
Used by
Included schema sportsml-specific-motor-racing.xsd
attribute form default: unqualified
element form default: qualified
Element motorRacingTeamMetadataComplexType / metadata-motor-racing-vehicle
Diagram sportsml_xsd.tmp#commonAttributes sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingMetadataVehicleComplexType_number sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingMetadataVehicleComplexType_make-key sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingMetadataVehicleComplexType_sponsor sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingMetadataVehicleComplexType_chassis sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingMetadataVehicleComplexType_engine sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingMetadataVehicleComplexType_tire sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingMetadataVehicleComplexType_make-name sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingMetadataVehicleComplexType
Type motorRacingMetadataVehicleComplexType
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
Model make-name*
Children make-name
<metadata-motor-racing-vehicle chassis="" class="" engine="" id="" make-key="" number="" sponsor="" style="" tire="" xmlns="">
  <make-name creator="" creatoruri="" custom="" dir="" how="" howuri="" id="" xml:lang="" modified="" part="" parturi="" pubconstraint="" pubconstrainturi="" role="" roleuri="" validfrom="" validto="" why="" whyuri="">{0,unbounded}</make-name>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
chassis xs:string optional
The type of chassis.
class xs:string optional
An open placeholder for categorization.
engine xs:string optional
The type of engine.
id xs:ID optional
An XML-specific identifier for the element.
make-key QCodeType optional
A unique identifier for the make of the car. For example:
number xs:string optional
The number written on the side of the vehicle.
sponsor xs:string optional
The name of the sponsor for the car.
style xs:string optional
An open placeholder for reference by an external stylesheet.
tire xs:string optional
The type of tire.
<xs:element name="metadata-motor-racing-vehicle" type="motorRacingMetadataVehicleComplexType" minOccurs="0"/>
Element motorRacingMetadataVehicleComplexType / make-name
A display-name for the make-key.
Diagram NewsML-G2_2_22-spec-All-Power_xsd.tmp#g2normalizedString NewsML-G2_2_22-spec-All-Power_xsd.tmp#commonPowerAttributes NewsML-G2_2_22-spec-All-Power_xsd.tmp#i18nAttributes NewsML-G2_2_22-spec-All-Power_xsd.tmp#IntlStringType NewsML-G2_2_22-spec-All-Power_xsd.tmp#ConceptNameType_role NewsML-G2_2_22-spec-All-Power_xsd.tmp#ConceptNameType_roleuri NewsML-G2_2_22-spec-All-Power_xsd.tmp#ConceptNameType_part NewsML-G2_2_22-spec-All-Power_xsd.tmp#ConceptNameType_parturi NewsML-G2_2_22-spec-All-Power_xsd.tmp#timeValidityAttributes NewsML-G2_2_22-spec-All-Power_xsd.tmp#ConceptNameType
Type ConceptNameType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
maxOccurs: unbounded
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
creator QCodeType optional
If the attribute is empty, specifies which entity (person, organisation or system) will edit the property - expressed by a QCode. If the attribute is non-empty, specifies which entity (person, organisation or system) has edited the property.
creatoruri IRIType optional
If the attribute is empty, specifies which entity (person, organisation or system) will edit the property - expressed by a URI. If the attribute is non-empty, specifies which entity (person, organisation or system) has edited the property.
custom xs:boolean optional
If set to true the corresponding property was added to the G2 Item for a specific customer or group of customers only. The default value of this property is false which applies when this attribute is not used with the property.
dir restriction of xs:NMTOKEN optional
The directionality of textual content (enumeration: ltr, rtl)
how QCodeType optional
Indicates by which means the value was extracted from the content - expressed by a QCode
howuri IRIType optional
Indicates by which means the value was extracted from the content - expressed by a URI
id xs:ID optional
The local identifier of the property.
modified DateOptTimeType optional
The date (and, optionally, the time) when the property was last modified. The initial value is the date (and, optionally, the time) of creation of the property.
part QCodeType optional
Specifies which part of a full name this property provides - expressed by a QCode
parturi IRIType optional
Specifies which part of a full name this property provides - expressed by a URI
pubconstraint QCodeListType optional
One or many constraints that apply to publishing the value of the property - expressed by a QCode. Each constraint applies to all descendant elements.
pubconstrainturi IRIListType optional
One or many constraints that apply to publishing the value of the property - expressed by a URI. Each constraint applies to all descendant elements.
role QCodeListType optional
A refinement of the semantics of the name - expressed by a QCode
roleuri IRIListType optional
A refinement of the semantics of the name - expressed by a URI
validfrom DateOptTimeType optional
The date (and, optionally, the time) before which a relationship is not valid.
validto DateOptTimeType optional
The date (and, optionally, the time) after which a relationship is not valid.
why QCodeType optional
Why the metadata has been included - expressed by a QCode
whyuri IRIType optional
Why the metadata has been included - expressed by a URI
xml:lang union of(xs:language, restriction of xs:string) optional
Attempting to install the relevant ISO 2- and 3-letter
         codes as the enumerated possible values is probably never
         going to be a realistic possibility.  See
         RFC 3066 at and the IANA registry
         at for
         further information.

         The union allows for the 'un-declaration' of xml:lang with
         the empty string.
<xs:element name="make-name" type="ConceptNameType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>A display-name for the make-key.</xs:documentation>
Element baseMotorRacingPlayerStatsComplexType / stats-motor-racing-qualifying
Diagram sportsml_xsd.tmp#commonAttributes sportsml_xsd.tmp#coverageAttributes sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsQualifyingComplexType_grid sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsQualifyingComplexType_pole-position sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsQualifyingComplexType_pole-wins sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsQualifyingComplexType_qualifying-speed sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsQualifyingComplexType_qualifying-speed-units sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsQualifyingComplexType_qualifying-time sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsQualifyingComplexType_qualifying-position sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsQualifyingComplexType
Type motorRacingStatsQualifyingComplexType
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
maxOccurs: unbounded
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
alignment-scope restriction of xs:string optional
Indicates that the included statistics apply only to events played either at home or away.
class xs:string optional
An open placeholder for categorization.
competition QCodeType optional
The key of the league or competition for which the player or team generated the stats.
distance xs:string optional
Measure of distance for the generated stat.
distance-maximum xs:string optional
Maximum distance for the generated stat.
distance-minimum xs:string optional
Minimum distance for the generated stat.
duration-scope QCodeType optional
Indicates what class of events the included statistics apply. Example: those events that went into overtime. SportsML vocab uri:
end-date-time TruncatedDateTimeType optional
The ending date, with optional time, of the event for which the stats are relevant.
event-span xs:nonNegativeInteger optional
Qualifier of "most-recent-events" value for temporal-unit attribute. Specify the number of events eg. 10 for last 10 games.
grid xs:string optional
The arrangement or order of cars in the starting lineup.
id xs:ID optional
An XML-specific identifier for the element.
location-key QCodeType optional
The key of the site,venue or location where the stats were generated.
measurement-units xs:string optional
The type of unit used to measure distance, speed, etc. Could be mph, kph, metres, yards, etc.
opponent-type QCodeType optional
Whether the opponent was a player, team, etc.
opponent-value QCodeType optional
The key of the player, team, division, conference, league or other unit which provide the opposition relevant to the stat.
period-end-date-time TruncatedDateTimeType optional
The ending date, with optional time, of the period for which the stats are relevant.
period-start-date-time TruncatedDateTimeType optional
The starting date, with optional time, of the period for which the stats are relevant.
period-type QCodeType optional
For certain types of periods: overtime, declared (cricket), etc.
period-value xs:string optional
Used for tracking stats and events by period.
pole-position xs:string optional
Position relative to the inside wall, at the start of the race.
pole-wins xs:string optional
Number of times this driver or team had a pole position of 1.
position xs:string optional
Indicates that the included statistics apply only to while played at a particular position.
qualifying-position xs:string optional
Where the car had ranked within the preliminary round.
qualifying-speed xs:string optional
Speed of lap which qualified the driver.
qualifying-speed-units xs:string optional
Units used for qualifying-speed.
qualifying-time xs:string optional
Time received for qualifying lap.
record-making-scope QCodeType optional
Indicates that the included statistics apply only to values that set a record, such as a team-high, or an individual-low.
scope-value QCodeType optional
A generic scope indicator. Use only if none of the other coverage attributes are suitable.
scoping-label xs:string optional
A textual description for the scope.
situation QCodeType optional
Final or current score of the team or player.
start-date-time TruncatedDateTimeType optional
The starting date, with optional time, of the event for which the stats are relevant.
stats-coverage QCodeType optional
A relative indication of how many statistics are included in the item. SportsML vocab uri:
style xs:string optional
An open placeholder for reference by an external stylesheet.
surface-type QCodeType optional
The type of surface (eg. clay, artificial grass, etc.) upon which the stats were generated.
team QCodeType optional
The key of the team for which the player or team generated the stats.
team-coverage restriction of xs:string optional
Indicates whether the item contains information about one team, or
many teams.
temporal-unit-type QCodeType optional
The unit of performance to which the stats apply eg. single-event, season, career.
temporal-unit-value QCodeType optional
The key of performance unit to which the stats apply.
unit-type QCodeType optional
The type, other than team or league/competition, of the competitive unit for which the player or team generated the stats.
unit-value QCodeType optional
The key, other than team or league/competition, of the competitive unit for which the player or team generated the stats.
venue-type QCodeType optional
The type of event (eg. indoor, outdoor, etc.) in which the stats were generated.
weather-type QCodeType optional
A code for the weather situation in which the stats were generated. SportsML weather codes recommended.
