Below is an incomplete list of change comments, drawn up between versions 0.7 and 1.0 Draft for SportsML. --------------------------------------------------------------------- From sportsml-core.dtd --------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes made for 0.99 added record-making-scope to coverage-attributes added score-attempts-on-goal and score-attempts-on-goal-opposing to common-stats added optional rating elements underneath team-, player-, associate-, and official-stats added events-all to alignment-scope values wherever you have team-idref or player-idref, add team-key/team-source or player-key/player-source optionally. in core and specific dtd's use "penalty" not "foul" in specific dtds added gender and nationality attributes to player-metadata removed prize-total and prize-currency from tournament-division-metadata folded prize into award element Added optional vocabulary-file elements to sports-metadata Changed age-group attribute of sports-content-qualifier to minimum-age and maximum-age Move attribute lists from being hard-wired into DTD into controlled vocabularies that are in topic-sets. added duration attribute to event-metadata element Changes Made for 0.8: Added possible values to event-status attribute: suspended | halted | forfeited | rescheduled Renamed event-outcome-attributes entity to common-stats Renamed attributes of common-stats: event-score is now score event-score-units is now score-units event-score-attempts is now score-attempts event-score-percentage is now score-percentage (because these four can house stats that apply to more things than just one event, depending upon what's used in the date-coverage-type attribute value) event-points is now event-standing-points Added attributes to common-stats: score-opposing score-attempts-opposing score-percentage-opposing Removed attribute of common-stats: event-rank deleted; use rank element instead Changes Made for 0.7: Added preseason to date-coverage-type attribute Added prize to tournament-metadata added article-ref, photo-ref, audio-ref, video-ref, xref-key to types of sports-content-code cleaned up award's attributes added document-class attribute alongside fixture-key added canceled, postponed, delayed to event-status attribute of event-metadata added these attributes as values for competition-scope (note: these values will be CDATA in 1.0) tournament, team-opposing, player-opposing added career to date-coverage-type (note: these values will be CDATA in 1.0) --------------------------------------------------------------------- From sportsml-specific-american-football.dtd --------------------------------------------------------------------- CHANGES 9/23/02 Added score-result attribute to action-american-football-play (values of made or missed) CHANGES 7/22/02 Added action-american-football-play element and children (replacement for action-pass and action-kick?) Changed line-of-scrimmage to field-line changed in-possession attribute to team-in-possession-idref Added action-american-football-penalty --------------------------------------------------------------------- From sportsml-specific-baseball.dtd --------------------------------------------------------------------- CHANGES 04/08/2002 added errors to stats-baseball-defensive added average to stats-baseball-offensive added wins, losses, saves, event-credit to stats-baseball-pitching made children of team-stats-baseball and player-stats-baseball each be * instead of ? added coverage-attributes to stats-baseball-* elements added runs-this-inning-half to event-state-attributes-baseball added pitcher-idref and batter-idref to event-state-attributes-baseball CHANGES 11/15/2001 added batting-hand and pitching-hand attributes --------------------------------------------------------------------- From sportsml-specific-ice-hockey.dtd --------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes made for 0.9: For action-ice-hockey-shot, renamed player-shooting-idref to player-idref renamed team-shooting-idref to team-idref Made action-ice-hockey-shot only applied to non-Goals. Streamlined attribute names in action-ice-hockey-penalty Adjusted attributes to action-ice-hockey-penalty Changes made for 0.8: Changed goal-type="penalty" to "penalty-shot" Renamed attributes of stats-ice-hockey-offensive goals-penalty is now goals-penalty-shot shots-penalty-taken is now shots-penalty-shot-taken shots-penalty-missed is now shots-penalty-shot-missed shots-penalty-percentage is now shots-penalty-shot-percentage Removed attributes of stats-ice-hockey-offensive goals-for goals-against (use score and score-opposing from core DTD) shots-penalty-(shot-)scored (not tracked) Added scoring-chances attribute to stats-ice-hockey-offensive Renamed attributes of stats-ice-hockey-defensive: shots-penalty-allowed is now shots-penalty-shot-allowed goals-penalty-allowed is now goals-penalty-shot-allowed minutes-power-play is now minutes-penalty-killing Removed attributes of stats-ice-hockey-defensive: shots-allowed (use score-attempted-opposing from core DTD) goals-allowed (use score-opposing from core DTD) goals-against-power-play-average (not tracked) goals-against-penalty-average (not tracked) save-percentatge-penalty-shot (not tracked) Added attributes to stats-ice-hockey-defensive: penalty-killing-amount hits (moved from player-stats-ice-hockey) Removed hits attribute of player-stats-ice-hockey (moved to stats-ice-hockey-defensive) Added empty action-ice-hockey-timeout element (child of event-actions-ice-hockey) with these attributes: global-attributes caller team-idref official-idref Removed these elements (actions not tracked): action-ice-hockey-shift-change action-ice-hockey-player-on action-ice-hockey-player-off Removed own-goal attribute value of shot-type (not tracked) Previous changes: 5/20/2002 enhanced goal-types 6/4/2002 added shot-type and shot-result attribute to action-ice-hockey-shot element --------------------------------------------------------------------- From sportsml-specific-soccer.dtd --------------------------------------------------------------------- Added descriptions Added element time-adjustment* under event-metadata-soccer Added attributes period-added-minutes and period-time-extra in time-adjustment Added fouls-commited under stats-soccer-defensive Added fouls-suffered under stats-soccer-offensive Added offsides under stats-soccer-offensive Added corner-kick under stats-soccer-offensive Removed rating since it was added to the core DTD Added kick-off attributes to event-metadata-soccer Added hat-tricks under stats-soccer-offensive Added score-attempt-method under action-soccer-score-attempt Added score-attempt-method under action-soccer-score Changed shot-type to score-attempt-type under action-soccer-score Added action-soccer-foul under event-actions-soccer Removed: goals-penalty-shot CDATA #IMPLIED Since it's duplicated by shots-penalty-shot-scored Added assists-games-winning and assists-game-loosing under stats-offensive Added shots-shootout-taken and shots-shootout-scored under stats-offensive Removed penalty-status (start | end) #IMPLIED from penalty since it's not used in soccer Added penalty-value under penalty to indicate the penalty value a certain penalty will mean for the player Changed caller-idref to type IDREF and added caller-key and caller-source Added action-soccer-offside Added catches-punches to stats-soccer-defensive Changed action-soccer-penatly to comply with other sport specifics