This parameter allows you to customize the initial content of the List Frame, which is shown on this diagram:
List Frame is used to display one of the second-tier navigation lists associated with a particular selection in the Overview Frame. There are following types of such lists:
List Description
All Components The list of all components. It is generated only once and may include:
  • All top-level WSDL definitions (services, bindings, portTypes, messages) defined throughout all documented WSDL files.
  • All global XSD components and local elements defined throughout all documented XML schemas.
The exact content is controlled by the parameter group: Navigation | List Frame | All Components
Namespace This list (a separate HTML page) is generated for every documented namespace. It includes:
  • All WSDL files targeting that namespace.
  • All XML schemas targeting that namespace (both XSD files and XML schemas embedded in WSDL).
  • All top-level WSDL definitions, which belong to that namespace.
  • All global XSD components and local elements, which belong to that namespace.
The exact content is controlled by the parameter group: Navigation | List Frame | Namespace
WSDL File This list (a separate HTML page) is generated for every documented WSDL file. It includes:
  • All XML schemas embedded in that WSDL file
  • All top-level WSDL definitions found in that WSDL file
The exact content is controlled by the parameter group: Navigation | List Frame | WSDL File
Schema This list (a separate HTML page) is generated for every documented XML schema (both XSD file and XML schema embedded in WSDL). It may include:
  • All global components defined in that schema
  • All local elements defined in that schema
The exact content is controlled by the parameter group: Navigation | List Frame | Schema
This parameter specifies which of those lists will be preloaded in the List Frame.

Possible Choices:

"All Components"

Preload the list of all components.
Preload the list for a namespace.

Since there may be different such lists, the preloaded will be one, which was generated the first. That is controlled by the parameter: Generate Details | Sorting | Namespaces.

"WSDL File"
Preload the list for a WSDL file.

Since there may be different such lists, the preloaded will be one, which was generated the first. That is controlled by the parameter: Generate Details | Sorting | WSDL Files.

Preload the list for an XML schema.

Since there may be several of such lists, the preloaded will be one, which was generated the first. Here is how it is determined:

When the specified list (HTML page) is not available, what is loaded initially will be chosen according to the following priority list:
  1. All Components
  2. Namespace
  3. WSDL File
  4. Schema
Nested Parameters:
Control the content of particular navigation lists loaded in the List Frame.