<xs:element name="stats-motor-racing-qualifying" type="motorRacingStatsQualifyingComplexType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Element baseMotorRacingPlayerStatsComplexType / stats-motor-racing-race
Diagram sportsml_xsd.tmp#commonAttributes sportsml_xsd.tmp#coverageAttributes sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType_time-behind-leader sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType_laps-behind-leader sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType_time-ahead-follower sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType_laps-ahead-follower sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType_time sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType_points sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType_points-rookie sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType_bonus sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType_laps-completed sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType_laps-leading-total sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType_distance-leading sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType_distance-completed sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType_distance-units sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType_speed-average sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType_speed-units sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType_status sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType_finishes-top-5 sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType_finishes-top-10 sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType_starts sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType_finishes sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType_non-finishes sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType_wins sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType_races-leading sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType_money sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType_money-units sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType_leads-total sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType_comment sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType_stats-motor-racing-lap sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType
Type motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
maxOccurs: unbounded
Model stats-motor-racing-lap*
Children stats-motor-racing-lap
<stats-motor-racing-race alignment-scope="" bonus="" class="" comment="" competition="" distance="" distance-completed="" distance-leading="" distance-maximum="" distance-minimum="" distance-units="" duration-scope="" end-date-time="" event-span="" finishes="" finishes-top-10="" finishes-top-5="" id="" laps-ahead-follower="" laps-behind-leader="" laps-completed="" laps-leading-total="" leads-total="" location-key="" measurement-units="" money="" money-units="" non-finishes="" opponent-type="" opponent-value="" period-end-date-time="" period-start-date-time="" period-type="" period-value="" points="" points-rookie="" position="" races-leading="" record-making-scope="" scope-value="" scoping-label="" situation="" speed-average="" speed-units="" start-date-time="" starts="" stats-coverage="" status="" style="" surface-type="" team="" team-coverage="" temporal-unit-type="" temporal-unit-value="" time="" time-ahead-follower="" time-behind-leader="" unit-type="" unit-value="" venue-type="" weather-type="" wins="" xmlns="">
  <stats-motor-racing-lap alignment-scope="" class="" competition="" distance="" distance-maximum="" distance-minimum="" duration="" duration-scope="" end-date-time="" event-span="" id="" lap-number="" location-key="" measurement-units="" opponent-type="" opponent-value="" period-end-date-time="" period-start-date-time="" period-type="" period-value="" position="" record-making-scope="" scope-value="" scoping-label="" situation="" speed-average-lap="" speed-range="" speed-units="" split-location="" start-date-time="" start-time-elapsed="" stats-coverage="" style="" surface-type="" team="" team-coverage="" temporal-unit-type="" temporal-unit-value="" unit-type="" unit-value="" venue-type="" weather-type="">{0,unbounded}</stats-motor-racing-lap>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
alignment-scope restriction of xs:string optional
Indicates that the included statistics apply only to events played either at home or away.
bonus xs:string optional
Amount of bonus points driver has earned in this race. For example, NASCAR drivers may receive five bonus points for leading a lap, and an additional five points for leading the most laps.
class xs:string optional
An open placeholder for categorization.
comment xs:string optional
A comment or highlight on this driver.
competition QCodeType optional
The key of the league or competition for which the player or team generated the stats.
distance xs:string optional
Measure of distance for the generated stat.
distance-completed xs:string optional
Distance (in, say, miles or kilometers) that driver has completed in this race.
distance-leading xs:string optional
Distance (in, say, miles or kilometers) that driver has led the race.
distance-maximum xs:string optional
Maximum distance for the generated stat.
distance-minimum xs:string optional
Minimum distance for the generated stat.
distance-units xs:string optional
The unit of measure used for distances.
duration-scope QCodeType optional
Indicates what class of events the included statistics apply. Example: those events that went into overtime. SportsML vocab uri:
end-date-time TruncatedDateTimeType optional
The ending date, with optional time, of the event for which the stats are relevant.
event-span xs:nonNegativeInteger optional
Qualifier of "most-recent-events" value for temporal-unit attribute. Specify the number of events eg. 10 for last 10 games.
finishes xs:string optional
Number of races this driver had finished.
finishes-top-10 xs:string optional
Number of top-10 finishes this driver has had.
finishes-top-5 xs:string optional
Number of top-5 finishes this driver has had.
id xs:ID optional
An XML-specific identifier for the element.
laps-ahead-follower xs:string optional
Amount of laps this driver was ahead of the car immediately behind it.
laps-behind-leader xs:string optional
Amount of laps this driver was behind the car that is currently in first place.
laps-completed xs:string optional
Number of laps this driver has completed during this race.
laps-leading-total xs:string optional
Number of laps in which this driver has led the field.
leads-total xs:string optional
Number of total leads this driver has had, presumably during this race.
location-key QCodeType optional
The key of the site,venue or location where the stats were generated.
measurement-units xs:string optional
The type of unit used to measure distance, speed, etc. Could be mph, kph, metres, yards, etc.
money xs:string optional
Amount of money this driver had won.
money-units xs:string optional
Units in which the money attribute is specified.
non-finishes xs:string optional
Number of races this driver had started but had not finished.
opponent-type QCodeType optional
Whether the opponent was a player, team, etc.
opponent-value QCodeType optional
The key of the player, team, division, conference, league or other unit which provide the opposition relevant to the stat.
period-end-date-time TruncatedDateTimeType optional
The ending date, with optional time, of the period for which the stats are relevant.
period-start-date-time TruncatedDateTimeType optional
The starting date, with optional time, of the period for which the stats are relevant.
period-type QCodeType optional
For certain types of periods: overtime, declared (cricket), etc.
period-value xs:string optional
Used for tracking stats and events by period.
points xs:string optional
Total accumulation of points in the league-authorized standings for the season.
points-rookie xs:string optional
Total accumulation of points in the league-authorized standings for the season, amongst other drivers who are competing in their first year.
position xs:string optional
Indicates that the included statistics apply only to while played at a particular position.
races-leading xs:string optional
Number of races in which this driver has held a lead.
record-making-scope QCodeType optional
Indicates that the included statistics apply only to values that set a record, such as a team-high, or an individual-low.
scope-value QCodeType optional
A generic scope indicator. Use only if none of the other coverage attributes are suitable.
scoping-label xs:string optional
A textual description for the scope.
situation QCodeType optional
Final or current score of the team or player.
speed-average xs:string optional
Average speed during the race.
speed-units xs:string optional
Units used for denoting the speed.
start-date-time TruncatedDateTimeType optional
The starting date, with optional time, of the event for which the stats are relevant.
starts xs:string optional
Number of races this driver had started.
stats-coverage QCodeType optional
A relative indication of how many statistics are included in the item. SportsML vocab uri:
status xs:string optional
Whether the driver is running, or is out of the race.
style xs:string optional
An open placeholder for reference by an external stylesheet.
surface-type QCodeType optional
The type of surface (eg. clay, artificial grass, etc.) upon which the stats were generated.
team QCodeType optional
The key of the team for which the player or team generated the stats.
team-coverage restriction of xs:string optional
Indicates whether the item contains information about one team, or
many teams.
temporal-unit-type QCodeType optional
The unit of performance to which the stats apply eg. single-event, season, career.
temporal-unit-value QCodeType optional
The key of performance unit to which the stats apply.
time xs:string optional
Total amount of time this driver has been competing in the race.
time-ahead-follower xs:string optional
Amount of time this driver was ahead of the car immediately behind it.
time-behind-leader xs:string optional
Amount of time this driver was behind the car that is currently in first place.
unit-type QCodeType optional
The type, other than team or league/competition, of the competitive unit for which the player or team generated the stats.
unit-value QCodeType optional
The key, other than team or league/competition, of the competitive unit for which the player or team generated the stats.
venue-type QCodeType optional
The type of event (eg. indoor, outdoor, etc.) in which the stats were generated.
weather-type QCodeType optional
A code for the weather situation in which the stats were generated. SportsML weather codes recommended.
wins xs:string optional
Number of races this driver had won.
<xs:element name="stats-motor-racing-race" type="motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Element motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType / stats-motor-racing-lap
Diagram sportsml_xsd.tmp#commonAttributes sportsml_xsd.tmp#coverageAttributes sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsLapComplexType_speed-range sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsLapComplexType_lap-number sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsLapComplexType_start-time-elapsed sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsLapComplexType_speed-average-lap sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsLapComplexType_speed-units sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsLapComplexType_duration sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsLapComplexType_split-location sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsLapComplexType
Type motorRacingStatsLapComplexType
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
maxOccurs: unbounded
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
alignment-scope restriction of xs:string optional
Indicates that the included statistics apply only to events played either at home or away.
class xs:string optional
An open placeholder for categorization.
competition QCodeType optional
The key of the league or competition for which the player or team generated the stats.
distance xs:string optional
Measure of distance for the generated stat.
distance-maximum xs:string optional
Maximum distance for the generated stat.
distance-minimum xs:string optional
Minimum distance for the generated stat.
duration xs:string optional
The length of time this lap (or partial lap) was completed.
duration-scope QCodeType optional
Indicates what class of events the included statistics apply. Example: those events that went into overtime. SportsML vocab uri:
end-date-time TruncatedDateTimeType optional
The ending date, with optional time, of the event for which the stats are relevant.
event-span xs:nonNegativeInteger optional
Qualifier of "most-recent-events" value for temporal-unit attribute. Specify the number of events eg. 10 for last 10 games.
id xs:ID optional
An XML-specific identifier for the element.
lap-number xs:string optional
The lap number in question.
location-key QCodeType optional
The key of the site,venue or location where the stats were generated.
measurement-units xs:string optional
The type of unit used to measure distance, speed, etc. Could be mph, kph, metres, yards, etc.
opponent-type QCodeType optional
Whether the opponent was a player, team, etc.
opponent-value QCodeType optional
The key of the player, team, division, conference, league or other unit which provide the opposition relevant to the stat.
period-end-date-time TruncatedDateTimeType optional
The ending date, with optional time, of the period for which the stats are relevant.
period-start-date-time TruncatedDateTimeType optional
The starting date, with optional time, of the period for which the stats are relevant.
period-type QCodeType optional
For certain types of periods: overtime, declared (cricket), etc.
period-value xs:string optional
Used for tracking stats and events by period.
position xs:string optional
Indicates that the included statistics apply only to while played at a particular position.
record-making-scope QCodeType optional
Indicates that the included statistics apply only to values that set a record, such as a team-high, or an individual-low.
scope-value QCodeType optional
A generic scope indicator. Use only if none of the other coverage attributes are suitable.
scoping-label xs:string optional
A textual description for the scope.
situation QCodeType optional
Final or current score of the team or player.
speed-average-lap xs:string optional
The average speed of this lap.
speed-range xs:string optional
Either fastest or slowest.
speed-units xs:string optional
The units used for speed-average.
split-location xs:string optional
Used when partial laps are being timed. If omitted, it is assumed that the stats herein are for the entire lap. Sample values include: start | stretch | finish | marker-1 | marker-2
start-date-time TruncatedDateTimeType optional
The starting date, with optional time, of the event for which the stats are relevant.
start-time-elapsed xs:string optional
The time since the start of the race at which this lap was begun.
stats-coverage QCodeType optional
A relative indication of how many statistics are included in the item. SportsML vocab uri:
style xs:string optional
An open placeholder for reference by an external stylesheet.
surface-type QCodeType optional
The type of surface (eg. clay, artificial grass, etc.) upon which the stats were generated.
team QCodeType optional
The key of the team for which the player or team generated the stats.
team-coverage restriction of xs:string optional
Indicates whether the item contains information about one team, or
many teams.
temporal-unit-type QCodeType optional
The unit of performance to which the stats apply eg. single-event, season, career.
temporal-unit-value QCodeType optional
The key of performance unit to which the stats apply.
unit-type QCodeType optional
The type, other than team or league/competition, of the competitive unit for which the player or team generated the stats.
unit-value QCodeType optional
The key, other than team or league/competition, of the competitive unit for which the player or team generated the stats.
venue-type QCodeType optional
The type of event (eg. indoor, outdoor, etc.) in which the stats were generated.
weather-type QCodeType optional
A code for the weather situation in which the stats were generated. SportsML weather codes recommended.
