

6.18.3. Rating Scale Min Value

Property name

Rating Scale Min Value


The value of the rating scale used for the lowest/worst rating

Type and cardinality

Text (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:RatingScaleMinValue (Text)

JSON ID and data type

ratingScaleMinValue (string//)

6.18.4. Rating Scale Max Value

Property name

Rating Scale Max Value


The value of the rating scale used for the highest/best rating

Type and cardinality

Text (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:RatingScaleMaxValue (Text)

JSON ID and data type

ratingScaleMaxValue (string//)

Property name

Rating Value Logo


Visualisation of the rating value referenced by a link

Type and cardinality

URL (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:RatingValueLogoLink (Text (URL))

JSON ID and data type

ratingValueLogoLink (string/uri/)

6.18.6. Rating Region

Property name

Rating Region


Geopolitical region to which this rating applies.

Type and cardinality

[Location Entity Structure] (0..unbounded)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:RatingRegion (Bag Location structure)

JSON ID and data type

ratingRegions (Location//array)

6.19. Registry Entry Structure

Used in: Registry Entry

6.19.1. Asset Identifier

Property name

Asset Identifier


Unique identifier of the video as issued by a registry


This value shall not be changed after being applied.

Type and cardinality

Text (preferred: URI) (1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:RegItemId (Text)

JSON ID and data type

assetIdentifier (string//-MANDATORY)

6.19.2. Registry Identifier

Property name

Registry Identifier


An identifier for the registry which issued the identifier of the video.

Type and cardinality

Text (preferred: URI) (1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:RegOrgId (Text)

JSON ID and data type

registryIdentifier (string/uri/-MANDATORY)

6.19.3. Role

Property name



An identifier of the reason and/or purpose for this Registry Entry.


Could indicated e.g. "Id of the previous supplier", "Id of the original copyright owner", "Id used by the archive", etc

Type and cardinality

Text/URI (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:RegEntryRole (Text)

JSON ID and data type

role (string/uri/)

6.20. Series Structure

Used in: Series

6.20.1. Series name

Property name

Series name


Name of the series

Type and cardinality

Text + language tag (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:Name (Text)

JSON ID and data type

name (AltLang)

6.20.2. Series identifier

Property name

Series identifier


Identifier for the series

Type and cardinality

URI (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:Identifier (URI)

JSON ID and data type

identifier (string/uri/)

6.21. Temporal Coverage Structure

6.21.1. From Date

Property name

From Date


Optionally truncated date when the temporal coverage starts


Truncated date means: the date value can be year + month + day OR year + month OR year only

Type and cardinality


Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:tempCoverageFrom (Date)

JSON ID and data type

tempCoverageFrom (string/date-time/)

6.21.2. To Date

Property name

To Date


Optionally truncated date when the temporal coverage ends

Type and cardinality


Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:tempCoverageTo (Date)

JSON ID and data type

tempCoverageTo (string/date-time/)

6.22. Text with Region Delimiter Structure

6.22.1. Text

Property name



Text or textual data

Type and cardinality

Text (1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:RegionText (Text)

JSON ID and data type

regionText (string//-MANDATORY)

6.22.2. Measure Type

Property name

Measure Type


How the measures of the rectangle are expressed


Absolute pixels: measured from the upper left corner of the frame Ratio: percentage of the width or height, reference point upper left corner of the frame

Type and cardinality

Text (0..1) - enumeration - absolutePixels - ratio

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:Region/stArea:unit (Closed Choice: - pixel - normalized {=ratio})

JSON ID and data type

measureType (string//enum)

6.22.3. Rectangle, upper left X

Property name

Rectangle, upper left X


Horizontal axis value of the upper left corner of the rectange

Type and cardinality

Decimal (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:Region/stArea:x (Real)

JSON ID and data type

regionAreaX (number//)

6.22.4. Rectangle, upper left Y

Property name

Rectangle, upper left Y


Vertical axis value of the upper left corner of the rectange

Type and cardinality

Decimal (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:Region/stArea:y (Real)

JSON ID and data type

regionAreaY (number//)

