Specify whether to process XHTML tags embedded in the annotation text.

XHTML tags are considered any XML elements that belong to XHTML namespace, which is associated with the following URI:

(Specifically, this particular URI, which is used by the templates to identify the XHTML elements, is specified in 'xsddoc.xmltype' configuration file, where you can change it when you need.)

When this parameter is true (checked), any XHTML elements will be converted to normal HTML tags (that is, the namespace prefix will be removed from each tag's name and everything else rewritten as it was). That will make the annotation text look as a fragment of normal HTML, which will be further inserted directly into the documentation output (in case of HTML) or rendered (in case of RTF).

When this parameter is false (unchecked), the XHTML elements will not be specifically processed in any way. The element tags will be simply removed or printed as normal text, which is controlled by "Processing | Annotations | Tags | Other Tags" parameter.


To have XHTML embedded in your annotations work, when generating documentation (both HTML and RTF), check also that "Render embedded HTML" option of the destination output format is selected! (This can be specified in the generator dialog.)