Specify whether to show all actual facets that restrict a possible value allowed for this simple content.

The list of actual facets is produced as follows.

First, the initial facets are collected by all types starting from the lowest one (which is either this component itself, when it is a type, or the type directly assigned to this component, when it is an element or attribute) throughout the chain of all its ancestor types (both global and anonymous) until the top ancestor passed or a derivation by list or union reached.

Further, the produced sequence of facets is filtered so as the facets collected earliest (that is defined in lower descendant types) remain and those overridden by them are removed. In particular:

  1. All xs:pattern facets will remain, because a value allowed for the given simple content must match all of them.
  2. The xs:enumeration facets will remain those that are defined in the same type, which is nearest to the given component.
  3. All other facets will override the same facets defined in the ancestor types.
Nested Parameter:
Specifies whether to show the annotation of each facet.
See Also:
Parameter "Details | XSD Component | Type Definition Detail | Simple Content Derivation | Facets"