6.22.5. Rectangle, horizontal size

Property name

Rectangle, horizontal size


Horizontal width of the rectangle

Type and cardinality

Decimal (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:Region/stArea:w (Real)

JSON ID and data type

regionAreaWidth (number//)

6.22.6. Rectangle, vertical size

Property name

Rectangle, vertical size


Vertical height of the rectangle

Type and cardinality

Decimal (0..1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

Iptc4xmpExt:Region/stArea:h (Real)

JSON ID and data type

regionAreaHeight (number//)

6.23. Video Time Structure

6.23.1. Time Format

Property name

Time Format


Identifier of the time format. For time code formats following SMPTE specifications.

Type and cardinality

Text value from CV (1) Enumeration: - normalPlayTime - smpteTC24 - smpteTC25 - smpteTC2997 - smpteTC2997drop - smpteTC30 - smpteTC50 - smpteTC5994 - smpteTC5994drop - smpteTC60 - smpteTC23976

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

xmpDM:timeFormat (Closed choice Text 24Timecode 25Timecode 2997DropTimecode 2997NonDropTimecode 30Timecode 50Timecode 5994DropTimecode 5994NonDropTimecode 60Timecode 23976Timecode)

JSON ID and data type

timeFormat (string//enum-MANDATORY)

6.23.2. Time Value

Property name

Time Value


Formated string including hours, minutes, seconds, fractions of seconds or frames, depending on the Time Format

Type and cardinality

Text (1)

Change history

New 1.0

XMP ID and data type

xmpDM:timeValue (Text)

JSON ID and data type

timeValue (string//-MANDATORY)

6.24. PLUS basic entity structure Structure

6.24.1. Identifier

Property name



Globally unique identifier of the entity

Type and cardinality

Text (0..1)

Change history

New 1.3

XMP ID and data type


JSON ID and data type

identifier (string//)

6.24.2. Name

Property name



Full name of the entity

Type and cardinality

Text (0..1)

Change history

New 1.3

XMP ID and data type


JSON ID and data type

name (string//)

6.25. Artwork or Object in the Image Structure

6.25.1. Circa Date Created

Property name

Circa Date Created


Approximate date or range of dates associated with the creation and production of an artwork or object or its components.

Type and cardinality

Text (0..1)

Change history

New 1.3

XMP ID and data type


JSON ID and data type

circaDateCreated (string//)

6.25.2. Content Description

Property name

Content Description


A textual description of the content depicted in the artwork or object.


Type and cardinality

Text (0..1)

Change history

New 1.3

XMP ID and data type


JSON ID and data type

contentDescription (AltLang )

6.25.3. Contribution Description

Property name

Contribution Description


A textual description about a contribution made to an artwork or an object.


Should include the type, date and location of contribution, and details about the contributor.

Type and cardinality

Text (0..1)

Change history

New 1.3

XMP ID and data type


JSON ID and data type

contributionDescription (AltLang )

Property name

Copyright Notice


Contains any necessary copyright notice for claiming the intellectual property for artwork or an object in the image and should identify the current owner of the copyright of this work with associated intellectual property rights.

Type and cardinality

Text (0..1)

Change history

New 1.3

XMP ID and data type


JSON ID and data type

copyrightNotice (AltLang)

6.25.5. Creator

Property name



Contains the name of the artist who has created artwork or an object in the image. In cases where the artist could or should not be identified the name of a company or organisation may be appropriate.

Type and cardinality

Text (0..unbounded)

Change history

New 1.3

XMP ID and data type


JSON ID and data type

creatorNames (string//array)

6.25.6. Creator ID

Property name

Creator ID


Globally unique identifier for the creator of artwork or object.


Add the IDs in the same sequence as the Creator names

Type and cardinality

URL (0..unbounded)

Change history

New 1.3

XMP ID and data type


JSON ID and data type

creatorIdentifiers (string/uri/array )

Property name

Current Copyright Owner ID


Globally unique identifier for the current owner of the copyright of the artwork or object.

Type and cardinality

URI (0..1)

Change history

New 1.3

XMP ID and data type


JSON ID and data type

currentCopyrightOwnerIdentifier (string/uri/)

Property name

Current Copyright Owner Name


Name of the current owner of the copyright of the artwork or object.