<xs:element name="stats-motor-racing-lap" type="motorRacingStatsLapComplexType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Element motorRacingPlayerMetadataComplexType / metadata-motor-racing-vehicle
Diagram sportsml_xsd.tmp#commonAttributes sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingMetadataVehicleComplexType_number sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingMetadataVehicleComplexType_make-key sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingMetadataVehicleComplexType_sponsor sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingMetadataVehicleComplexType_chassis sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingMetadataVehicleComplexType_engine sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingMetadataVehicleComplexType_tire sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingMetadataVehicleComplexType_make-name sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingMetadataVehicleComplexType
Type motorRacingMetadataVehicleComplexType
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
Model make-name*
Children make-name
<metadata-motor-racing-vehicle chassis="" class="" engine="" id="" make-key="" number="" sponsor="" style="" tire="" xmlns="">
  <make-name creator="" creatoruri="" custom="" dir="" how="" howuri="" id="" xml:lang="" modified="" part="" parturi="" pubconstraint="" pubconstrainturi="" role="" roleuri="" validfrom="" validto="" why="" whyuri="">{0,unbounded}</make-name>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
chassis xs:string optional
The type of chassis.
class xs:string optional
An open placeholder for categorization.
engine xs:string optional
The type of engine.
id xs:ID optional
An XML-specific identifier for the element.
make-key QCodeType optional
A unique identifier for the make of the car. For example:
number xs:string optional
The number written on the side of the vehicle.
sponsor xs:string optional
The name of the sponsor for the car.
style xs:string optional
An open placeholder for reference by an external stylesheet.
tire xs:string optional
The type of tire.
<xs:element name="metadata-motor-racing-vehicle" type="motorRacingMetadataVehicleComplexType" minOccurs="0"/>
Element motorRacingAssociateMetadataComplexType / metadata-motor-racing-vehicle
Diagram sportsml_xsd.tmp#commonAttributes sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingMetadataVehicleComplexType_number sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingMetadataVehicleComplexType_make-key sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingMetadataVehicleComplexType_sponsor sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingMetadataVehicleComplexType_chassis sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingMetadataVehicleComplexType_engine sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingMetadataVehicleComplexType_tire sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingMetadataVehicleComplexType_make-name sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingMetadataVehicleComplexType
Type motorRacingMetadataVehicleComplexType
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
Model make-name*
Children make-name
<metadata-motor-racing-vehicle chassis="" class="" engine="" id="" make-key="" number="" sponsor="" style="" tire="" xmlns="">
  <make-name creator="" creatoruri="" custom="" dir="" how="" howuri="" id="" xml:lang="" modified="" part="" parturi="" pubconstraint="" pubconstrainturi="" role="" roleuri="" validfrom="" validto="" why="" whyuri="">{0,unbounded}</make-name>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
chassis xs:string optional
The type of chassis.
class xs:string optional
An open placeholder for categorization.
engine xs:string optional
The type of engine.
id xs:ID optional
An XML-specific identifier for the element.
make-key QCodeType optional
A unique identifier for the make of the car. For example:
number xs:string optional
The number written on the side of the vehicle.
sponsor xs:string optional
The name of the sponsor for the car.
style xs:string optional
An open placeholder for reference by an external stylesheet.
tire xs:string optional
The type of tire.
<xs:element name="metadata-motor-racing-vehicle" type="motorRacingMetadataVehicleComplexType" minOccurs="0"/>
Complex Type motorRacingEventMetadataComplexType
Metadata about the event itself. | Includes what state the game is in.
Diagram sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#eventStateMotorRacing
Used by
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
flag-state QCodeType optional
The current flag issued within the race.
lap xs:string optional
An integer. 1,2,3,4 for the current lap that (generally) the leader of the race is amidst.
laps-remaining xs:string optional
The number of laps (generally for the leader) that are remaining in the race.
time-elapsed xs:string optional
The time elapsed in the race.
<xs:complexType name="motorRacingEventMetadataComplexType">
    <xs:documentation>Metadata about the event itself. | Includes what state the game is in.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attributeGroup ref="eventStateMotorRacing"/>
Complex Type motorRacingEventStatsComplexType
Statistics about the event itself. | Includes the total number of lead changes, and the average speed.
Diagram sportsml_xsd.tmp#commonAttributes sportsml_xsd.tmp#coverageAttributes sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingEventStatsComplexType_speed-average-race sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingEventStatsComplexType_speed-units sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingEventStatsComplexType_lead-changes sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingEventStatsComplexType_lead-changes-drivers sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingEventStatsComplexType_margin-of-victory sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingEventStatsComplexType_caution-flags sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingEventStatsComplexType_caution-flags-laps sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingEventStatsComplexType_laps-total sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingEventStatsComplexType_distance-lap sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingEventStatsComplexType_distance-total sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingEventStatsComplexType_distance-units
Used by
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
alignment-scope restriction of xs:string optional
Indicates that the included statistics apply only to events played either at home or away.
caution-flags xs:string optional
Total number of flags for race.
caution-flags-laps xs:string optional
Total number of laps there were caution flags.
class xs:string optional
An open placeholder for categorization.
competition QCodeType optional
The key of the league or competition for which the player or team generated the stats.
distance xs:string optional
Measure of distance for the generated stat.
distance-lap xs:string optional
Length of one lap.
distance-maximum xs:string optional
Maximum distance for the generated stat.
distance-minimum xs:string optional
Minimum distance for the generated stat.
distance-total xs:string optional
Total distance of race.
distance-units xs:string optional
Unit of measure for distance-lap and distance-total.
duration-scope QCodeType optional
Indicates what class of events the included statistics apply. Example: those events that went into overtime. SportsML vocab uri:
end-date-time TruncatedDateTimeType optional
The ending date, with optional time, of the event for which the stats are relevant.
event-span xs:nonNegativeInteger optional
Qualifier of "most-recent-events" value for temporal-unit attribute. Specify the number of events eg. 10 for last 10 games.
id xs:ID optional
An XML-specific identifier for the element.
laps-total xs:string optional
Total number of laps for race.
lead-changes xs:string optional
The number of times the lead changed in this race.
lead-changes-drivers xs:string optional
Total number of drivers that comprised the lead changes.
location-key QCodeType optional
The key of the site,venue or location where the stats were generated.
margin-of-victory xs:string optional
Time behind leader for 2nd place driver.
measurement-units xs:string optional
The type of unit used to measure distance, speed, etc. Could be mph, kph, metres, yards, etc.
opponent-type QCodeType optional
Whether the opponent was a player, team, etc.
opponent-value QCodeType optional
The key of the player, team, division, conference, league or other unit which provide the opposition relevant to the stat.
period-end-date-time TruncatedDateTimeType optional
The ending date, with optional time, of the period for which the stats are relevant.
period-start-date-time TruncatedDateTimeType optional
The starting date, with optional time, of the period for which the stats are relevant.
period-type QCodeType optional
For certain types of periods: overtime, declared (cricket), etc.
period-value xs:string optional
Used for tracking stats and events by period.
position xs:string optional
Indicates that the included statistics apply only to while played at a particular position.
record-making-scope QCodeType optional
Indicates that the included statistics apply only to values that set a record, such as a team-high, or an individual-low.
scope-value QCodeType optional
A generic scope indicator. Use only if none of the other coverage attributes are suitable.
scoping-label xs:string optional
A textual description for the scope.
situation QCodeType optional
Final or current score of the team or player.
speed-average-race xs:string optional
The average speed of the race.
speed-units xs:string optional
The units used for speed-average. For example: mph.
start-date-time TruncatedDateTimeType optional
The starting date, with optional time, of the event for which the stats are relevant.
stats-coverage QCodeType optional
A relative indication of how many statistics are included in the item. SportsML vocab uri:
style xs:string optional
An open placeholder for reference by an external stylesheet.
surface-type QCodeType optional
The type of surface (eg. clay, artificial grass, etc.) upon which the stats were generated.
team QCodeType optional
The key of the team for which the player or team generated the stats.
team-coverage restriction of xs:string optional
Indicates whether the item contains information about one team, or
many teams.
temporal-unit-type QCodeType optional
The unit of performance to which the stats apply eg. single-event, season, career.
temporal-unit-value QCodeType optional
The key of performance unit to which the stats apply.
unit-type QCodeType optional
The type, other than team or league/competition, of the competitive unit for which the player or team generated the stats.
unit-value QCodeType optional
The key, other than team or league/competition, of the competitive unit for which the player or team generated the stats.
venue-type QCodeType optional
The type of event (eg. indoor, outdoor, etc.) in which the stats were generated.
weather-type QCodeType optional
A code for the weather situation in which the stats were generated. SportsML weather codes recommended.
<xs:complexType name="motorRacingEventStatsComplexType">
    <xs:documentation>Statistics about the event itself. | Includes the total number of lead changes, and the average speed.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attributeGroup ref="commonAttributes"/>
  <xs:attributeGroup ref="coverageAttributes"/>
  <xs:attribute name="speed-average-race" type="xs:string" use="optional">
      <xs:documentation>The average speed of the race.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="speed-units" type="xs:string" use="optional">
      <xs:documentation>The units used for speed-average. For example: mph.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="lead-changes" type="xs:string" use="optional">
      <xs:documentation>The number of times the lead changed in this race.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="lead-changes-drivers" type="xs:string" use="optional">
      <xs:documentation>Total number of drivers that comprised the lead changes.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="margin-of-victory" type="xs:string" use="optional">
      <xs:documentation>Time behind leader for 2nd place driver.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="caution-flags" type="xs:string" use="optional">
      <xs:documentation>Total number of flags for race.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="caution-flags-laps" type="xs:string" use="optional">
      <xs:documentation>Total number of laps there were caution flags.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="laps-total" type="xs:string" use="optional">
      <xs:documentation>Total number of laps for race.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="distance-lap" type="xs:string" use="optional">
      <xs:documentation>Length of one lap.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="distance-total" type="xs:string" use="optional">
      <xs:documentation>Total distance of race.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="distance-units" type="xs:string" use="optional">
      <xs:documentation>Unit of measure for distance-lap and distance-total.</xs:documentation>
Complex Type motorRacingTeamMetadataComplexType
Metadata about the team. | Specific to the sport of motor racing.
Diagram sportsml_xsd.tmp#commonAttributes sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingTeamMetadataComplexType_metadata-motor-racing-vehicle
Used by
Model metadata-motor-racing-vehicle{0,1}
Children metadata-motor-racing-vehicle
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
class xs:string optional
An open placeholder for categorization.
id xs:ID optional
An XML-specific identifier for the element.
style xs:string optional
An open placeholder for reference by an external stylesheet.
<xs:complexType name="motorRacingTeamMetadataComplexType">
    <xs:documentation>Metadata about the team. | Specific to the sport of motor racing.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="metadata-motor-racing-vehicle" type="motorRacingMetadataVehicleComplexType" minOccurs="0"/>
  <xs:attributeGroup ref="commonAttributes"/>
Complex Type motorRacingMetadataVehicleComplexType
Details on the car, motorcycle, etc., being driven. | Includes manufacturing information.
