SNaP Classification Ontology

Created by Press Association, now known as PA Media, and hosted by IPTC with permission from PA Media
Latest Version
Last Modified
Paul Wilton
Jarred McGinnis
Paul Harman


The Classification Ontology allows assets to be holistically classified using a controlled vocabulary or taxonomy.

Design Notes

Vocabulary instances inherit from the Classification Class thus allowing a Classifiable instance to be classified by them.
This is useful for vocabularies that are not stable. The introduction of new terms into the vocabulary does not require a change of the ontology.
The use of subClassificationOf creates the transitive taxonomical relationship amongst the nodes of the vocabulary. The isClassifiedBy property is transitive over the subClassificationOf Property. The use of the class Classifiable allows any instance or descendant class of this to become classifiable. Currently, Assets are the only subClassOf of Classifiable.
This interface abstraction allows us the flexibility to make other resource types classifiable in the future.

Overview Of Terms

An alphabetical index of the ontology terms, divided into classes, properties and individuals. All the terms are hyperlinked to their detailed description for quick reference.

Classes: | Classifiable | Classification

Properties: | subClassificationOf | isClassifiedBy

Ontology Terms


Class: Classifiable

Label Generic Classifiable Class
Status testing

Generic Classifiable Class - inheriting from this makes the descendant Classifiable by a Classification

Class: Classification

Label Generic Classification Class
Status testing

Generic Classification Class. Vocabulary instances would be of this type.

Object Properties

Property: subClassificationOf

LabelParent-child transitive relationship between Classifications
Range Classification
Domain Classification

Transitive property that allows classifications to be related to parent classifications

Property: isClassifiedBy

LabelProperty that associates Classifications with Classifiables. A subPropertyOf dcterms:subject
Range Classification
Domain Classifiable

Property that associates Classifications with Classifiables. e.g. isClassifiedBy