When the "Language" parameter is specified, only the <xs:documentation> elements marked with the specified language code(s) will be process. All others will be ignored.

However, you may have a situation that not all annotations in your XML schema are translated into a specific language. When you generate the documentation targeted to that language, it is preferable to have all descriptions written in it. However, when such a localized description is missing, a description written in some basic language (e.g. English) would also suffice.

Using this parameter you may specify such an alternative language.

The value of this parameter must be specified the same way as of "Language" parameter.

For example, let's suppose that in the "Language" parameter you have specified "de" and the value of this ("Alternative Language") parameter is "en". Then, when German annotations are found only them will get into the generated documentation. However, when a German annotation is missing and the English one exists, it will be used instead.