Resource File Documentation

SportsML includes the concept of a Resource File -- an externally-maintained listing of metadata codes, symbols, or choices -- which help partners to standardize on how they refer to different components of sports data.

The IPTC is committed to maintaining several key Resource Files. However, users of SportsML are offered the option of maintaining their own Resource Files, should the IPTC offerings not meet their needs.

View these resource files by clicking the links at left.

Types of Resource Files

SportsML includes some Resource Files that are usable for all sports, and some usable for particular sports.

Resource File Maintenance

The IPTC plans to maintian one set of Common Resource Files. It is also proposing to appoint Resource File Delegates who have volunteered to keep the various Per-League Resource Files up to date. A central repository maintained by the IPTC would link to the Resource Files maintained by these delegates.

Format of Resource Files

The core format for all Resource Files is in XML, adhering to the "Topic Set" format used in NewsML. Alternative formats, such as text, HTML, and Microsoft Excel, may be supplied for reference, but should not be relied-upon as Master Copies.