Specifies whether to encode HTML markup characters contained in the description text.

The following table shows all such characters and the entities into which they are encoded:

Character Entity
< &lt;
> &gt;
& &amp; 
Note: The encoding will be done only when the output format supports rendering of embedded HTML, and it is switched on (see output format option: "Text | Render embedded HTML").

The purpose of this parameter is the following:

1. Suppose you use XHTML elements to format your descriptions and some description contains a text like this:

A < B
You need to show the '<' character as it is. Since the whole description will be converted into HTML, that character needs to be encoded. In that case, this parameter should be selected.

2. However, some WSDL/XSD authors do not rely on XHTML to format their descriptions (probably because few tools process it). Instead, they insert HTML markup directly into the description text, like the following:

      This is &lt;b&gt;keyword&lt;/b&gt;
An XML parser would convert such a text into the string:
This is <b>keyword</b>
which could be immediately passed to an HTML viewer or added to HTML output. In that case, the HTML markup characters should not be encoded!

Therefore, if you have an XML schema like this, you should unselect this parameter.