Controlling Node Widths

The width of a complex node is determined entirely by its content (i.e. the widths and layout of the nodes contained in it). That is calculated automatically and cannot be influenced from outside.
Some complex nodes may include a description of the XSD component represented by the entire node (e.g. <xs:complexType>). Such a description is shown at the top of the node rectangle and will be wrapped inside it. As the minimal wrapping width of any descriptions is controlled by the parameter: “DiagramKit | Show in Diagram | Annotations | Wrapping | Minimal Width”, that may also influence the width of the node.
In the case of a simple node, its width is also calculated automatically so as to display the maximum information about the component. However, the width of a simple node is always kept within the range specified with the parameters: It works as follows:
  1. First, the node's preferred width is determined according to its content (e.g. the name of the XSD component it represents).
  2. When the preferred width is smaller than the minimal one, the node's border will be extended horizontally up to the required minimum.
  3. When the preferred width is larger than the maximal one, the content will be clipped so as to fit it into the maximal allowed width (and the ellipsis added to the displayed text to indicate the clipping).

Node Height

The height of a diagram node (both simple and complex) is not limited anyhow and will be determined by the particular node type and its content.