Programmes ontology
A vocabulary for programme data. It defines concepts such as brands, series, episodes, broadcasts, etc.
This ontology aims at providing a simple vocabulary for describing programmes. It covers brands, series (seasons), episodes, broadcast events, broadcast services, etc. Its development was funded by the BBC, and is heavily grounded on previous programmes data modelling work done there.
This documentation page is a first draft. All feedback on either the ontology or this page is welcomed! Feel free to email the authors mentioned above.
The design of this ontology document is based on the Music Ontology and FOAF Vocabulary specification documents.
The Programme Model
The programme model is inspired from the PIPS database schema, used at the BBC. It describes how brands, series, episodes, particular versions of episodes and broadcasts interact with each other.
By going further on, we can associate to each of these episodes a particular version (which would correspond to a Manifestation in FRBR terms). This version can then be the factor of a broadcast event, occurring on a particular service (eg. BBC One London) at a particular time.
A simple depiction of the different modelled concepts and their interaction is the following one:
Ontology Terms
Automatically generated documentation for the ontology terms.