With these parameters you can select where to look for alternative descriptions of some WSDL definitions.

WSDL has a special <wsdl:documentation> element to specify descriptions of WSDL definitions. WSDLDoc does use these elements to obtain various descriptions, which are placed in the generated documentation.

However, some descriptions may be absent and need to be inherited from closely related WSDL definitions (e.g. an operation binding may have the same description as the corresponding operation in a portType).

Besides that, not all WSDL files use <wsdl:documentation> elements to convey actual descriptions/documentation.
For instance, the WSDL file describing the "eBay Trading API" defines lots of operations, which are documented pretty well in the same file. However, that documentation is not specified in the corresponding <wsdl:operation> elements (via <wsdl:documentation>). Rather, it is found in annotations of XSD components (found in the XML schema embedded in that WSDL) that define the data types of the operation input/output messages.
So, although for such WSDL files the proper documentation can be generated, the relevant descriptions must be looked for in different places and copied from there.

This parameter group allows you to specify that.