G2 Scheme Browser User Guide

The IPTC G2 Scheme Browser is a tool for viewing and downloading controlled vocabularies - called a scheme in the G2 context - which are available as G2 Knowledge Items. These Knowledge Items may be provided as files or may be downloaded from a web server.

The target audience of the Scheme Browser tool is managers of the controlled vocabularies which are used by a company for categorizing content or adding functionality to the IPTC G2-Standards. This tool is not only for schemes that are provided and published by the IPTC - www.newscodes.org -, any scheme that follows the layout for G2 concepts and the format of G2 Knowledge Items may be used.

This User Guide applies to the software version 1.4

The G2 Scheme Browser was developed by dpa-mediatec for the IPTC.

(c) Copyright 2011, dpa-mediatec and IPTC, all rights reserved
See usage terms and conditions in the IPTC License Agreement: http://www.iptc.org/goto?license

To send any message regarding the G2 Scheme Browser to the IPTC please email to: schemebrowser@iptc.org



How to install and run

How to manage Schemes

How to view a Scheme and its concepts

How to export Schemes
