Specify whether to add namespace prefixes to any XML names appearing in the generated documentation.

As you may know, each XML name is not just a string. Rather, it is a vector of two values: { namespace URI, local name }

Any namespace prefixes used in the output documentation originate from the namespace URI/prefix bindings declared in the source XSD files. For a particular XML name, its namespace prefix is generated according to the binding for the given namespace found the nearest to the documentation context where that XML name appears.


Suppose you generate documentation for two XML schemas: schema1 and schema2.

The schema1 is targeted to the namespace associated with 'namespace_uri_1' URI, which is bound to 'myns' prefix. This schema defines some MyType type component.

The schema2 is targeted to a different namespace, however, it also uses MyType, which it imports from the schema1. To reference to that type, the schema2 binds the 'namespace_uri_1' to the prefix 'ns1', so MyType looks in it as:

How will MyType look in the output documentation when this parameter is selected?

In the parts of the documentation related to schema1 you will see:

In parts related to schema2, you will see:
However, both names will be connected via hyperlinks to the same details of MyType type.