Type and cardinality

Text (0..1)

Change history

New 1.3

XMP ID and data type


JSON ID and data type

currentCopyrightOwnerName (string//)

6.25.9. Current Licensor ID

Property name

Current Licensor ID


Globally unique identifier for the current licensor of the artwork or object.

Type and cardinality

URI (0..1)

Change history

New 1.3

XMP ID and data type


JSON ID and data type

currentLicensorIdentifier (string/uri/)

6.25.10. Current Licensor Name

Property name

Current Licensor Name


Name of the current licensor of the artwork or object.

Type and cardinality

Text (0..1)

Change history

New 1.3

XMP ID and data type


JSON ID and data type

currentLicensorName (string//)

6.25.11. Date Created

Property name

Date Created


Designates the date and optionally the time the artwork or object in the image was created. This relates to artwork or objects with associated intellectual property rights.

Type and cardinality

DateTime (preferred: truncated DateTime) (0..1)

Change history

New 1.3

XMP ID and data type


JSON ID and data type

dateCreated (string/date-time/)

6.25.12. Physical Description

Property name

Physical Description


A textual description of the physical characteristics of the artwork or object, without reference to the content depicted.


Object type, materials-techniques and measurements may be described.

Type and cardinality

Text (0..1)

Change history

New 1.3

XMP ID and data type


JSON ID and data type

physicalDescription (AltLang)

6.25.13. Source

Property name



The organisation or body holding and registering the artwork or object in the image for inventory purposes.

Type and cardinality

Text (0..1)

Change history

New 1.3

XMP ID and data type


JSON ID and data type

source (string//)

6.25.14. Source Inventory Number

Property name

Source Inventory Number


The inventory number issued by the organisation or body holding and registering the artwork or object in the image.

Type and cardinality

Text (0..1)

Change history

New 1.3

XMP ID and data type


JSON ID and data type

sourceInventoryNr (string//)

6.25.15. Source Inventory URL

Property name

Source Inventory URL


URL reference to the metadata record of the inventory maintained by the Source.

Type and cardinality

URL (0..1)

Change history

New 1.3

XMP ID and data type


JSON ID and data type

sourceInventoryUrl (string/uri/)

6.25.16. Style Period

Property name

Style Period


The style, historical or artistic period, movement, group, or school whose characteristics are represented in the artwork or object.


It is advised to take the terms from a Controlled Vocabulary.

Type and cardinality

Text (0..unbounded)

Change history

New 1.3

XMP ID and data type


JSON ID and data type

stylePeriod (string//array )

6.25.17. Title

Property name



A reference for the artwork or object in the image.

Type and cardinality

Text (0..1)

Change history

New 1.3

XMP ID and data type


JSON ID and data type

title (AltLang)

6.26. Time Structure

6.26.1. Scale

Property name



Type and cardinality

Change history

New 1.3

XMP ID and data type


JSON ID and data type

scale (string//)

6.26.2. Value

Property name



Type and cardinality

Change history

New 1.3

XMP ID and data type


JSON ID and data type

value (string//)

Many Video Metadata Hub properties are mapped to properties defined by one or more of the below standards, to make implementation easier for vendors:

  • Apple QuickTime

  • Canon VideoClip XML (as of Video Metadata Hub 1.2)

  • DPP profile of the AS-11 specification, built on MXF (added in Video Metadata Hub 1.4)

  • EBUCore (updated in Video Metadata Hub 1.3)

  • EIDR Data Fields

  • IPTC NewsML-G2

  • MovieLabs MDDF (added in Video Metadata Hub 1.4)

  • MPEG 7 (ISO 15938-5)

  • PBCore 2.1

  • Schema.org

  • SMPTE P2 as used by Panasonic

  • Sony XDCAM & planning (as of Video Metadata Hub 1.2)

The mappings can be obtained from the IPTC Video Metadata Hub mappings table.

7.1. Using the mapping table

For example, if an organisation uses NewsML-G2 as its main metadata format, and wants to describe the unique identifier for the video file (Video Identifier in VM Hub).

