This parameter allows you to customize the initial content of the Detail Frame, which occupies the largest (right) part of the frameset:
(All informative content of the documentation appears in this frame. Other frames are used for navigation purpose.)

Possible Choices:

"Overview Summary"

Preload the Overview Summary page.

The generation of this page is controlled by parameters/groups:

"All Component Summary"
Preload the All Component Summary page.

The generation of this page is controlled by parameters/groups:

"Namespace Overview"
Preload one of the Namespace Overview pages.

Since there may be different such pages (a separate page for each namespace), the preloaded will one, which was generated the first. That is influenced by the parameter: Generate Details | Sorting | Namespaces.

The generation of Namespace Overviews is controlled by parameters/groups:

"WSDL File Overview"
Preload one of the WSDL File Overview pages.

Since there may be different such pages (a separate page for each WSDL file), the preloaded will be one, which was generated the first. That is influenced by the parameter: Generate Details | Sorting | WSDL Files.

The generation of WSDL File Overviews is controlled by parameters/groups:

"Schema Overview"
Preload one of the Schema Overview pages.

Since there may be different such pages (a separate page for each XML schema), the preloaded will be one, which was generated the first. Here is how it is determined:

The generation of Schema Overviews is controlled by parameters/groups:

When the initial page specified with this parameter is not available, what is loaded will be chosen according to the following priority list:
  1. Overview Summary
  2. All Component Summary
  3. Namespace Overview
  4. WSDL File Overview
  5. Schema Overview
  6. WSDL Definition Documentation
  7. XSD Component Documentation
  8. Namespace Bindings Report