Creative Work Ontology
This is the model we use to express the minimum metadata necessary to express a piece of creative content in the platform. The creative work ontology is continuously evolving based on our clients' requirements. There is a core class in this model, which is the CreativeWork class and properties that support information the LDP clients need to build their products such as title, thumbnail, URL e.t.c.
This ontology defines the terms required to describe the creative works produced by the BBC and their associated metadata. This ontology powers reading and writing creative works in the triplestore using tags associated with them (about) their more specific types (BlogPost, NewsItem, Programme) and audiences (audience).
Sample Data
a cwork:CreativeWork;
cwork:title "
David Bowie leads tributes to 'master' Lou Reed"
cwork:shortTitle "David Bowie leads
Lou Reed tributes"^^xsd:string;
cwork:description "Rock legend David Bowie pays tribute to US singer
and former
Velvet Underground frontman Lou Reed, who died on Sunday
aged 71."^^xsd:string;
bbc:primaryContentOf <>;
a core:Person;
"David Bowie"@en-gb.
a core:Person;
core:preferredLabel "Lou Reed"@en-gb.
Ontology Diagram
Ontology Terms
Automatically generated documentation for the ontology terms.