Diagram sportsml_xsd.tmp#commonAttributes sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingMetadataVehicleComplexType_number sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingMetadataVehicleComplexType_make-key sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingMetadataVehicleComplexType_sponsor sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingMetadataVehicleComplexType_chassis sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingMetadataVehicleComplexType_engine sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingMetadataVehicleComplexType_tire sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingMetadataVehicleComplexType_make-name
Used by
Model make-name*
Children make-name
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
chassis xs:string optional
The type of chassis.
class xs:string optional
An open placeholder for categorization.
engine xs:string optional
The type of engine.
id xs:ID optional
An XML-specific identifier for the element.
make-key QCodeType optional
A unique identifier for the make of the car. For example:
number xs:string optional
The number written on the side of the vehicle.
sponsor xs:string optional
The name of the sponsor for the car.
style xs:string optional
An open placeholder for reference by an external stylesheet.
tire xs:string optional
The type of tire.
<xs:complexType name="motorRacingMetadataVehicleComplexType">
    <xs:documentation>Details on the car, motorcycle, etc., being driven. | Includes manufacturing information.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="make-name" type="ConceptNameType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>A display-name for the make-key.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attributeGroup ref="commonAttributes"/>
  <xs:attribute name="number" type="xs:string" use="optional">
      <xs:documentation>The number written on the side of the vehicle.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="make-key" type="QCodeType" use="optional">
      <xs:documentation>A unique identifier for the make of the car. For example:</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="sponsor" type="xs:string" use="optional">
      <xs:documentation>The name of the sponsor for the car.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="chassis" type="xs:string" use="optional">
      <xs:documentation>The type of chassis.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="engine" type="xs:string" use="optional">
      <xs:documentation>The type of engine.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="tire" type="xs:string" use="optional">
      <xs:documentation>The type of tire.</xs:documentation>
Complex Type motorRacingTeamStatsComplexType
Specific statistics for motor racing. | Includes stats about the qualifying round, as well as for the race itself.
Diagram sportsml_xsd.tmp#commonAttributes sportsml_xsd.tmp#coverageAttributes sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#baseMotorRacingPlayerStatsComplexType_stats-motor-racing-qualifying sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#baseMotorRacingPlayerStatsComplexType_stats-motor-racing-race sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#baseMotorRacingPlayerStatsComplexType
Type extension of baseMotorRacingPlayerStatsComplexType
Type hierarchy
Used by
Model stats-motor-racing-qualifying* , stats-motor-racing-race*
Children stats-motor-racing-qualifying, stats-motor-racing-race
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
alignment-scope restriction of xs:string optional
Indicates that the included statistics apply only to events played either at home or away.
class xs:string optional
An open placeholder for categorization.
competition QCodeType optional
The key of the league or competition for which the player or team generated the stats.
distance xs:string optional
Measure of distance for the generated stat.
distance-maximum xs:string optional
Maximum distance for the generated stat.
distance-minimum xs:string optional
Minimum distance for the generated stat.
duration-scope QCodeType optional
Indicates what class of events the included statistics apply. Example: those events that went into overtime. SportsML vocab uri:
end-date-time TruncatedDateTimeType optional
The ending date, with optional time, of the event for which the stats are relevant.
event-span xs:nonNegativeInteger optional
Qualifier of "most-recent-events" value for temporal-unit attribute. Specify the number of events eg. 10 for last 10 games.
id xs:ID optional
An XML-specific identifier for the element.
location-key QCodeType optional
The key of the site,venue or location where the stats were generated.
measurement-units xs:string optional
The type of unit used to measure distance, speed, etc. Could be mph, kph, metres, yards, etc.
opponent-type QCodeType optional
Whether the opponent was a player, team, etc.
opponent-value QCodeType optional
The key of the player, team, division, conference, league or other unit which provide the opposition relevant to the stat.
period-end-date-time TruncatedDateTimeType optional
The ending date, with optional time, of the period for which the stats are relevant.
period-start-date-time TruncatedDateTimeType optional
The starting date, with optional time, of the period for which the stats are relevant.
period-type QCodeType optional
For certain types of periods: overtime, declared (cricket), etc.
period-value xs:string optional
Used for tracking stats and events by period.
position xs:string optional
Indicates that the included statistics apply only to while played at a particular position.
record-making-scope QCodeType optional
Indicates that the included statistics apply only to values that set a record, such as a team-high, or an individual-low.
scope-value QCodeType optional
A generic scope indicator. Use only if none of the other coverage attributes are suitable.
scoping-label xs:string optional
A textual description for the scope.
situation QCodeType optional
Final or current score of the team or player.
start-date-time TruncatedDateTimeType optional
The starting date, with optional time, of the event for which the stats are relevant.
stats-coverage QCodeType optional
A relative indication of how many statistics are included in the item. SportsML vocab uri:
style xs:string optional
An open placeholder for reference by an external stylesheet.
surface-type QCodeType optional
The type of surface (eg. clay, artificial grass, etc.) upon which the stats were generated.
team QCodeType optional
The key of the team for which the player or team generated the stats.
team-coverage restriction of xs:string optional
Indicates whether the item contains information about one team, or
many teams.
temporal-unit-type QCodeType optional
The unit of performance to which the stats apply eg. single-event, season, career.
temporal-unit-value QCodeType optional
The key of performance unit to which the stats apply.
unit-type QCodeType optional
The type, other than team or league/competition, of the competitive unit for which the player or team generated the stats.
unit-value QCodeType optional
The key, other than team or league/competition, of the competitive unit for which the player or team generated the stats.
venue-type QCodeType optional
The type of event (eg. indoor, outdoor, etc.) in which the stats were generated.
weather-type QCodeType optional
A code for the weather situation in which the stats were generated. SportsML weather codes recommended.
<xs:complexType name="motorRacingTeamStatsComplexType">
    <xs:documentation>Specific statistics for motor racing. | Includes stats about the qualifying round, as well as for the race itself.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:extension base="baseMotorRacingPlayerStatsComplexType"/>
Complex Type baseMotorRacingPlayerStatsComplexType
Specific statistics for motor racing. | Includes stats about the qualifying round, as well as for the race itself.
Diagram sportsml_xsd.tmp#commonAttributes sportsml_xsd.tmp#coverageAttributes sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#baseMotorRacingPlayerStatsComplexType_stats-motor-racing-qualifying sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#baseMotorRacingPlayerStatsComplexType_stats-motor-racing-race
Used by
Model stats-motor-racing-qualifying* , stats-motor-racing-race*
Children stats-motor-racing-qualifying, stats-motor-racing-race
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
alignment-scope restriction of xs:string optional
Indicates that the included statistics apply only to events played either at home or away.
class xs:string optional
An open placeholder for categorization.
competition QCodeType optional
The key of the league or competition for which the player or team generated the stats.
distance xs:string optional
Measure of distance for the generated stat.
distance-maximum xs:string optional
Maximum distance for the generated stat.
distance-minimum xs:string optional
Minimum distance for the generated stat.
duration-scope QCodeType optional
Indicates what class of events the included statistics apply. Example: those events that went into overtime. SportsML vocab uri:
end-date-time TruncatedDateTimeType optional
The ending date, with optional time, of the event for which the stats are relevant.
event-span xs:nonNegativeInteger optional
Qualifier of "most-recent-events" value for temporal-unit attribute. Specify the number of events eg. 10 for last 10 games.
id xs:ID optional
An XML-specific identifier for the element.
location-key QCodeType optional
The key of the site,venue or location where the stats were generated.
measurement-units xs:string optional
The type of unit used to measure distance, speed, etc. Could be mph, kph, metres, yards, etc.
opponent-type QCodeType optional
Whether the opponent was a player, team, etc.
opponent-value QCodeType optional
The key of the player, team, division, conference, league or other unit which provide the opposition relevant to the stat.
period-end-date-time TruncatedDateTimeType optional
The ending date, with optional time, of the period for which the stats are relevant.
period-start-date-time TruncatedDateTimeType optional
The starting date, with optional time, of the period for which the stats are relevant.
period-type QCodeType optional
For certain types of periods: overtime, declared (cricket), etc.
period-value xs:string optional
Used for tracking stats and events by period.
position xs:string optional
Indicates that the included statistics apply only to while played at a particular position.
record-making-scope QCodeType optional
Indicates that the included statistics apply only to values that set a record, such as a team-high, or an individual-low.
scope-value QCodeType optional
A generic scope indicator. Use only if none of the other coverage attributes are suitable.
scoping-label xs:string optional
A textual description for the scope.
situation QCodeType optional
Final or current score of the team or player.
start-date-time TruncatedDateTimeType optional
The starting date, with optional time, of the event for which the stats are relevant.
stats-coverage QCodeType optional
A relative indication of how many statistics are included in the item. SportsML vocab uri:
style xs:string optional
An open placeholder for reference by an external stylesheet.
surface-type QCodeType optional
The type of surface (eg. clay, artificial grass, etc.) upon which the stats were generated.
team QCodeType optional
The key of the team for which the player or team generated the stats.
team-coverage restriction of xs:string optional
Indicates whether the item contains information about one team, or
many teams.
temporal-unit-type QCodeType optional
The unit of performance to which the stats apply eg. single-event, season, career.
temporal-unit-value QCodeType optional
The key of performance unit to which the stats apply.
unit-type QCodeType optional
The type, other than team or league/competition, of the competitive unit for which the player or team generated the stats.
unit-value QCodeType optional
The key, other than team or league/competition, of the competitive unit for which the player or team generated the stats.
venue-type QCodeType optional
The type of event (eg. indoor, outdoor, etc.) in which the stats were generated.
weather-type QCodeType optional
A code for the weather situation in which the stats were generated. SportsML weather codes recommended.
<xs:complexType name="baseMotorRacingPlayerStatsComplexType">
    <xs:documentation>Specific statistics for motor racing. | Includes stats about the qualifying round, as well as for the race itself.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="stats-motor-racing-qualifying" type="motorRacingStatsQualifyingComplexType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    <xs:element name="stats-motor-racing-race" type="motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <xs:attributeGroup ref="commonAttributes"/>
  <xs:attributeGroup ref="coverageAttributes"/>
Complex Type motorRacingStatsQualifyingComplexType
Statistics for the qualifying round of a race. | Includes pole position and qualifying times.
