Third international

Photo Metadata Conference
4 June 2009

"Metadata in a Multimedia World"

Home Speakers  


Conference Sponsor
Adobe Systems Inc




Click on the symbol to the left of a speaker's name to download her or his presentation.


Opening by the Conference chair,
Stéphane Guérillot, AFP, Chairman of the IPTC.


Keynote by Madi Solomon, Pearson Plc

With the collapse of boundaries in the digital world, content is no longer defined by its container.  Text can be in print, electronic, or audio.  Photographs can be a 4x5 transparency, a hi-res RAW or a thumbnail JPEG; video may be a streaming proxy, a DVD, or a downloadable MPEG file.

Users are no longer passive consumers but sophisticated profiles that must be artfully targeted. For instance in the education sector, content can be compiled according to a student’s specific needs and cognitive learning style, and delivered via print or on-screen; Teachers can choose lesson components that speak to their pedagogical strategies and create customized learning objects that incorporate a medley of rich media. How can this proliferation of formats and mash-ups be successfully managed and tracked? 

In this keynote presentation, Madi Weland Solomon, Director of Content Standards, Pearson Plc, offers a glimpse into the world of metamedia, multiple metadata models, taxonomies and rights expression and how traditional principles still apply.



"What is metadata"

Max Wieberneit, Corbis (Germany): Metadata for still and moving images at Corbis.


Lionel Faucher, AkaMedia: How a video agency uses metadata.

Amery von Schoultz, TT: TT - a news agency is going video

Panel discussion with Q&A from the audience



Getting a handle on video metadata

Frank Biederich, Adobe: Video Metadata and the XMP metadata framework.

Yves Schmid Dornbierer, AntZero: Metadata in a multimedia asset management system

To be continued after the lunch break





Getting a handle on video metadata - continued

Dennis Walker, Camera Bits: Application of Photo Metadata to Video Metadata or Vice-Versa (A case study with the Photo Mechanic software)

Michael Steidl, IPTC: Building the bridge from Photo to Video Metadata standards

Panel discussion with Q&A from the audience



Photo Metadata Follow Up

David Riecks, SAA: Photo Metadata project in the US

Klaus Sprick, epa: Improving metadata interoperability at epa





Metadata automation

Bernd Beuermann, bimacon-Medienservice: How to get the GPS data into your image file - and how to make use of them

Ross Purves, Tripod Project: Using geography to create image metadata

Chris Town, Immense: Automated recognition of content and creation of metadata

Bernd Czichon and Tom Tinervin, Picturemaxx: Reconciling photo metadata accross different systems

Panel discussion with Q&A from the audience

    Wrap up and conclusions by panelists and the conference chair.
17:00   Conference closes