IPTC - International Press Telecommunications Council
20 Garrick Street, London, WC2E 9BT, United Kingdom
Welcome to the G2 XML to HTML transformer
The XSLT stylesheet "G2xml2Html_{version no}.xslt"
transforms the primarily machine readable G2 XML
into human readable HTML.
The HTML page provides a list of all properties
contained by the G2 item.
These details are available for each property
which is represented as XML element:
- the name of the element (property)
- a value of the element, if there is one
- names and values of all XML attributes of the element
Further the HTML pages add hiearchical structures of the G2 item by
- each property is displayed in a box, see a guide to the different
types and widths of the box lines in the top section of the HTML page.
- coloured regions of the item: the child elements of the root of an
item have their background in a distinct colour. The first element in
a region with a new colour defines the scope of this colourcoding.
- the top elements of any coloured region provides a link
to the corresponding documentation of the XML Schema.
This documentation could be the one of the IPTC web server or
files on your local PC - see below "How to use".
Finally: any major issues with the business logic of G2
which were found in a G2 item are shown in the top region
of the HTML page.
*** How to use:
Check if these files are available in the same folder on your computer:
- G2xml2Html_{version no}.xslt
- G2xml2html-resources-local.xslt
- G2xml2html-resources-web.xslt
Apply the G2xml2Html_{version no}.xslt stylesheet to an XML instance
of any G2 item or a G2 News Message. How this is done depends on
the tools available to you: a browser, a XSLT engine, an XML tool.
Accessing documentation:
By default the XSLT stylesheet uses the G2 XML Schema documentation
on the IPTC web server.
If you want to work offline you can switch to local files.
* Prerequisites are:
- the directory containing the XML instances and the XSLT sheet MUST
be a sibling to the .....\specification directory of the G2 standard.
- the ...\specification directory must contain the folder
-- XML-Schema-Doc-Core (for items at the Core compatibility level)
-- XML-Schema-Doc-Power (for items at the Power compatibility level)
... with all *.html and *.png files. ZIP packages of these
documentation files can be downloaded from the IPTC web server.
* Next you must edit the XSLT G2xml2Html_{version no}.xslt this way:
The 2 lines:
must be changed to:
* now it should work.
If you have any problems with using this XSLT please post to
the NewsML-G2 Yahoo group with its web interface at:
Your IPTC G2 development team
Copyright notice for all the documents listed above:
Copyright 2011 by IPTC (www.iptc.org). All XSLT files and
XML Schema documentation files may be used free of charge.
IPTC G2 Standards documents are published under the
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license -
see the full license agreement at
By obtaining, using and/or copying this document, you (the licensee)
agree that you have read, understood, and will comply with the terms
and conditions of the license.