Diagram sportsml_xsd.tmp#commonAttributes sportsml_xsd.tmp#coverageAttributes sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsQualifyingComplexType_grid sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsQualifyingComplexType_pole-position sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsQualifyingComplexType_pole-wins sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsQualifyingComplexType_qualifying-speed sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsQualifyingComplexType_qualifying-speed-units sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsQualifyingComplexType_qualifying-time sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsQualifyingComplexType_qualifying-position
Used by
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
alignment-scope restriction of xs:string optional
Indicates that the included statistics apply only to events played either at home or away.
class xs:string optional
An open placeholder for categorization.
competition QCodeType optional
The key of the league or competition for which the player or team generated the stats.
distance xs:string optional
Measure of distance for the generated stat.
distance-maximum xs:string optional
Maximum distance for the generated stat.
distance-minimum xs:string optional
Minimum distance for the generated stat.
duration-scope QCodeType optional
Indicates what class of events the included statistics apply. Example: those events that went into overtime. SportsML vocab uri:
end-date-time TruncatedDateTimeType optional
The ending date, with optional time, of the event for which the stats are relevant.
event-span xs:nonNegativeInteger optional
Qualifier of "most-recent-events" value for temporal-unit attribute. Specify the number of events eg. 10 for last 10 games.
grid xs:string optional
The arrangement or order of cars in the starting lineup.
id xs:ID optional
An XML-specific identifier for the element.
location-key QCodeType optional
The key of the site,venue or location where the stats were generated.
measurement-units xs:string optional
The type of unit used to measure distance, speed, etc. Could be mph, kph, metres, yards, etc.
opponent-type QCodeType optional
Whether the opponent was a player, team, etc.
opponent-value QCodeType optional
The key of the player, team, division, conference, league or other unit which provide the opposition relevant to the stat.
period-end-date-time TruncatedDateTimeType optional
The ending date, with optional time, of the period for which the stats are relevant.
period-start-date-time TruncatedDateTimeType optional
The starting date, with optional time, of the period for which the stats are relevant.
period-type QCodeType optional
For certain types of periods: overtime, declared (cricket), etc.
period-value xs:string optional
Used for tracking stats and events by period.
pole-position xs:string optional
Position relative to the inside wall, at the start of the race.
pole-wins xs:string optional
Number of times this driver or team had a pole position of 1.
position xs:string optional
Indicates that the included statistics apply only to while played at a particular position.
qualifying-position xs:string optional
Where the car had ranked within the preliminary round.
qualifying-speed xs:string optional
Speed of lap which qualified the driver.
qualifying-speed-units xs:string optional
Units used for qualifying-speed.
qualifying-time xs:string optional
Time received for qualifying lap.
record-making-scope QCodeType optional
Indicates that the included statistics apply only to values that set a record, such as a team-high, or an individual-low.
scope-value QCodeType optional
A generic scope indicator. Use only if none of the other coverage attributes are suitable.
scoping-label xs:string optional
A textual description for the scope.
situation QCodeType optional
Final or current score of the team or player.
start-date-time TruncatedDateTimeType optional
The starting date, with optional time, of the event for which the stats are relevant.
stats-coverage QCodeType optional
A relative indication of how many statistics are included in the item. SportsML vocab uri:
style xs:string optional
An open placeholder for reference by an external stylesheet.
surface-type QCodeType optional
The type of surface (eg. clay, artificial grass, etc.) upon which the stats were generated.
team QCodeType optional
The key of the team for which the player or team generated the stats.
team-coverage restriction of xs:string optional
Indicates whether the item contains information about one team, or
many teams.
temporal-unit-type QCodeType optional
The unit of performance to which the stats apply eg. single-event, season, career.
temporal-unit-value QCodeType optional
The key of performance unit to which the stats apply.
unit-type QCodeType optional
The type, other than team or league/competition, of the competitive unit for which the player or team generated the stats.
unit-value QCodeType optional
The key, other than team or league/competition, of the competitive unit for which the player or team generated the stats.
venue-type QCodeType optional
The type of event (eg. indoor, outdoor, etc.) in which the stats were generated.
weather-type QCodeType optional
A code for the weather situation in which the stats were generated. SportsML weather codes recommended.
<xs:complexType name="motorRacingStatsQualifyingComplexType">
    <xs:documentation>Statistics for the qualifying round of a race. | Includes pole position and qualifying times.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attributeGroup ref="commonAttributes"/>
  <xs:attributeGroup ref="coverageAttributes"/>
  <xs:attribute name="grid" type="xs:string" use="optional">
      <xs:documentation>The arrangement or order of cars in the starting lineup.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="pole-position" type="xs:string" use="optional">
      <xs:documentation>Position relative to the inside wall, at the start of the race.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="pole-wins" type="xs:string" use="optional">
      <xs:documentation>Number of times this driver or team had a pole position of 1.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="qualifying-speed" type="xs:string" use="optional">
      <xs:documentation>Speed of lap which qualified the driver.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="qualifying-speed-units" type="xs:string" use="optional">
      <xs:documentation>Units used for qualifying-speed.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="qualifying-time" type="xs:string" use="optional">
      <xs:documentation>Time received for qualifying lap.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="qualifying-position" type="xs:string" use="optional">
      <xs:documentation>Where the car had ranked within the preliminary round.</xs:documentation>
Complex Type motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType
Statistics for the race itself. | Includes time information and can include cumulative stats for the driver or team.
Diagram sportsml_xsd.tmp#commonAttributes sportsml_xsd.tmp#coverageAttributes sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType_time-behind-leader sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType_laps-behind-leader sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType_time-ahead-follower sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType_laps-ahead-follower sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType_time sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType_points sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType_points-rookie sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType_bonus sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType_laps-completed sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType_laps-leading-total sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType_distance-leading sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType_distance-completed sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType_distance-units sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType_speed-average sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType_speed-units sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType_status sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType_finishes-top-5 sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType_finishes-top-10 sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType_starts sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType_finishes sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType_non-finishes sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType_wins sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType_races-leading sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType_money sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType_money-units sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType_leads-total sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType_comment sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType_stats-motor-racing-lap
Used by
Model stats-motor-racing-lap*
Children stats-motor-racing-lap
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
alignment-scope restriction of xs:string optional
Indicates that the included statistics apply only to events played either at home or away.
bonus xs:string optional
Amount of bonus points driver has earned in this race. For example, NASCAR drivers may receive five bonus points for leading a lap, and an additional five points for leading the most laps.
class xs:string optional
An open placeholder for categorization.
comment xs:string optional
A comment or highlight on this driver.
competition QCodeType optional
The key of the league or competition for which the player or team generated the stats.
distance xs:string optional
Measure of distance for the generated stat.
distance-completed xs:string optional
Distance (in, say, miles or kilometers) that driver has completed in this race.
distance-leading xs:string optional
Distance (in, say, miles or kilometers) that driver has led the race.
distance-maximum xs:string optional
Maximum distance for the generated stat.
distance-minimum xs:string optional
Minimum distance for the generated stat.
distance-units xs:string optional
The unit of measure used for distances.
duration-scope QCodeType optional
Indicates what class of events the included statistics apply. Example: those events that went into overtime. SportsML vocab uri:
end-date-time TruncatedDateTimeType optional
The ending date, with optional time, of the event for which the stats are relevant.
event-span xs:nonNegativeInteger optional
Qualifier of "most-recent-events" value for temporal-unit attribute. Specify the number of events eg. 10 for last 10 games.
finishes xs:string optional
Number of races this driver had finished.
finishes-top-10 xs:string optional
Number of top-10 finishes this driver has had.
finishes-top-5 xs:string optional
Number of top-5 finishes this driver has had.
id xs:ID optional
An XML-specific identifier for the element.
laps-ahead-follower xs:string optional
Amount of laps this driver was ahead of the car immediately behind it.
laps-behind-leader xs:string optional
Amount of laps this driver was behind the car that is currently in first place.
laps-completed xs:string optional
Number of laps this driver has completed during this race.
laps-leading-total xs:string optional
Number of laps in which this driver has led the field.
leads-total xs:string optional
Number of total leads this driver has had, presumably during this race.
location-key QCodeType optional
The key of the site,venue or location where the stats were generated.
measurement-units xs:string optional
The type of unit used to measure distance, speed, etc. Could be mph, kph, metres, yards, etc.
money xs:string optional
Amount of money this driver had won.
money-units xs:string optional
Units in which the money attribute is specified.
non-finishes xs:string optional
Number of races this driver had started but had not finished.
opponent-type QCodeType optional
Whether the opponent was a player, team, etc.
opponent-value QCodeType optional
The key of the player, team, division, conference, league or other unit which provide the opposition relevant to the stat.
period-end-date-time TruncatedDateTimeType optional
The ending date, with optional time, of the period for which the stats are relevant.
period-start-date-time TruncatedDateTimeType optional
The starting date, with optional time, of the period for which the stats are relevant.
period-type QCodeType optional
For certain types of periods: overtime, declared (cricket), etc.
period-value xs:string optional
Used for tracking stats and events by period.
points xs:string optional
Total accumulation of points in the league-authorized standings for the season.
points-rookie xs:string optional
Total accumulation of points in the league-authorized standings for the season, amongst other drivers who are competing in their first year.
position xs:string optional
Indicates that the included statistics apply only to while played at a particular position.
races-leading xs:string optional
Number of races in which this driver has held a lead.
record-making-scope QCodeType optional
Indicates that the included statistics apply only to values that set a record, such as a team-high, or an individual-low.
scope-value QCodeType optional
A generic scope indicator. Use only if none of the other coverage attributes are suitable.
scoping-label xs:string optional
A textual description for the scope.
situation QCodeType optional
Final or current score of the team or player.
speed-average xs:string optional
Average speed during the race.
speed-units xs:string optional
Units used for denoting the speed.
start-date-time TruncatedDateTimeType optional
The starting date, with optional time, of the event for which the stats are relevant.
starts xs:string optional
Number of races this driver had started.
stats-coverage QCodeType optional
A relative indication of how many statistics are included in the item. SportsML vocab uri:
status xs:string optional
Whether the driver is running, or is out of the race.
style xs:string optional
An open placeholder for reference by an external stylesheet.
surface-type QCodeType optional
The type of surface (eg. clay, artificial grass, etc.) upon which the stats were generated.
team QCodeType optional
The key of the team for which the player or team generated the stats.
team-coverage restriction of xs:string optional
Indicates whether the item contains information about one team, or
many teams.
temporal-unit-type QCodeType optional
The unit of performance to which the stats apply eg. single-event, season, career.
temporal-unit-value QCodeType optional
The key of performance unit to which the stats apply.
time xs:string optional
Total amount of time this driver has been competing in the race.
time-ahead-follower xs:string optional
Amount of time this driver was ahead of the car immediately behind it.
time-behind-leader xs:string optional
Amount of time this driver was behind the car that is currently in first place.
unit-type QCodeType optional
The type, other than team or league/competition, of the competitive unit for which the player or team generated the stats.
unit-value QCodeType optional
The key, other than team or league/competition, of the competitive unit for which the player or team generated the stats.
venue-type QCodeType optional
The type of event (eg. indoor, outdoor, etc.) in which the stats were generated.
weather-type QCodeType optional
A code for the weather situation in which the stats were generated. SportsML weather codes recommended.
wins xs:string optional
Number of races this driver had won.