Looking up the appropriate row in the mapping table, and then consulting the NewsML-G2 column, we can see that the recommended mapping is contentMeta/altId[@role="altidrole:vmhVideoId"].

So this means that the video identifier should be represented as follows in the NewsML-G2 file:

    <altId role="altidrole:vmhVideoId">xxxx</altId>

8. JSON Schema for Video Metadata Hub

The IPTC Video Metadata Working Group has created a JSON Schema to help users create metadata packages in the JSON format. These could be embedded into a video file, or used as a separate file accompanying the video, known as a "sidecar" file.

We recommend that the JSON format could be used for lightweight exchage of video metadata, e.g. by APIs.

The JSON Schema for this format is located at https://www.iptc.org/std/videometadatahub/recommendation/iptc-vmhub-1.5-schema.json. A JSON Schema-aware editor can help users to create metadata files in that format, or tool makers could write software that outputs that format from a graphical user interface.

The IPTC’s interactive IPTC Video Metadata Hub Generator tool can be used to create Video Metadata Hub metadata in JSON format for testing and prototyping purposes. (Note that the generator tool does not currently support all VMHub properties.)

See also the JSON Example Files section below.

9. Usage examples and reference images

9.1. Example and reference videos using embedded XMP and exiftool

We have created some sample video files with IPTC Video Metadata Hub properties embedded into video files using the XMP format.

The example files can be found at https://iptc.org/std/videometadatahub/examples/.

File names starting with IPTC-VMHub-RefVideo-Rec are "reference videos". They have a value for each and every Video Metadata Hub property, embedded using the XMP format. Currently only properties specified in VMHub versions 1.0 to 1.2 are included due to exiftool support.

View the embedded metadata by downloading and examining the file, for example using the command-line tool exiftool:

$ curl --output refvideo.mp4 https://www.iptc.org/std/videometadatahub/examples/IPTC-VMHub-RefVideo-Rec0100.mp4
$ exiftool -G1 -json -struct refvideo.mp4

Below we show an extract of the embedded metadata resulting from the above command, showing the Video Metadata Hub tags extracted by exiftool:

  [ ... ]
  "LinkedEncRightsExpr": [{
    "LinkedRightsExpr": "http://example.org/linkedrightsexpression/id986/Rec0100",
    "RightsExprEncType": "IANA Media Type of ERE (Rec0100)",
    "RightsExprLangId": "http://example.org/RELids/id4712/Rec0100"
  "LocationCreated": [{
    "City": "City (Location created1) (Rec0100)",
    "CountryCode": "R16",
    "CountryName": "CountryName (Location created1) (Rec0100)",
    "GPSAltitude": "180 m",
    "GPSLatitude": "16 deg 20' 1.20\" N",
    "GPSLongitude": "48 deg 14' 1.80\" E",
    "LocationId": ["Location Id (Location created1) (Rec0100)"],
    "LocationName": "Name of Location Created 1 (Rec0100)",
    "ProvinceState": "Province/State (Location created1) (Rec0100)",
    "Sublocation": "Sublocation (Location created1) (Rec0100)",
    "WorldRegion": "Worldregion (Location created1) (Rec0100)"
  "LocationShown": [{
    "City": "City (Location shown1) (Rec0100)",
    "CountryCode": "R16",
  [ ... ]

Please note that the field names used by exiftool do not exactly match the names in the Video Metadata Hub specification.

To view the raw XMP data, use the command:

$ exiftool -xmp -b refvideo.mp4

9.2. JSON Example Files

Example JSON files aligning with our standard use cases are available at https://iptc.org/std/videometadatahub/examples/json/.

