This parameter group controls the processing and formatting of description found in WSDL/XSD files.

In case of WSDL, the description text is obtained from <wsdl:documentation> elements and placed in corresponding "Description" sections of the generate documentation.

In case of XML schemas, the descriptions come from the content of <xs:annotation> elements. They appear in particular "Annotation" sections of the generate documentation.

HTML Markup

In both cases (WSDL and XML schemas), the descriptions may be preformatted with HTML tags, which can be used in the generated documentation.

There are three ways how you can use HTML in your WSDL/XSD descriptions:

1. XHTML elements

Since, WSDL/XSD files are XML files, you can specify all the HTML formatting in the form of XML tags (elements). That would be XHTML tags (XHTML is an XML adaptation of HTML).

Note that all XHTML elements must belong to the namespace:
If you define your HTML markup as XHTML elements, to have them recognized and processed appropriately, please check the following settings:
  1. The parameter "Processing | Descriptions | Tags | XHTML" must be selected (true).
  2. The HTML/RTF output format option "Text | Render embedded HTML" must be selected. (See: Generator dialog | Output format | HTML/RTF | Options)
2. XHTML-like elements

Another possibility is that you define your HTML markup in the form of XML elements, however without XHTML namespace (i.e. in no-namespace). So, you have something looking like XHTML but not exactly it.

That possibility is also supported:

  1. The parameter "Processing | Descriptions | Tags | Other Tags" must be set "process as XHTML".
  2. The parameter "Processing | Descriptions | Tags | XHTML" must be selected (true).
  3. The HTML/RTF output format option "Text | Render embedded HTML" must be selected. (See: Generator dialog | Output format | HTML/RTF | Options)
3. Escaping XML markup character

At last, you do not use XML elements at all to express your HTML markup. Instead you specify the HTML tags directly within the text by escaping XML special characters, e.g.:

&lt;i&gt;this is my italic text&lt;/i&gt;
That's the worst case and we highly discourage using such formatting. However, some WSDL / XML schemas authors do use it (apparently because of lack of tools able to process normal XHTML). So, WSDLDoc supports this as well.

In order to have such HTML recognized and processed, please check the following:

  1. The parameter "Processing | Descriptions | Encode markup characters" must be selected (true).
  2. The HTML/RTF output format option "Text | Render embedded HTML" must be selected. (See: Generator dialog | Output format | HTML/RTF | Options)