Sport Ontology
The Sport Ontology is a simple lightweight ontology for publishing data about competitive sports events.
A simple ontology for representing competitive sports events.
The Sport Ontology is a simple lightweight ontology for publishing data about competitive sports events. The terms in this ontology allow data to be published about:
The structure of sports tournaments as a series of eventsThe competing of agents in a competitionThe type of discipline a event involvesThe award associated with the competition and how received it...etc
Whilst it originates in a specific BBC use case, the Sport Ontology should be applicable to a wide range of competitive sporting events data publishing use cases. Care has been taken to try and ensure interoperability with more general ontologies in use. In particular it draws heavily upon the events ontology.
Existing Work
During the development of the Sport Ontology existing work on modelling and publishing RDF data about events and sport was reviewed. These are summarised below:
In addition Epimorphics and Talis consulted and provided considerable assistance in design and sanity checking the model.
Ontology Diagram
Ontology Terms
Automatically generated documentation for the ontology terms.