Here is an extract of the example that relates to the Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums (GLAM) use case:

"photoVideoMetadataIPTC": {
    "circaDateCreated": "1990s",
    "dateModified": "No",
    "episode": {
        "name": {
            "en": "https://wellcomelibrary.org/item/b16766246"
    "externalMetadataLinks": [
    "metadataAuthority": {
        "name": {
            "en": "Wellcome Library"
    "releaseReady": true,
    "identifier": "b16766246",
    "aboutCvTerms": "Public health",
    "description": {
        "en": "A television advertisement asking people to register for a Donor Card in order to donate organs after death. "
    "dopesheetLinks": "https://wellcomelibrary.org/data/b16766246",
    "genres": "Public information",
    "headline": {
        "en": "A television advertisement asking people to register for a Donor Card in order to donate organs after death. "

9.3. IPTC Video Metadata Hub Generator

The IPTC’s interactive IPTC Video Metadata Hub Generator tool can be used to create Video Metadata Hub metadata in various formats for testing and prototyping purposes.

A web form allows users to enter sample metadata values and a file is automatically generated in any of a variety of output formats.

Formats available include: * JSON - following the IPTC VMHub JSON Schema described above , users can create JSON files that can be used as sidecar documents in video applications. * JSON XMP (for Exiftool) - using exiftool’s JSON property names, this creates a JSON file that can be embedded into a video file using exiftool with the following command:

$ exiftool -v -XMP:all= -j=<JSON file> <videofile>

(Note that the -XMP:all= argument removes all existing XMP metadata before the new metadata is added. If this behaviour is not desired, that part can be omitted.) * NewsML-G2 - using IPTC’s NewsML-G2 format which is heavily used in the news industry, especially for content syndication. * c2patool - Generates a JSON-LD block containing a C2PA assertion that can be embedded using c2patool. See the C2PA section for details.

Note that the generator tool does not currently support all VMHub properties.

9.4. Using c2patool to embed IPTC Video Metadata

The C2PA specification defines a method that can be used to embed metadata into media files in a way that is cryptographically verifiable and therefore tamper-evident. See more at the C2PA website.

IPTC Video Metadata Hub metadata is the standard way to add video metadata to C2PA files (see the IPTC metadata section of the C2PA technical specification.

Using the IPTC Video Metadata Hub Generator, the IPTC has developed an easy way to create metadata records that can be embedded into video files using the C2PA specification. This is achieved using the command-line tool c2patool which was developed by the Content Authenticity Initiative.

To add C2PA-enabled metadata to a video file, follow these steps:

  1. Using the Video Metadata Hub generator tool, enter the desired values into the appropriate metadata form fields.

  2. Select "C2PA assertion (for c2patool)" as the output format.

  3. Save the generated JSON-LD block to a file (for example, by copying it to clipboard and pasting it into a simple text editor such as Notepad or TextEdit).

  4. Add the metadata to your video using the c2patool command:

    $ c2patool <input video file> -m iptc-vmhub-assertion.json -o <output video file>

9.5. Using c2patool to view IPTC Video Metadata

Currently, the standard Content Authenticity Initiative tools such as verify.contentauthenticity.org do not display IPTC Video Metadata properties.

To view IPTC embedded metadata, you must also use c2patool on the command line:

$ c2patool <output video file>

This should show the full contents of all assertions in the video file, including those that you just added.

9.6. Example video files using embedded C2PA video metadata

At http://iptc.org/std/videometadatahub/examples/c2pa/ we show some example files using the above technique to embed video metadata. These include:

  • a "minimal assertion" using only the core set of properties

  • a "generator assertion" using all properties exposed via the IPTC Video Metadata Hub Generator

  • a "maximal assertion" that uses all Video Metadata Hub properties.

Both the assertions (as JSON files) and the video files (including the embedded assertion, signed using a C2PA test certificate) are included.

10. How can you help?

  • Software vendors: implement the standard in your systems to support interoperability. The standard is freely available and free to implement.

  • Broadcasters and video producers: encourage your software vendors and manufacturers to implement IPTC Video Metadata Hub in their systems.

  • Media managers: as you configure your Digital Asset Management systems' metadata fields, consider using the Video Metadata Hub properties as the basis for your metadata schema, to ensure easy supply chain interchange and compatibility with other systems in the future.

11. Contact us

If you would like to implement IPTC Video Metadata Hub, suggest changes or help us spread the word, please contact the IPTC Video Metadata Working Group via the public discussion list https://groups.io/g/iptc-videometadata .