<xs:complexType name="motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType">
    <xs:documentation>Statistics for the race itself. | Includes time information and can include cumulative stats for the driver or team.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="stats-motor-racing-lap" type="motorRacingStatsLapComplexType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <xs:attributeGroup ref="commonAttributes"/>
  <xs:attributeGroup ref="coverageAttributes"/>
  <xs:attribute name="time-behind-leader" type="xs:string" use="optional">
      <xs:documentation>Amount of time this driver was behind the car that is currently in first place.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="laps-behind-leader" type="xs:string" use="optional">
      <xs:documentation>Amount of laps this driver was behind the car that is currently in first place.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="time-ahead-follower" type="xs:string" use="optional">
      <xs:documentation>Amount of time this driver was ahead of the car immediately behind it.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="laps-ahead-follower" type="xs:string" use="optional">
      <xs:documentation>Amount of laps this driver was ahead of the car immediately behind it.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="time" type="xs:string" use="optional">
      <xs:documentation>Total amount of time this driver has been competing in the race.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="points" type="xs:string" use="optional">
      <xs:documentation>Total accumulation of points in the league-authorized standings for the season.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="points-rookie" type="xs:string" use="optional">
      <xs:documentation>Total accumulation of points in the league-authorized standings for the season, amongst other drivers who are competing in their first year.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="bonus" type="xs:string" use="optional">
      <xs:documentation>Amount of bonus points driver has earned in this race. For example, NASCAR drivers may receive five bonus points for leading a lap, and an additional five points for leading the most laps.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="laps-completed" type="xs:string" use="optional">
      <xs:documentation>Number of laps this driver has completed during this race.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="laps-leading-total" type="xs:string" use="optional">
      <xs:documentation>Number of laps in which this driver has led the field.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="distance-leading" type="xs:string" use="optional">
      <xs:documentation>Distance (in, say, miles or kilometers) that driver has led the race.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="distance-completed" type="xs:string" use="optional">
      <xs:documentation>Distance (in, say, miles or kilometers) that driver has completed in this race.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="distance-units" type="xs:string" use="optional">
      <xs:documentation>The unit of measure used for distances.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="speed-average" type="xs:string" use="optional">
      <xs:documentation>Average speed during the race.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="speed-units" type="xs:string" use="optional">
      <xs:documentation>Units used for denoting the speed.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="status" type="xs:string" use="optional">
      <xs:documentation>Whether the driver is running, or is out of the race.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="finishes-top-5" type="xs:string" use="optional">
      <xs:documentation>Number of top-5 finishes this driver has had.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="finishes-top-10" type="xs:string" use="optional">
      <xs:documentation>Number of top-10 finishes this driver has had.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="starts" type="xs:string" use="optional">
      <xs:documentation>Number of races this driver had started.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="finishes" type="xs:string" use="optional">
      <xs:documentation>Number of races this driver had finished.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="non-finishes" type="xs:string" use="optional">
      <xs:documentation>Number of races this driver had started but had not finished.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="wins" type="xs:string" use="optional">
      <xs:documentation>Number of races this driver had won.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="races-leading" type="xs:string" use="optional">
      <xs:documentation>Number of races in which this driver has held a lead.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="money" type="xs:string" use="optional">
      <xs:documentation>Amount of money this driver had won.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="money-units" type="xs:string" use="optional">
      <xs:documentation>Units in which the money attribute is specified.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="leads-total" type="xs:string" use="optional">
      <xs:documentation>Number of total leads this driver has had, presumably during this race.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="comment" type="xs:string" use="optional">
      <xs:documentation>A comment or highlight on this driver.</xs:documentation>
Complex Type motorRacingStatsLapComplexType
Statistics for a particular lap. | Can be used for all laps in a race, or just say for the fastest lap.
Diagram sportsml_xsd.tmp#commonAttributes sportsml_xsd.tmp#coverageAttributes sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsLapComplexType_speed-range sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsLapComplexType_lap-number sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsLapComplexType_start-time-elapsed sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsLapComplexType_speed-average-lap sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsLapComplexType_speed-units sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsLapComplexType_duration sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingStatsLapComplexType_split-location
Used by
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
alignment-scope restriction of xs:string optional
Indicates that the included statistics apply only to events played either at home or away.
class xs:string optional
An open placeholder for categorization.
competition QCodeType optional
The key of the league or competition for which the player or team generated the stats.
distance xs:string optional
Measure of distance for the generated stat.
distance-maximum xs:string optional
Maximum distance for the generated stat.
distance-minimum xs:string optional
Minimum distance for the generated stat.
duration xs:string optional
The length of time this lap (or partial lap) was completed.
duration-scope QCodeType optional
Indicates what class of events the included statistics apply. Example: those events that went into overtime. SportsML vocab uri:
end-date-time TruncatedDateTimeType optional
The ending date, with optional time, of the event for which the stats are relevant.
event-span xs:nonNegativeInteger optional
Qualifier of "most-recent-events" value for temporal-unit attribute. Specify the number of events eg. 10 for last 10 games.
id xs:ID optional
An XML-specific identifier for the element.
lap-number xs:string optional
The lap number in question.
location-key QCodeType optional
The key of the site,venue or location where the stats were generated.
measurement-units xs:string optional
The type of unit used to measure distance, speed, etc. Could be mph, kph, metres, yards, etc.
opponent-type QCodeType optional
Whether the opponent was a player, team, etc.
opponent-value QCodeType optional
The key of the player, team, division, conference, league or other unit which provide the opposition relevant to the stat.
period-end-date-time TruncatedDateTimeType optional
The ending date, with optional time, of the period for which the stats are relevant.
period-start-date-time TruncatedDateTimeType optional
The starting date, with optional time, of the period for which the stats are relevant.
period-type QCodeType optional
For certain types of periods: overtime, declared (cricket), etc.
period-value xs:string optional
Used for tracking stats and events by period.
position xs:string optional
Indicates that the included statistics apply only to while played at a particular position.
record-making-scope QCodeType optional
Indicates that the included statistics apply only to values that set a record, such as a team-high, or an individual-low.
scope-value QCodeType optional
A generic scope indicator. Use only if none of the other coverage attributes are suitable.
scoping-label xs:string optional
A textual description for the scope.
situation QCodeType optional
Final or current score of the team or player.
speed-average-lap xs:string optional
The average speed of this lap.
speed-range xs:string optional
Either fastest or slowest.
speed-units xs:string optional
The units used for speed-average.
split-location xs:string optional
Used when partial laps are being timed. If omitted, it is assumed that the stats herein are for the entire lap. Sample values include: start | stretch | finish | marker-1 | marker-2
start-date-time TruncatedDateTimeType optional
The starting date, with optional time, of the event for which the stats are relevant.
start-time-elapsed xs:string optional
The time since the start of the race at which this lap was begun.
stats-coverage QCodeType optional
A relative indication of how many statistics are included in the item. SportsML vocab uri:
style xs:string optional
An open placeholder for reference by an external stylesheet.
surface-type QCodeType optional
The type of surface (eg. clay, artificial grass, etc.) upon which the stats were generated.
team QCodeType optional
The key of the team for which the player or team generated the stats.
team-coverage restriction of xs:string optional
Indicates whether the item contains information about one team, or
many teams.
temporal-unit-type QCodeType optional
The unit of performance to which the stats apply eg. single-event, season, career.
temporal-unit-value QCodeType optional
The key of performance unit to which the stats apply.
unit-type QCodeType optional
The type, other than team or league/competition, of the competitive unit for which the player or team generated the stats.
unit-value QCodeType optional
The key, other than team or league/competition, of the competitive unit for which the player or team generated the stats.
venue-type QCodeType optional
The type of event (eg. indoor, outdoor, etc.) in which the stats were generated.
weather-type QCodeType optional
A code for the weather situation in which the stats were generated. SportsML weather codes recommended.
<xs:complexType name="motorRacingStatsLapComplexType">
    <xs:documentation>Statistics for a particular lap. | Can be used for all laps in a race, or just say for the fastest lap.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attributeGroup ref="commonAttributes"/>
  <xs:attributeGroup ref="coverageAttributes"/>
  <xs:attribute name="speed-range" type="xs:string" use="optional">
      <xs:documentation>Either fastest or slowest.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="lap-number" type="xs:string" use="optional">
      <xs:documentation>The lap number in question.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="start-time-elapsed" type="xs:string" use="optional">
      <xs:documentation>The time since the start of the race at which this lap was begun.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="speed-average-lap" type="xs:string" use="optional">
      <xs:documentation>The average speed of this lap.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="speed-units" type="xs:string" use="optional">
      <xs:documentation>The units used for speed-average.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="duration" type="xs:string" use="optional">
      <xs:documentation>The length of time this lap (or partial lap) was completed.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="split-location" type="xs:string" use="optional">
      <xs:documentation>Used when partial laps are being timed. If omitted, it is assumed that the stats herein are for the entire lap. Sample values include: start | stretch | finish | marker-1 | marker-2</xs:documentation>
Complex Type motorRacingPlayerMetadataComplexType
Metadata about the driver. | Specific to the sport of motor racing.
Diagram sportsml_xsd.tmp#commonAttributes sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingPlayerMetadataComplexType_metadata-motor-racing-vehicle
Used by
Model metadata-motor-racing-vehicle{0,1}
Children metadata-motor-racing-vehicle
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
class xs:string optional
An open placeholder for categorization.
id xs:ID optional
An XML-specific identifier for the element.
style xs:string optional
An open placeholder for reference by an external stylesheet.
<xs:complexType name="motorRacingPlayerMetadataComplexType">
    <xs:documentation>Metadata about the driver. | Specific to the sport of motor racing.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="metadata-motor-racing-vehicle" type="motorRacingMetadataVehicleComplexType" minOccurs="0"/>
  <xs:attributeGroup ref="commonAttributes"/>
Complex Type motorRacingPlayerStatsComplexType
Specific statistics for motor racing. | Includes stats about the qualifying round, as well as for the race itself.
