This parameter group controls how the diagram hyperlinks will be generated. The current implementation limits it to the following possibilities:
  1. The depiction of a global attribute (specified by reference) can be hyperlinked either to the attribute's global documentation or to its local documentation (found in Attrbute Detail section). This is controlled by the "Global Attributes" parameter of this group. When neither local nor global documentation is found, the hyperlink will go to the location where the global attribute is defined within the XML schema source. See "Details | Schema | XML Source" parameters.
  2. The depiction of a local attribute or attribute prohibition can be hyperlinked only to the corresponding local documentation in Attrbute Detail section. When that documentation is not found, the hyperlink will go to the definition's location within the XML schema source.
  3. The depiction of a global element (specified by reference) can be hyperlinked only to the element's global documentation. If not found, the hyperlink will go to the location where the global element is defined within the XML schema source (see "Details | Schema | XML Source" parameters).
  4. The depiction of a local element can be hyperlinked either to the global documentation related to this element component (see "Generate Details | XSD Components | Elements | Local Elements" parameter) or to its local documentation in Content Element Detail section. This is controlled by the "Local Elements" parameter in this group. When neither local nor global documentation is found, the hyperlink will go to the definition's location within the XML schema source. See "Details | Schema | XML Source" parameters.