How to export Schemes

First to touch: why to export a scheme at all?
In the introduction it was said that the Scheme Browser is a tool for managers of controlled vocabularies at a company while metadata editors at the same company may have special tools at hand which should be used with schemes managed by the Scheme Browser. This may require to export the data of a scheme first, then to convert them to a format of the metadata tool and finally to import it into the tool.

The export feature of the Scheme Browser supports such a workflow of forwarding the vocabularies to any other metadata tool.

How To step by step:

      Launch the export from the context menu of any scheme node of the browser to the left:

      Selecting the Export option opens a form:

You can select the output format:
- XML to be exported as IPTC G2 Knowledge Item
- CSV to be exported as a comma separated values file
- any format created by applying an XSLT - see more in the XSLT files section
The Export name field shows by default the alias for the scheme, this name may be edited as required, see below.

      Clicking the OK button starts the export

      In a next step a form from your computer operating system (Windows, Mac OS ...) will ask where to put the file. Be aware that you define the root directory for scheme specific sub directories by that selection!
If you define the directory C:\vocabularies\ as root and using the example above the export file will be saved to the directory C:\vocabularies\loctype_c\

      Finally the file is stored in the defined directory.



XSLT files for XSLT export