Specifies whether to generate the detailed (global) Element Documentation for local elements (i.e. locally defined element components; see also below).

Possible Choices:


Document all local elements the same way as global ones (see below: About Local Elements | Global Documenting).
"with complex type only"
Generate the detailed Element Documentation only for local elements with complex types.

Note: Certain XML schema design patterns avoid using global element components almost entirely. Instead, they define a single global element component that describes the root element of a possible XML document. Any other elements, which may be contained in that XML document, are defined using only global types and local element components. What is more, frequently, those XML schemas also avoid defining element attributes. Instead, to store in an XML document the elementary data normally supposed for attributes, they define lots of local elements with primitive simple types. As a result, such an XML schema contains great a lot of insignificant local element components. When all of them are documented separately (and appear in main element component lists) they may overwhelm anything else. This parameter value allows you to avoid exactly such a mess and properly document your XML schemas written according to that pattern!
Do not generate separate Element Documentation for local elements.

Related Parameters:

This parameter provides the default value for the following parameters:
See Also:
"Details | XSD Component" parameter group, which controls the exact content of the Element Documentation.
${include ../../../refs/local_elements.htm}