Specify whether to generate extended names of local elements.

Local elements are the locally defined element components. For more information, please see "About Local Elements" below.

The extended name of a local element is made of its normal name extended with some short info about the possible element location or its type. For example:

configuration (in plugin in plugins in reporting)
xs:complexType (type xs:localComplexType)
here in the brackets are the local element name extensions.

The name extension is needed to distinguish that element in the documentation from other local elements, which share the same XML name, however have different content.

The name extensions may be not necessary for local element with unique names. For instance, some XML schemas are designed (or generated) so that almost all element components are declared locally, except only the root element. At that, all element names may be unique. So, the name extensions are not really needed and will only overload the documentation.

Possible Choices:


Generate name extensions for all local elements.
"for repeating names only"
Generate name extension only for local elements with non-unique names (i.e. whose XML names are shared by any other element components).
Do not generate the name extensions.
${include ../../refs/local_elements.htm}