Diagram sportsml_xsd.tmp#commonAttributes sportsml_xsd.tmp#coverageAttributes sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#baseMotorRacingPlayerStatsComplexType_stats-motor-racing-qualifying sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#baseMotorRacingPlayerStatsComplexType_stats-motor-racing-race sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#baseMotorRacingPlayerStatsComplexType
Type extension of baseMotorRacingPlayerStatsComplexType
Type hierarchy
Used by
Model stats-motor-racing-qualifying* , stats-motor-racing-race*
Children stats-motor-racing-qualifying, stats-motor-racing-race
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
alignment-scope restriction of xs:string optional
Indicates that the included statistics apply only to events played either at home or away.
class xs:string optional
An open placeholder for categorization.
competition QCodeType optional
The key of the league or competition for which the player or team generated the stats.
distance xs:string optional
Measure of distance for the generated stat.
distance-maximum xs:string optional
Maximum distance for the generated stat.
distance-minimum xs:string optional
Minimum distance for the generated stat.
duration-scope QCodeType optional
Indicates what class of events the included statistics apply. Example: those events that went into overtime. SportsML vocab uri:
end-date-time TruncatedDateTimeType optional
The ending date, with optional time, of the event for which the stats are relevant.
event-span xs:nonNegativeInteger optional
Qualifier of "most-recent-events" value for temporal-unit attribute. Specify the number of events eg. 10 for last 10 games.
id xs:ID optional
An XML-specific identifier for the element.
location-key QCodeType optional
The key of the site,venue or location where the stats were generated.
measurement-units xs:string optional
The type of unit used to measure distance, speed, etc. Could be mph, kph, metres, yards, etc.
opponent-type QCodeType optional
Whether the opponent was a player, team, etc.
opponent-value QCodeType optional
The key of the player, team, division, conference, league or other unit which provide the opposition relevant to the stat.
period-end-date-time TruncatedDateTimeType optional
The ending date, with optional time, of the period for which the stats are relevant.
period-start-date-time TruncatedDateTimeType optional
The starting date, with optional time, of the period for which the stats are relevant.
period-type QCodeType optional
For certain types of periods: overtime, declared (cricket), etc.
period-value xs:string optional
Used for tracking stats and events by period.
position xs:string optional
Indicates that the included statistics apply only to while played at a particular position.
record-making-scope QCodeType optional
Indicates that the included statistics apply only to values that set a record, such as a team-high, or an individual-low.
scope-value QCodeType optional
A generic scope indicator. Use only if none of the other coverage attributes are suitable.
scoping-label xs:string optional
A textual description for the scope.
situation QCodeType optional
Final or current score of the team or player.
start-date-time TruncatedDateTimeType optional
The starting date, with optional time, of the event for which the stats are relevant.
stats-coverage QCodeType optional
A relative indication of how many statistics are included in the item. SportsML vocab uri:
style xs:string optional
An open placeholder for reference by an external stylesheet.
surface-type QCodeType optional
The type of surface (eg. clay, artificial grass, etc.) upon which the stats were generated.
team QCodeType optional
The key of the team for which the player or team generated the stats.
team-coverage restriction of xs:string optional
Indicates whether the item contains information about one team, or
many teams.
temporal-unit-type QCodeType optional
The unit of performance to which the stats apply eg. single-event, season, career.
temporal-unit-value QCodeType optional
The key of performance unit to which the stats apply.
unit-type QCodeType optional
The type, other than team or league/competition, of the competitive unit for which the player or team generated the stats.
unit-value QCodeType optional
The key, other than team or league/competition, of the competitive unit for which the player or team generated the stats.
venue-type QCodeType optional
The type of event (eg. indoor, outdoor, etc.) in which the stats were generated.
weather-type QCodeType optional
A code for the weather situation in which the stats were generated. SportsML weather codes recommended.
<xs:complexType name="motorRacingPlayerStatsComplexType">
    <xs:documentation>Specific statistics for motor racing. | Includes stats about the qualifying round, as well as for the race itself.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:extension base="baseMotorRacingPlayerStatsComplexType"/>
Complex Type motorRacingAssociateMetadataComplexType
Metadata about the associate. | Specific to the sport of motor racing.
Diagram sportsml_xsd.tmp#commonAttributes sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#motorRacingAssociateMetadataComplexType_metadata-motor-racing-vehicle
Used by
Model metadata-motor-racing-vehicle{0,1}
Children metadata-motor-racing-vehicle
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
class xs:string optional
An open placeholder for categorization.
id xs:ID optional
An XML-specific identifier for the element.
style xs:string optional
An open placeholder for reference by an external stylesheet.
<xs:complexType name="motorRacingAssociateMetadataComplexType">
    <xs:documentation>Metadata about the associate. | Specific to the sport of motor racing.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="metadata-motor-racing-vehicle" type="motorRacingMetadataVehicleComplexType" minOccurs="0"/>
  <xs:attributeGroup ref="commonAttributes"/>
Attribute eventStateMotorRacing / @lap
Namespace No namespace
An integer. 1,2,3,4 for the current lap that (generally) the leader of the race is amidst.
Type xs:string
use: optional
Used by
Attribute Group eventStateMotorRacing
<xs:attribute name="lap" type="xs:string" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>An integer. 1,2,3,4 for the current lap that (generally) the leader of the race is amidst.</xs:documentation>
Attribute eventStateMotorRacing / @laps-remaining
Namespace No namespace
The number of laps (generally for the leader) that are remaining in the race.
Type xs:string
use: optional
Used by
Attribute Group eventStateMotorRacing
<xs:attribute name="laps-remaining" type="xs:string" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>The number of laps (generally for the leader) that are remaining in the race.</xs:documentation>
Attribute eventStateMotorRacing / @time-elapsed
Namespace No namespace
The time elapsed in the race.
Type xs:string
use: optional
Used by
Attribute Group eventStateMotorRacing
<xs:attribute name="time-elapsed" type="xs:string" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>The time elapsed in the race.</xs:documentation>
Attribute eventStateMotorRacing / @flag-state
Namespace No namespace
The current flag issued within the race.
Type QCodeType
use: optional
pattern [^\s:]+:[^\s]+
Used by
Attribute Group eventStateMotorRacing
<xs:attribute name="flag-state" type="QCodeType" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>The current flag issued within the race.</xs:documentation>
Attribute motorRacingEventStatsComplexType / @speed-average-race
Namespace No namespace
The average speed of the race.
Type xs:string
use: optional
Used by
<xs:attribute name="speed-average-race" type="xs:string" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>The average speed of the race.</xs:documentation>
Attribute motorRacingEventStatsComplexType / @speed-units
Namespace No namespace
The units used for speed-average. For example: mph.
Type xs:string
use: optional
Used by
<xs:attribute name="speed-units" type="xs:string" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>The units used for speed-average. For example: mph.</xs:documentation>
Attribute motorRacingEventStatsComplexType / @lead-changes
Namespace No namespace
The number of times the lead changed in this race.
Type xs:string
use: optional
Used by
<xs:attribute name="lead-changes" type="xs:string" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>The number of times the lead changed in this race.</xs:documentation>
Attribute motorRacingEventStatsComplexType / @lead-changes-drivers
Namespace No namespace
Total number of drivers that comprised the lead changes.
Type xs:string
use: optional
Used by
<xs:attribute name="lead-changes-drivers" type="xs:string" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>Total number of drivers that comprised the lead changes.</xs:documentation>
Attribute motorRacingEventStatsComplexType / @margin-of-victory
Namespace No namespace
Time behind leader for 2nd place driver.
Type xs:string
use: optional
Used by
<xs:attribute name="margin-of-victory" type="xs:string" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>Time behind leader for 2nd place driver.</xs:documentation>
Attribute motorRacingEventStatsComplexType / @caution-flags
Namespace No namespace
Total number of flags for race.
Type xs:string
use: optional
Used by
<xs:attribute name="caution-flags" type="xs:string" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>Total number of flags for race.</xs:documentation>
Attribute motorRacingEventStatsComplexType / @caution-flags-laps
Namespace No namespace
Total number of laps there were caution flags.
Type xs:string
use: optional
Used by
<xs:attribute name="caution-flags-laps" type="xs:string" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>Total number of laps there were caution flags.</xs:documentation>
Attribute motorRacingEventStatsComplexType / @laps-total
Namespace No namespace
Total number of laps for race.
Type xs:string
use: optional
Used by
<xs:attribute name="laps-total" type="xs:string" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>Total number of laps for race.</xs:documentation>
Attribute motorRacingEventStatsComplexType / @distance-lap
Namespace No namespace
Length of one lap.
Type xs:string
use: optional
Used by
<xs:attribute name="distance-lap" type="xs:string" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>Length of one lap.</xs:documentation>
Attribute motorRacingEventStatsComplexType / @distance-total
Namespace No namespace
Total distance of race.
Type xs:string
use: optional
Used by
<xs:attribute name="distance-total" type="xs:string" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>Total distance of race.</xs:documentation>
Attribute motorRacingEventStatsComplexType / @distance-units
Namespace No namespace
Unit of measure for distance-lap and distance-total.
Type xs:string
use: optional
Used by
<xs:attribute name="distance-units" type="xs:string" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>Unit of measure for distance-lap and distance-total.</xs:documentation>
Attribute motorRacingMetadataVehicleComplexType / @number
Namespace No namespace
The number written on the side of the vehicle.
Type xs:string
use: optional
Used by
<xs:attribute name="number" type="xs:string" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>The number written on the side of the vehicle.</xs:documentation>
Attribute motorRacingMetadataVehicleComplexType / @make-key
Namespace No namespace
A unique identifier for the make of the car. For example:
Type QCodeType
use: optional
pattern [^\s:]+:[^\s]+
Used by
<xs:attribute name="make-key" type="QCodeType" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>A unique identifier for the make of the car. For example:</xs:documentation>
Attribute motorRacingMetadataVehicleComplexType / @sponsor
Namespace No namespace
The name of the sponsor for the car.
Type xs:string
use: optional
Used by
<xs:attribute name="sponsor" type="xs:string" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>The name of the sponsor for the car.</xs:documentation>
Attribute motorRacingMetadataVehicleComplexType / @chassis
Namespace No namespace
The type of chassis.
Type xs:string
use: optional
Used by
<xs:attribute name="chassis" type="xs:string" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>The type of chassis.</xs:documentation>
Attribute motorRacingMetadataVehicleComplexType / @engine
Namespace No namespace
The type of engine.
Type xs:string
use: optional
Used by
<xs:attribute name="engine" type="xs:string" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>The type of engine.</xs:documentation>
Attribute motorRacingMetadataVehicleComplexType / @tire
Namespace No namespace
The type of tire.
Type xs:string
use: optional
Used by
<xs:attribute name="tire" type="xs:string" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>The type of tire.</xs:documentation>
Attribute motorRacingStatsQualifyingComplexType / @grid
Namespace No namespace
The arrangement or order of cars in the starting lineup.
Type xs:string
use: optional
Used by
<xs:attribute name="grid" type="xs:string" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>The arrangement or order of cars in the starting lineup.</xs:documentation>
Attribute motorRacingStatsQualifyingComplexType / @pole-position
Namespace No namespace
Position relative to the inside wall, at the start of the race.
Type xs:string
use: optional
Used by
<xs:attribute name="pole-position" type="xs:string" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>Position relative to the inside wall, at the start of the race.</xs:documentation>
Attribute motorRacingStatsQualifyingComplexType / @pole-wins
Namespace No namespace
Number of times this driver or team had a pole position of 1.
Type xs:string
use: optional
Used by
<xs:attribute name="pole-wins" type="xs:string" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>Number of times this driver or team had a pole position of 1.</xs:documentation>
Attribute motorRacingStatsQualifyingComplexType / @qualifying-speed
Namespace No namespace
Speed of lap which qualified the driver.
Type xs:string
use: optional
Used by
<xs:attribute name="qualifying-speed" type="xs:string" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>Speed of lap which qualified the driver.</xs:documentation>
Attribute motorRacingStatsQualifyingComplexType / @qualifying-speed-units
Namespace No namespace
Units used for qualifying-speed.
Type xs:string
use: optional
Used by
<xs:attribute name="qualifying-speed-units" type="xs:string" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>Units used for qualifying-speed.</xs:documentation>
Attribute motorRacingStatsQualifyingComplexType / @qualifying-time
Namespace No namespace
Time received for qualifying lap.
Type xs:string
use: optional
Used by
<xs:attribute name="qualifying-time" type="xs:string" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>Time received for qualifying lap.</xs:documentation>
Attribute motorRacingStatsQualifyingComplexType / @qualifying-position
Namespace No namespace
Where the car had ranked within the preliminary round.
Type xs:string
use: optional
Used by
<xs:attribute name="qualifying-position" type="xs:string" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>Where the car had ranked within the preliminary round.</xs:documentation>
Attribute motorRacingStatsLapComplexType / @speed-range
Namespace No namespace
Either fastest or slowest.
Type xs:string
use: optional
Used by
<xs:attribute name="speed-range" type="xs:string" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>Either fastest or slowest.</xs:documentation>
Attribute motorRacingStatsLapComplexType / @lap-number
Namespace No namespace
The lap number in question.
Type xs:string
use: optional
Used by
<xs:attribute name="lap-number" type="xs:string" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>The lap number in question.</xs:documentation>
Attribute motorRacingStatsLapComplexType / @start-time-elapsed
Namespace No namespace
The time since the start of the race at which this lap was begun.
Type xs:string
use: optional
Used by
<xs:attribute name="start-time-elapsed" type="xs:string" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>The time since the start of the race at which this lap was begun.</xs:documentation>
Attribute motorRacingStatsLapComplexType / @speed-average-lap
Namespace No namespace
The average speed of this lap.
Type xs:string
use: optional
Used by
<xs:attribute name="speed-average-lap" type="xs:string" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>The average speed of this lap.</xs:documentation>
Attribute motorRacingStatsLapComplexType / @speed-units
Namespace No namespace
The units used for speed-average.
Type xs:string
use: optional
Used by
<xs:attribute name="speed-units" type="xs:string" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>The units used for speed-average.</xs:documentation>
Attribute motorRacingStatsLapComplexType / @duration
Namespace No namespace
The length of time this lap (or partial lap) was completed.
Type xs:string
use: optional
Used by
<xs:attribute name="duration" type="xs:string" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>The length of time this lap (or partial lap) was completed.</xs:documentation>
Attribute motorRacingStatsLapComplexType / @split-location
Namespace No namespace
Used when partial laps are being timed. If omitted, it is assumed that the stats herein are for the entire lap. Sample values include: start | stretch | finish | marker-1 | marker-2
Type xs:string
use: optional
Used by
<xs:attribute name="split-location" type="xs:string" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>Used when partial laps are being timed. If omitted, it is assumed that the stats herein are for the entire lap. Sample values include: start | stretch | finish | marker-1 | marker-2</xs:documentation>
Attribute motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType / @time-behind-leader
Namespace No namespace
Amount of time this driver was behind the car that is currently in first place.
Type xs:string
use: optional
Used by
<xs:attribute name="time-behind-leader" type="xs:string" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>Amount of time this driver was behind the car that is currently in first place.</xs:documentation>
Attribute motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType / @laps-behind-leader
Namespace No namespace
Amount of laps this driver was behind the car that is currently in first place.
Type xs:string
use: optional
Used by
<xs:attribute name="laps-behind-leader" type="xs:string" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>Amount of laps this driver was behind the car that is currently in first place.</xs:documentation>
Attribute motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType / @time-ahead-follower
Namespace No namespace
Amount of time this driver was ahead of the car immediately behind it.
Type xs:string
use: optional
Used by
<xs:attribute name="time-ahead-follower" type="xs:string" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>Amount of time this driver was ahead of the car immediately behind it.</xs:documentation>
Attribute motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType / @laps-ahead-follower
Namespace No namespace
Amount of laps this driver was ahead of the car immediately behind it.
Type xs:string
use: optional
Used by
<xs:attribute name="laps-ahead-follower" type="xs:string" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>Amount of laps this driver was ahead of the car immediately behind it.</xs:documentation>
Attribute motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType / @time
Namespace No namespace
Total amount of time this driver has been competing in the race.
Type xs:string
use: optional
Used by
<xs:attribute name="time" type="xs:string" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>Total amount of time this driver has been competing in the race.</xs:documentation>
Attribute motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType / @points
Namespace No namespace
Total accumulation of points in the league-authorized standings for the season.
Type xs:string
use: optional
Used by
<xs:attribute name="points" type="xs:string" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>Total accumulation of points in the league-authorized standings for the season.</xs:documentation>
Attribute motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType / @points-rookie
Namespace No namespace
Total accumulation of points in the league-authorized standings for the season, amongst other drivers who are competing in their first year.
Type xs:string
use: optional
Used by
<xs:attribute name="points-rookie" type="xs:string" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>Total accumulation of points in the league-authorized standings for the season, amongst other drivers who are competing in their first year.</xs:documentation>
Attribute motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType / @bonus
Namespace No namespace
Amount of bonus points driver has earned in this race. For example, NASCAR drivers may receive five bonus points for leading a lap, and an additional five points for leading the most laps.
Type xs:string
use: optional
Used by
<xs:attribute name="bonus" type="xs:string" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>Amount of bonus points driver has earned in this race. For example, NASCAR drivers may receive five bonus points for leading a lap, and an additional five points for leading the most laps.</xs:documentation>
Attribute motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType / @laps-completed
Namespace No namespace
Number of laps this driver has completed during this race.
Type xs:string
use: optional
Used by
<xs:attribute name="laps-completed" type="xs:string" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>Number of laps this driver has completed during this race.</xs:documentation>
Attribute motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType / @laps-leading-total
Namespace No namespace
Number of laps in which this driver has led the field.
Type xs:string
use: optional
Used by
<xs:attribute name="laps-leading-total" type="xs:string" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>Number of laps in which this driver has led the field.</xs:documentation>
Attribute motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType / @distance-leading
Namespace No namespace
Distance (in, say, miles or kilometers) that driver has led the race.
Type xs:string
use: optional
Used by
<xs:attribute name="distance-leading" type="xs:string" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>Distance (in, say, miles or kilometers) that driver has led the race.</xs:documentation>
Attribute motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType / @distance-completed
Namespace No namespace
Distance (in, say, miles or kilometers) that driver has completed in this race.
Type xs:string
use: optional
Used by
<xs:attribute name="distance-completed" type="xs:string" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>Distance (in, say, miles or kilometers) that driver has completed in this race.</xs:documentation>
Attribute motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType / @distance-units
Namespace No namespace
The unit of measure used for distances.
Type xs:string
use: optional
Used by
<xs:attribute name="distance-units" type="xs:string" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>The unit of measure used for distances.</xs:documentation>
Attribute motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType / @speed-average
Namespace No namespace
Average speed during the race.
Type xs:string
use: optional
Used by
<xs:attribute name="speed-average" type="xs:string" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>Average speed during the race.</xs:documentation>
Attribute motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType / @speed-units
Namespace No namespace
Units used for denoting the speed.
Type xs:string
use: optional
Used by
<xs:attribute name="speed-units" type="xs:string" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>Units used for denoting the speed.</xs:documentation>
Attribute motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType / @status
Namespace No namespace
Whether the driver is running, or is out of the race.
Type xs:string
use: optional
Used by
<xs:attribute name="status" type="xs:string" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>Whether the driver is running, or is out of the race.</xs:documentation>
Attribute motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType / @finishes-top-5
Namespace No namespace
Number of top-5 finishes this driver has had.
Type xs:string
use: optional
Used by
<xs:attribute name="finishes-top-5" type="xs:string" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>Number of top-5 finishes this driver has had.</xs:documentation>
Attribute motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType / @finishes-top-10
Namespace No namespace
Number of top-10 finishes this driver has had.
Type xs:string
use: optional
Used by
<xs:attribute name="finishes-top-10" type="xs:string" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>Number of top-10 finishes this driver has had.</xs:documentation>
Attribute motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType / @starts
Namespace No namespace
Number of races this driver had started.
Type xs:string
use: optional
Used by
<xs:attribute name="starts" type="xs:string" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>Number of races this driver had started.</xs:documentation>
Attribute motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType / @finishes
Namespace No namespace
Number of races this driver had finished.
Type xs:string
use: optional
Used by
<xs:attribute name="finishes" type="xs:string" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>Number of races this driver had finished.</xs:documentation>
Attribute motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType / @non-finishes
Namespace No namespace
Number of races this driver had started but had not finished.
Type xs:string
use: optional
Used by
<xs:attribute name="non-finishes" type="xs:string" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>Number of races this driver had started but had not finished.</xs:documentation>
Attribute motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType / @wins
Namespace No namespace
Number of races this driver had won.
Type xs:string
use: optional
Used by
<xs:attribute name="wins" type="xs:string" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>Number of races this driver had won.</xs:documentation>
Attribute motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType / @races-leading
Namespace No namespace
Number of races in which this driver has held a lead.
Type xs:string
use: optional
Used by
<xs:attribute name="races-leading" type="xs:string" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>Number of races in which this driver has held a lead.</xs:documentation>
Attribute motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType / @money
Namespace No namespace
Amount of money this driver had won.
Type xs:string
use: optional
Used by
<xs:attribute name="money" type="xs:string" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>Amount of money this driver had won.</xs:documentation>
Attribute motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType / @money-units
Namespace No namespace
Units in which the money attribute is specified.
Type xs:string
use: optional
Used by
<xs:attribute name="money-units" type="xs:string" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>Units in which the money attribute is specified.</xs:documentation>
Attribute motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType / @leads-total
Namespace No namespace
Number of total leads this driver has had, presumably during this race.
Type xs:string
use: optional
Used by
<xs:attribute name="leads-total" type="xs:string" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>Number of total leads this driver has had, presumably during this race.</xs:documentation>
Attribute motorRacingStatsRaceComplexType / @comment
Namespace No namespace
A comment or highlight on this driver.
Type xs:string
use: optional
Used by
<xs:attribute name="comment" type="xs:string" use="optional">
    <xs:documentation>A comment or highlight on this driver.</xs:documentation>
Attribute Group eventStateMotorRacing
Diagram sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#eventStateMotorRacing_lap sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#eventStateMotorRacing_laps-remaining sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#eventStateMotorRacing_time-elapsed sportsml-specific-motor-racing_xsd.tmp#eventStateMotorRacing_flag-state
Used by
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
flag-state QCodeType optional
The current flag issued within the race.
lap xs:string optional
An integer. 1,2,3,4 for the current lap that (generally) the leader of the race is amidst.
laps-remaining xs:string optional
The number of laps (generally for the leader) that are remaining in the race.
time-elapsed xs:string optional
The time elapsed in the race.
<xs:attributeGroup name="eventStateMotorRacing">
  <xs:attribute name="lap" type="xs:string" use="optional">
      <xs:documentation>An integer. 1,2,3,4 for the current lap that (generally) the leader of the race is amidst.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="laps-remaining" type="xs:string" use="optional">
      <xs:documentation>The number of laps (generally for the leader) that are remaining in the race.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="time-elapsed" type="xs:string" use="optional">
      <xs:documentation>The time elapsed in the race.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="flag-state" type="QCodeType" use="optional">
      <xs:documentation>The current flag issued within the race.</xs:documentation>